Thursday, January 11, 2024

US & UK conduct airstrikes against Houthi forces

They're already here or just arrived so yeah, the US could be hit by a Hezbollah terror attack

Ya'll do know this is just a cover your ass news article right? The threat has been here for awhile. The FBI was talking about this last summer. They're just amplifying it so intel can claim that they did not fail when we're hit.

Open Comment Post. 11 Jan 24


Its never about what you do, but who you do it too that get's your ass in a crack...

Are you seeing this shit?

Yeah this dude did some heinous idiocy but ..... Wait.  Back up.  If this guy had robbed an old lady on the street, banged on her husband while he was trying to defend her and slammed her son who came to help then you might see the on duty cop hitting him with similar charges.

Before it got to trial they would peel back over half of them.


Because someone along the line that is reviewing your work would say you're stacking charges (instead of listing offenses committed...weird huh).

But you notice that they're going full tilt boogey on this guy.  Why? Because it's not what you do but who you do it to that gets your ass in a crack.

Many conservatives amaze me.  They saw all those riots that happened during the summer and think that they'll be treated in the same way as the riot at the capitol?  No way in hell.

The riots on the streets of America affected only the little people. The people that "count" couldn't give a fuck.  The one in DC?  Oh you went after the elite.  You're gonna pay for that one and they're gonna make it hurt and they're gonna make it a spectacle so no one even thinks about it again.

Which brings me to the other part of this thing.

The prosecution of this animal and Jan 6 are warnings.  Don't fuck with certain people or they will destroy your world and take your freedom.

Wednesday, January 10, 2024

Cartel are torturing & murdering prison guards in it just me or are the cartels starting to take on an "ISIS" type flavor?


"Houthis launch a complex attack"....drone swarms are not living up to my imagination of them...

I might be wrong but in the past the US Navy was setup to kill an all sector attack of Kitchen supersonic anti-ship missiles. I'm talking a swarm of those high speed bastards zooming in at supersonic speed hugging the waves.

In that light I just can't get excited about the Houthi effort.  The AEGIS system is supposed to EASILY be able to handle what's being sent at it WHILE engaging a surface threat (meaning enemy surface action group....bad guy destroyers).

Maybe its too much military science fiction but drone swarms had me thinking you'd be seeing like 100 drones being sent at one ship and the crew having to fight them off.

18 against an armada just don't seem like much of a threat.

Politicians don't care that illegals are burdening all of our social systems they only want bodies for votes....

She comes from a majority black district. Her constiteunts are up in arms about the number of illegals filling their schools, hospitals and driving up rent prices (and a ton of other stuff). She doesn't care. She wants bodies for redistricting. Its not about what her voters want. Its about what she wants. I expected Congress to flip major league because so many people are migrating to the south. Looks like the plan is to keep seats by replacing US citizens with migrants there.

Ecuador is going sideways bad....Where is Southcom?

Didn't the US Army stand up brigades to assist in security and stabalization missions? Not the SOCOM bubbas but conventional units? This seems tailor made for those guys. Where they at and why ain't they enroute? This is our backyard. The southern border indicates that south america is a major concern. We should be all over this.

This went bad quick...

Did you know that in many southern states its legal to carry a firearm in your car even without a concealed carry permit? A personal vehicle is considered an extension of your home. Having said that all require that a person inform the LEO that they have said weapon, its location etc....Long story short? Traffic stops are considered routine but they can go sideways so fast...

Canada is losing its mind...

Ok. So I'm for militarizing the southern border. Never thought we'd have to do the same with the northern border but here we are. Shit like this makes me think that Canada is becoming a hostile nation. This makes no sense. Wait! If word of this gets out then maybe all of our criminals will want to move up there! Switch it all. Militarize the border to the north but make it easy exit hard re-entry.

Tuesday, January 09, 2024

Adaptable Deck Launching System


Monday, January 08, 2024

Open Comment Post. 8 Jan 24


UK about to scrap the HMS Albion and HMS Bulwark?

 via UKDJ

Grant Shapps has been tipped to retire two assault ships to deal with a shortage ocrews, it has been reported.

It is understood that the defence secretary aims to retire both HMS Albion and HMS Bulwark from active service ten years before their planned out-of-service dates.

In the words of her operators, the Royal Navy, the role of the HMS Bulwark and HMS Albion, is to ‘deliver the punch of the Royal Marines ashore by air and by sea, with boats from the landing dock in the belly of the ship and by assault helicopter from the two-spot flight deck’.

The LPDs can carry 256 troops, with their vehicles and combat supplies, and this can be swollen up to 405 troops. The ships act as the afloat command platform for the Royal Navy’s Amphibious Task Force and Landing Force Commanders when embarked.


The lust for two big aircraft carriers destroyed the Royal Navy.  Two aircraft carriers and the F-35 smashed them.  They just couldn't afford them but arrogance pushed them into the buy anyway.

The British armed forces are about to shrink.

What will remain is a question but the once "punch above their weight" force is no more.

Sunday, January 07, 2024

Beware a mysterious fog in S. Korea

We're not even 10 days into this new year and so much has already happened. God knows we've probably missed a large part of the thing too.

If this report is true then CIA Direct Action Teams/Navy SEALs are in Iran doing raid shit...


Wow. I wish I lived closed to Fatalville right now. Nah, scratch that. I wish I had info on the movement of Rangers and the rest of the SOCOM. Don't need to "spy" on them, just hangout at the gyms they go to, where they chase women etc...Why? Because if CIA/SEALs/Delta are doing mischief then Rangers are acting as their quick reaction force.

Having said all that, once again, if this is true then its beyond the capabilities of ISIS.

Someone is running ops.

I don't think the Israelis are in a position to get this done at this time.  I don't think they have the manpower OR the infrastructure to get all this done.

The Brits with their SAS & SBS might be helping out but I can't think of another force that would participate (well maybe the Saudis in a DEEP support role...maybe operating FARPS in the desert).

Things are getting goofy and that is not good.

The covering your ass olympics has begun in the Dept Of Defense executive offices

No reason at all for her to say a thing after the SecDef took responsibility. My little harping and the chirping from other defense twitters shouldn't even be an annoyance. Yet here we are. Is it possible that these people are so fickle that perception is more important to them than actually doing the work? Make no mistake the SecDef and Deputy both fucked up. The crazy thing is that ALL THEY HAD TO DO FROM THE START IS THE RIGHT THING and this would have been a non-issue.

China's guide to invading the US (or gun confiscation)

This kid is a problem. One day someone will have to effectively deal with him

JP Morgan analyst predicts Biden will pull out of the presidential race

33ft long anaconda?

33ft long? Over 800 pounds? Nuke this motherfucker from orbit! I bet they have some shit deep in that jungle that will curl your pubic hairs.