Monday, January 15, 2024

You're at home staying warm. Meanwhile Iran is attacking targets (presumably US bases) in Iraq


Wonder if this is just for shock effect or if they're real operatives


Gonna beat on this drum. We have allowed all kinds of vicious people into our nation and no one is ready. Sudden violence is gonna be a reality for many...especially in big cities. I'd tell ya to get ready but I don't know what you would do in your individual location. Do what you can and leave the rest to God, chance, providence, whatever...but prepare if possible.

Having said that I just have to wonder if this is just for shock effect (fear factor) or if they're real operatives.

The location gives me pause.

Real deal dudes wouldn't do this.  They'd seek to blend in with the crowd.

Everything I said earlier still stands but I'm not sure this is legit.

Why do you need a stand in force when targeting seems pretty damn good now?

They keep trying to push the utility of this thing in all theaters but CENTCOM seems to have all the data they need to target everything of worth that the Houthis possess. A stand in force is unnecessary. No need to put forces ashore unless you're going to launch an assault against them, and that would be the US Army since the USMC is no longer an assault force. The bullshit from HQMC that the SIF will "sense and make sense" never carried weight. We have too many forms of intel gathering that it just doesn't sing.

This concept is on its last legs and will be the folly that we all know it to be.

This evolutionary dead end will erode the Commandant's power to tailor the force because one runaway General became hyper focused on one region and one threat and ignored the rest of the planet.  Even worse is that this dead end is probably gonna move the Marine Corps back under the wing of the Navy and end its stint as a separate service.  Arrogance is a powerful drug and too many Majors, Colonels and Generals in the Corps were getting high off it.

Coming to you....the rules are different south of the border and most Americans aren't ready (law enforcement either)

One course on gangs will have people in big cities paranoid as hell. Trouble is coming and the USA ain't ready. I'm just talking about people worldwide that just crossed our borders. Not adding in the other dangerous groups that have arrived. This is gonna be a HORRIBLE decade. Covid will be a minor occurence before all is said and done.

Grandma is gonna beat these charges but she shouldn't...


Open Comment Post. 15 Jan 24


Bundeswehr is preparing for an attack by Putin after the defeat of Ukraine.....Get ready cause 2024 is gonna be another year of manufactured fear


I wanna point out two things here.

1.  The German govt and military are calling it.  Ukraine will be defeated.

2.  If this isn't a purposeful leak/psyop then the German military has serious issues with classified info.  That's a pretty detailed prediction of future events.

But make no mistake about it.

An election is coming up.  The Germans are predicting chaos in the US over the election (fear factor).  The Germans are predicting the defeat of Ukraine (fear factor).  The Germans are predicting trouble in the Baltics (fear factor).  The Germans ARE MAKING A CLAIM THAT THE COLD WAR ROUTE TO THEIR NATION WILL BE USED IN A NEW WAR AGAINST THEM!

I think that Russia will sort itself out and rebuild its strength after the war.

Further conquest is not smart and probably insanity.

They're trying to get everyone spun up.  They can't pull another covid unless they release something that is gonna fill body bags so that's probably off the table.

So instead of real shit they'll just fuck with everyone's emotions.

Sunday, January 14, 2024

I took an Advanced Optics Course. It was awesome and I recommend taking one if you're into self defense


My dept put on an Advanced Optics Course and it was a blast.  Quite honestly although we finished up Friday I'm so pumped up about it that I'm gonna just put out a few bullet points.

*  If you're into self defense or you're an armed professional then this class is a must.  I'm talking about (in my opinion), every law enforcement agency, every REAL security company (meaning that they're screening and not just taking whatever body they can to guard the local walmart), and most definitely every person in the US Armed Forces that carries a pistol and might go in harms way needs to take this.

*  Speed.  You're gonna put yourself in a speed class beyond belief.  Taking the standard qualification course we were halving the time allowed EASILY.

*  Accuracy.  Fast is useless unless you're hitting the target.  That's where the optic really shines.  Not only are you fast but you're accurate.  You're punching holes in the x like its no one's business.  

*  Responsibility.  You're gonna have to put 1 to 2K rounds before its instinctive and to back off old habits (chasing the dot, not getting the pistol up to eye level, etc...).  Running reps daily and doing your dry fire practice is essential.

Instructors were saying that this thing is here to stay and I believe them.  Some will refuse to adopt them and they're gonna be behind the eight ball in gun fights.

Why the USMC isn't running optics on their pistols is beyond me. I'm not even sure SOCOM is but they need to get their act together.

The weirdest thing is that once again the CIVILIAN gun market is leading the so called pros.  Its crazy as hell but here we are.

One of the unsung heroes of modern gunfighting are all the civilian trainers and shooter leading the way in innovation...innovation that is being adopted by forces worldwide.

Expect every dept in the US and much of the military eventually making this a standard part of their kit.

Open Comment Post. 14 Jan 24


Is it time to accept that Govt & NGOs are only profiting from the suffering we're seeing?


San Fran is dying if its not already dead.

I'm far away but I just don't see how anyone that has even a smidge of commonsense could accept seeing their family live anywhere near that place.

But the guy in the video said something that made me pause. It was something like the NGOs are all profiting from this.

Think about all the NGOs that claim to be trying to solve this problem.  Yet we all see this kind of madness.

Are they playing on our heartstrings?  I bought a burger (not at the usual places but a decent little spot) and part of the tab had a place to make a donation to help troubled youth.

I donated but I have to wonder.  Is that money actually being used properly?

The only one I know that works is St Judes.  But the others?  Not so much.

Have we all been being played?

JESUS! The Navy SEAL mishap occurred in 8ft sea swells!



Small boats in 8ft swells?  That has got to be beyond allowable limits.

What the fuck could they have been after to not have SOMEONE in leadership either knock it off or decide on a different insertion method.

No idea how batshit crazy it is to operate in those conditions.  Sit on the floor, close your eyes and imagine being pushed straight up in the air eight freaking feet and then crashing back down.

That's not all.  Now imagine trying to stand up in those same conditions and grab a boarding ladder AT NIGHT...A MOONLESS NIGHT.

Don't get me wrong.  I'm not doubting those dudes capabilities or even questioning their actions (well I guess I am) but FUCK!

No quit in those dudes.

We need to safeguard guys like this.  I don't think we have nearly as many as some of the fat cats think.  Each is a national treasure.  They are NOT to be wasted.

Saturday, January 13, 2024

If this is correct then we lost two Navy SEALs off the coast of Somalia...

This sucks. 

 SOCOM is doing their Olympics thing and probably pushing the envelope to the max. 

 God bless those guys and their family. 

Unrelated sidenote. Is it possible that we can get a RATIONAL foreign policy so we can stop playing TEAM AMERICA WORLD POLICE while the rest of the free world sits on their fucking asses waiting for us to sacrifice blood and treasure so they can sit back and talk shit?

Just wait and people will show you their true face. Having said that the NFL is a greedy ass bitch of an organization

Daly speaks for me.

Just a pic...Rifle/Gear Porn

An all too common but sad commentary on life in America

Just a pic....Nexter Jaguar

Just a pic....Low Level Chinook


Either the Pope has lost his mind or something weird is going on in the Catholic Church...


I have never heard a Pope state that Christianity and Marxist/Communist have a common mission. How could we? Communist don't believe in God. At least in Karl Marx's perfect model of it.
Karl Marx was a materialist, and he believed that the whole of human history moved on, driven by economic forces. This was his idea. There was no place in that system for God, and so from that moment on, communism became an atheistic system. And to this very day it is atheistic.

The Pope is lost and is turning into an embarrassment.  He is destroying an institution he supposedly loves by lowering standards to such a degree that it even accommodate those that deny the existence of God.

Dude needs to retire.  But its the Catholic version of the Marine Corps mess.  Just like the super powerful Commandant, many Catholics believe that the Pope can do no wrong.  Check this out from some of their past leaders...

"Even if he [the Pope] were an incarnate devil we ought not to raise up our heads against him, but calmly lie down to rest on his bosom.” – St. Catherine of Siena

"The Pope is God on earth Jesus has placed the pope higher than the prophets, than John the Baptist, and than all the angels Jesus has put the Pope on the same level as God Himself!" – St. John Bosco (sorry but this is a WTF statement...editor)

"Every cleric must obey the pope, even if he commands what is evil; for no one may judge the pope." – Pope Innocent III

"There is only one; that’s me. I am Tradition." – Pope Pius IX

"The pope is not only the representative of Jesus Christ, but he is Jesus Christ Himself, hidden under the veil of the flesh." – St. Pius X (another WTF statement)

Quite a few baptists leaders believe that the Catholic church is gonna be at the center of the rise of the anti-Christ.  Those statements above make me believe they're onto something. 

Tons of Catholics in LA so I'm not banging on them.  But even they would find those quotes disturbing.

Ecuador went hardcore and deployed the military against gangs and now they're pleading to SAFELY surrender

If you saw some of the vids then you know the Ecuadoran military was NOT playing. Gang members were treated exactly how they deserve. Rough and rugged. They FAFO! This is an example. You do NOT surrender to savages. You confront them and you defeat them. No half measures! Well done!

I would so love to know what this is all about...