Friday, January 19, 2024

Open Comment Post. 19 Jan 24

She'll dig all day and that fighting position still won't be deep enough...


Like they said in the caption...the digging is the easy part. Sort of. She can dig all day and it still won't be deep enough once stuff flies. I wonder. She has to either have just arrived or she's one meticulous soldier. Those boots are hardly dirty and the uniform is clean. She's fair skinned and not a scrap or dirt is on her skin. Regardless. Most women ain't built for this. Not sexist just facts. Hope she survives.

FNSS PARS X 8x8 wheeled armored vehicle prototype

Gotta rebuild my ties with FNSS. I'm late to this. Wonder who I can contact over there to get this kinda news?


The US Army got its Land Based Tomahawk Battery setup before the USMC ....They're out Marine-ing the Marine Corps

via USNI News

Last week, the Army stood up its second Typhon battery at Joint Base Lewis-McChord, Wash., based on launchers used on Navy guided-missile warships.

Delta Battery is the latest missile unit to join the 1st Multi-Domain Task Force’s (MDTF) Strategic Fires Battalion. Composed of batteries from the 5th Battalion, 3rd Field Artillery Regiment, Delta Battery is slated to operate the ground-based Typhon missile system. Also known as the Strategic Mid-Range Fires System, its Tomahawk and SM-6 missiles cover the range gap of 310 to 1,800 miles between the MDTF’s Precision Strike Missile and Dark Eagle Long-Range Hypersonic Weapon

During the activation ceremony, Lt. Col. Benjamin Blane, commander of the 5th Battalion, 3rd Field Artillery Regiment, emphasized Delta Battery’s capability and contribution to deterrence the Indo-Pacific.

“The activation of Delta Battery, 5-3 FA expands our Long-Range Fires Battalion capacity to support our Joint Indo-Pacific Mission – providing a credible, land-based maritime strike capability. Elements of this battery are already projected to operate in the Pacific later this year,” said Blane in the activation’s press release.



I despise FD2030.  I think it takes us off mission and focuses the USMC on region against one foe for a fight against that foe (in that region) that may never come.

Having said that, if I'm wrong (and I'm not), it must be stunning to the advocates of this abomination that while practically breaking the Marine Corps family, destroying the bond between those that came before and those serving now, the freaking US Army quietly got the same shit we're aiming for WITHOUT destroying itself in the process.

Fuck FD2030 advocates.  The damage they've done is immeasurable.  The concept they're championing is stupid beyond belief.

They are as bad as the Muslim terrorists.  They're making our Marines virtual martyrs so that they can die in place so the rest of the force can zoom in ... while giving the politicians a reason to fight if the nation doesn't want to.

What do I mean?

If you have a Marine Littoral Regiment on the Philippine Islands and they get micro fragmented, how can ANY president not decide to engage in the defense of that nation?

Choice is removed if you have Marines dead and dying on the evening news.  

These are foreign entanglement forces and nothing else.  They can't kill.  They are useless for recon in this era.  They are designed to die in place.

US Army moving towards its next gen IFV being a drone killer....US Army thinking around XM30 and the UAS threat, mix of APS and use of the main weapon with airburst ammunition to engage threats.

Note. We (meaning people on this blog) have been talking about this for years now. Every IFV should be a drone killer. The beauty of this is that you maximize your defenses against the threat. The only issue I could see is properly networking the thing. A battlefield network that can allow individual IFVs to target low cost, numerous drones while saving your attached air defense artillery to engage in the higher threats is a winner on all levels. Additionally the idea of getting APS up to speed to handle the small munitions dropped by the drones is just plain brilliant. Infantry will have to understand that when they un-ass their ride they need to get distance then this is a 10/10 on the solution scale.  The USMC could follow suit but we would have to follow the Russian example and mount a 30mm cannon on our JLTVs...but the Marine Corps seems to be de-meching so we're losing ground mobility AND potentially a built in anti-drone capability.  Let's hope there are enough Army units around to help our battalions survive a drone swarm.

Iran’s first VLS missile catamaran


Thursday, January 18, 2024

The US Army's 50mm Cannon (XM913) & the Russian 57mm Cannon will change armored formations


This is a continuation of the small rant about the Bradley IFV being operated by the Ukrainians doing its job.  Its not intended to engage MBTs with its gun but can if necessary.

Weak points are identified and surprisingly available online (check out all the leaks to War Thunder if you don't believe) so we can once again throw away the idea of an invincible weapon system.

The reality is that on the current battlefield, the Bradley operated in a competent fashion under right conditions with depleted uranium rounds can take on all comers.

It's gonna get crazy in the future though.

The US Army is fielding a 50mm cannon on its next IFV.  I expect it to be standardized across NATO.  The 40mm that the Brits and French are looking at just doesn't measure up and they will quickly adopt the Army's solution as the new must have.

Crazier still is the fact that the US Army is doing ground vehicle partnering with manned/unmanned vehicles.  They're even experimented with putting the 50mm cannon on robots.

A platoon of robot ground vehicles being commanded by one manned vehicle will put a serious hurt on a mech infantry company.  If not hurt them then be a serious problem to be dealt with.

Add integrated UAVs that are organic to my mythical platoon of ground vehicles, add a little bit of close air support from Army Apache Attack Helos (assuming the USAF is doing their job and keeping enemy air away AND destroying enemy artillery) and you have a day of hell for the enemy force.

I don't know the possible command/control issues but if they can be worked out then 3 manned command vehicles would credibly be able to take on a battalion of enemy armor.

The revolution in military affairs is robots.  The USMC/US Army have played long and hard with ground robots but that is the future.

Warfare in the near term is going to be too deadly for humans to be the main factor.

If I'm even halfway right the future is gonna be a sight to behold.

Open Comment Post. 18 Jan 24

Wednesday, January 17, 2024

Jesus was yoked!


Everyone is so excited about the Ukrainians using a Bradley to kill Russian armor but this IFV was stacking bodies since Desert Storm


Consider this a minor rant blog post.

Everyone is so excited by the vid of the Ukrainian Bradley kill a Russian MBT.


The Bradley has been stacking bodies since Desert Storm. via Wikipedia...

During the Persian Gulf War, M2 Bradleys destroyed more Iraqi armored vehicles than the M1 Abrams.[39] A few kills against Iraqi T-72 tanks at close range are reported.[40] A total of 20 Bradleys were lost—three by enemy fire and 17 due to friendly fire incidents. Another 12 were damaged. The gunner of one Bradley was killed when his vehicle was hit by Iraqi fire, possibly from an Iraqi BMP-1, during the Battle of 73 Easting.[41] To remedy some problems that were identified as contributing factors in the friendly fire incidents, infrared identification panels and other marking/identification measures were added to the Bradleys.

I don't know why the US Army sucks so hard at thumping their chest and telling their story.  If the USMC had done this then you'd be hearing about it for centuries.

Anyway the kills are impressive but if you want to read about some harrowing close armored combat then I PLEAD WITH YOU TO READ ABOUT THE BATTLE OF 73 EASTING!

It was no joke.  You practically had battalions of armor stumbling into each other and engaging in pitched battles at close distance.

Anyway the point is simple.

Don't fall for the propaganda.  The Ukrainians are doing something magical.  They're using the vehicles as intended and just like the Abrams has identified weak spots that were exploited so does the T-90.  Add to it the depleted uranium that I'm almost positive the Ukrainians were using and you have a tank on a plate, especially if its conducting solo ops, which the tank in the video was doing.

Another drone launch by the Houthis. If we can't deter the Houthis how are we gonna deter China?

I trust that everyone has seen enough to come to the conclusion that deterrence is a sad and failed concept. If we can't deter the Houthis then how can we deter China? How can we deter anyone? So why has the US failed to deter the Houthis? Because we have not used credible lethal force against them. Much talk. Much chest thumping but little actual action. Without strong leadership and resolve, deterrence is a joke.

A weak administration means there is no deterrence.  

We have a weak administration so the Houthis, Iran and others view all the tough talk as the whining of a weakling, not a threat they should worry about.

Told ya'll! This will be the year of fear. Chinese lab crafts mutant COVID-19 strain with 100% kill streak in ‘humanized’ mice


I get mad scientist making a crazy deadly virus. I don't get "humanized" mice. How the fuck do you "humanize" a mouse???

Open Comment Post. 17 Jan 24


Should the USMC have 3 different divisions?

 A reader (Noble) wrote this...

Ah. Yeah I think all three MEFs should be structured differently.

I MEF = Pacific counter-attack

II MEF = amphibious mechanized (should have a tank regiment with all 3 tank battalions consolidated under it), focused on Europe and MENA

III MEF = Sea denial and littoral/brown water maneuver, "first 30 days" force to blunt Chinese offensive actions

I could get behind this but...what does a Pacific counter-attack force look like?

I still have a problem with III MEF being a dedicated sea denial force.  Maybe a few battalions but the entire III MEF as a missile force?  Recon & Counter Recon force?  Seems like a waste.  As its being built its too damn light to do anything and we have all the ISR we need without throwing bodies at it.

II MEF sounds like the legacy Marine Corps so you know I'm good with'll probably be so damn busy that it'll get reinforced with units taken from I MEF to bolster it if we follow this plan.

What say ya'll? 

Not being sexist but these women aren't built for this....

Ukraine has lost its sons (the ones that stayed) and now its about to lose its daughters. Ukraine will be a nation in name only at this rate. Even if they win they've lost it all. Zelensky seriously needs to look at the spreadsheet and cut his losses.

Everyone is going crazy over the Bradley kill of an MBT (vid below), but everyone forgot that an LAV-25 once diced a T-72 in the 1st Gulf War

IFVs and Recon vehicles have been getting kills on MBTs for awhile now. The biggest example is the S. African Rooivalk getting kills on enemy MBTs down there. Things are gonna get interesting if the US Army ever gets that 50mm cannon going. Shits gonna get real goofy if you can put that 50mm cannon on a ground robot and have that thing zooming around the battlefield by some 18 year old 5K miles away in a US Army gaming building with those sociopathetic little fuckers jacked up on monster energy drinks, dorritos and a few illegal drugs.

Tuesday, January 16, 2024

A big heart will get you killed. Don't let compassion lead you to a terrible death...


Wow. Alot of people are applauding this. I think its batshit stupid. Want to know my issues?

1.  If a gun is pointed then the time for talk is over.  He pointed a gun at you.  He dies or is seriously injured.  Full stop.
2.  He picked your house once.  He will do it again if you allow him to go unpunished.
3.  He has the layout of your house now.  He is getting a good view of where you and your wife sleeps.  Your kids rooms.  If you have a dog or not.  Security camera layout.
4.  He knows you're armed.  
5.  You handled him solo.  Will you handle him when he comes back with his "boys"?

Compassion will get you killed.  You know how to handle this stuff. You know the ramifications if you don't.  Never hesitate and always protect yourself and your family.

If you can't then you deserve the misery you're gonna get.

Now things are gonna get spicey....Iranian missiles destroy Mossad HQ in Iraqi Kurdistan: IRGC

Ok. So we just had the first Republican primary and now this shit kicks off? I told you its was gonna be the year of manufacturered fear and here we go! This is coming from Iran so that has to be taken with a grain of salt but if true then how did it happen? We're seeing intel failure after intel failure ain't we? Additionally didn't we just send additional anti-air to Iran to cover all our assets? Amazing. From my chair the powers that be WANT Americans living in fear. I refuse. Bring the pain. Bring the misery. I'll luxuriate in it but I'm tired of being played. Tilt the world...don't care. Fuck with our nation and our people then I expect 110% savagery on a biblical level. Only thing left to say is that maybe its time to hit the elite instead of each other?

Monday, January 15, 2024

Women have lost their minds...or rather this one has.

Notice this "female" said everything that a man should do to be "high value" but never mentioned what she does to be put herself in that category. Trust and believe oral skills, fake breasts and ass implants along with fake nails, too damn much make up and a snippy attitude sure don't make her that. In this day and age it makes her extremely ordinary. I see that 1000 times a day and most of you do too. The saddest part is that so many think this way.

Thread on CZ Pandur II EVO/NG IFV (follow Daniel of Bohemia for great info on the CZ armed forces)