Thursday, February 01, 2024

BAE delivers first test vehicle of the ACV 30mm....still don't know how this fits with FD2030


Ya know what proponents of FD2030 won't tell you? That maneuver is dead with least ground maneuver. Even if the ACV-30 is for use in the "littoral" environment it still doesn't match up with the concept as presented. The new Marine Corps is all about recon/counter recon. Eyes and ears of the joint force and all that bullshit. So why are they even buying the ACV much less the ACV-30? As things stand the USMC is no longer capable of sustained land combat. It has destroyed the Ground Combat Element and turned the Marine Corps into Naval Infantry with a few missiles. Make the ACV buy (in any form) make sense with the FD2030 concept!

The US is playing games with retaliating against Iran....its just drama for the masses...

Exhibit Number 1. So we're about to hit a country and basically discuss targets with them? Interesting tactic. 

Exhibit Number 2. Check the dates on this. We first heard that we will strike Iran hard. Then it was "talk to Iran to get approved targets for a strike". Now its we're gonna hit Iranian personnel in Iraq and Syria? Bet you big money that those bases will be cleared of "essential" personnel. I wouldn't doubt that they fill it with people facing the death penalty so that the US can get a body count. If you have been keeping up with the news then you know that we've capitulated to Iran. There will be strikes but they will of no consequence. Quite honestly we'd do better to save our munitions for REAL targets, not this made for TV drama.

Wednesday, January 31, 2024

All this "carbon" frenzy is madness...Do you know what percent of our atmosphere is CO2?


Sunday, January 28, 2024

Clap for that you stupid bastards...


African Mercenaries in the service of the Russian Army...

Can't lie. This always fucks me everytime I see an African in Russian service. I've been schooled by Russian readers that they have many Africans attending university in Russia (never knew that...and we know what happened to Africans in Ukraine at the start of the invasion), that the Wagner Group has good relations and does much training in African nations (weird cause you see all the Nazi tattoos...but then again the original Nazis used African troops too) but perhaps more importantly Putin is a rock star on that continent (another miss by the US State Dept...Russia and China are running around all over there). This war will demand much study. The dynamics are beyond interesting and while the Western alliance is easily understood, I think many here have totally missed how much support Russia has in this conflict.


African mercenaries in service in the Russian army.
byu/PjeterPannos inUkraineWarVideoReport

Saturday, January 27, 2024

First we had Europe fearmongering over a Russian invasion, now they're going goofy about a 2nd Trump term...I don't get it...

 via DW

The more likely it seems that Donald Trump will be the Republican Party's nominee for the US presidency, the louder the voices become that warn Europe to prepare itself for a second Trump term in the White House.

In an interview with French public broadcaster France 2, Christine Lagarde, president of the European Central Bank, described the possible election of Donald Trump as a "clear threat" to Europe.

Belgian Prime Minister Alexander De Croo told the European Parliament in mid-January that "if 2024 brings us 'America First' again, it is really more than ever 'Europe on its own.'"

In a paper published by the European Council on Foreign Relations (ECFR) think tank, former Swedish Prime Minister Carl Bildt predicted far-reaching global consequences if Trump were reelected.

This I don't understand.  The EU wants China to treat it as a superpower.  I would assume they want the US to do the same. The only thing I can think is that the free ride will be over and that they'll have to concentrate on their own defense.

If we take it to its ultimate extreme then they would also have to develop and put into service their own nuclear weapons.  Another drain from societal programs that are necessary if they are to "go it alone". 

Sudha David-Wilp, the director of the Berlin office of the German Marshall Fund, a think tank funded by the US government, the German government and the EU Commission, told DW that her main concern was over Europe's military capabilities.

"It's very important that Europe becomes a strong actor, militarily, in a conventional sense, that it's able to take care of security issues in its immediate neighborhood," David-Wilp said.

In addition, she said, Europe must also "be a strong partner for Asia, for Europe, when it comes to warding off external threats from authoritarian forces, and also get strong economically to prepare for potential protectionist measures from a second President Trump term."  

Jรผrgen Hardt, a conservative lawmaker with Germany's federal parliament, the Bundestag, said he fears that Germany is ill-prepared for a second term with Trump.

I don't get this one at all.  They talk about Russia coming to gobble up the EU.  Wouldn't that automatically assume that they would plus up their defenses?  At the height of the Cold War, it was assumed that Europe would have to hold on for about 30 days for the US Army to get its armored divisions over to Europe.

That wouldn't change but they would have to hold the line.  From what the Ukraine/Russia war has shown us, only Poland and perhaps France are actually ready to do so.

Even with us they need to get their house in order.

Story here 

2024 will be the year of fear...brought to you by the elite... 

Mercy for monsters, even teenage monsters only leads to more grief...society must protect itself before handing out misguided mercy

Read this and tell me it doesn't have you wanting to punch walls...

Farmers in France are going hardcore...things are getting real


Full court press is on for the Biden immigration bill. Check out this report from a Fox News reporter.

Note. If you trust those idiots at Fox News then you're a fool. They're part of the establishment and do their bidding. They simply pick issues that they want you to focus on. Think about the last few days. They were all over the Trump trial and no one in my circle gives two fucks. They only "added" the news of 25 states siding with Texas just to keep their core viewers with them. All major media is corrupt.

Ukrainian Infantry Woman struggles with getting into an "assaulting" mood while on her period


She better get in the mood, but it won't be a problem. Once she starts getting shot at her period will be the last thing on her mind. Why aren't we seeing any real world talk about female performance in combat since we supposedly have two examples going on at the same time? Since Ukraine is the "peer" example then I would hope all kinds of studies would be going on now. I still find it disgusting that a society would gleefully send its women to war, but that's just my ancient, caveman, ignorant thinking. Everyone else is good with it but I'll happily be wrong solo.

Friday, January 26, 2024

Military discipline is about to take ANOTHER nose dive. Navy to allow those without high school diploma or GED to enlist.

Think about this people. If a youngster isn't disciplined enough to make thru school to get his high school diploma in this day and age then you know he's fucked up. I know there are a FEW exceptions but let's be real. The Navy is scrapping the bottom of the barrel. This new force is supposed to be high tech and now these type of people are being allowed in? Discipline in the service is about to take a real hit and I don't think the officers and senior enlisted are ready. I don't know cause I wasn't there but I've heard old skool dudes talking about some of the shit they were dealing with in the 60s and 70s. That happen in this force? Today? Armed robberies on base, drug use on base, rapes on base and all the other ills on base are gonna explode. All these naval facilities are soon to look like little Chicago. Add this to everything else going on with the military and if I know a young man or woman of worth that is talking about joining the force,  I WILL DO EVERYTHING IN MY POWER to talk them out of it.

Sorry Biden & Senate. NOT FUCKING GOOD ENOUGH!

The US State Dept is only now realizing that UN agencies aid terrorists?


Biden admin is going to try to strangle and starve Texas economically? Good're going to tag the entire south with that plan, especially alot of Dem cities


The Biden admin will be stupid to try.  They might but it will be insanity on steroids.


People don't understand the landscape and how Texas is basically one anchor in the south.  How is that?  Just look at the coast.

You have an entire megaplex of industrial plants that refine oil, plastics and thousands of other things.  The oil and gas industry offshore.

Tying all this together is the I-10 corridor.

So where is this exactly?  Just follow the I-10 east from Houston all the way to Florida.

Starve Texas and you have a ripple effect all along that corridor.  All those industries are intertwined and the amount of truck traffic shows this. 

Additionally you have the port of New Orleans and Houston that supply many Americans outside the south, not to mention the other big ports long the coast.

Ya'll don't understand but we actually get outside down here.  Not just to play but to work.  We are environmentalist with commonsense.

We have industry here that the rest of the country won't touch because of the green freaks that worship the planet instead of God.

But the biggest thing is that the politics are terrible.  This is putting the Senate Republicans in a pickle.  They want to revert to their go along to get along and get into cocktail parties stance but this ain't letting them.

If Biden follows the advice of the idiot left this thing will blow up.

I hope he does.

Pass the popcorn cause people are pissed. 

KTO Rosomak wheeled combat vehicles with ZSSW-30 unmanned turret


China tells Iran to control the Houthis...


Don't get excited. This is self interest at work. World trade is taking a hit. We already have worldwide inflation and shipping costs will go up the longer the Houthis are targeting merchant shipping. The weird thing is that the Houthis cracked the code. You don't go after a nation's warships, you go after world trade. Just imagine that they were really determined to do damage. Just think what would happen if a merchant ship hit a mine! Can you see the US Navy trying to conduct a demining operations while also fighting off drones and anti-ship missiles? THAT WOULD BE A LOOK AT FUTURE NAVAL WARFARE! It won't happen, the Houthis have already slowed down and that part of this saga is almost behind us.

One question though.

Did the US Navy finally stepping up attacks settle this situation or did the late statement by China (which the Biden admin had been begging for help) do it?

From my chair it was the US Navy finally deciding to conduct serious strikes.

China sees how this is going and is looking for cheap brownie points.

Here is ONE identified terrorist of MANY UNIDENTIFIED terrorists that have crossed our border and YOU say this isn't an invasion?


Not too worried. These clowns will be headed to the big cities and I live in a rural area. This isn't for everyone but only for the open border advocates. This is what the Biden admin is letting into our country. These are the people that will be going after you at your work, your homes or your children at school. They're here and the policies that YOU support allowed this travesty. Pain is coming. I hope you reap the whirlwind cause you fucks damn sure sowed the wind.

“They sow the wind and reap the whirlwind. The stalk has no head; it will produce no flour. Were it to yield grain, foreigners would swallow it up.
Hosea 8:7

GDLS completes testing of their ARV (press release)

Textron is a home state corporation so they have my backing. I can't lie though. I'm intrigued by the GDLS offering. The hull form alone is worthy of conversation. Having said that Textron is more upfront with the public. They let you see their offering. They give you a peek behind the curtain. (CORRECTED~!~! I had originally posted it as GDLS but it was LOCKHEED MARTIN!!!) GDLS has been in a crouch ever since the ACV competition, for whatever reason and despite them being a premier defense corporation they kinda shit the bed with their entry.  This totally flips my original posting.  I remember the vehicle they presented for the ACV contest.  It was tall --- kinda like an attempt at an amphibious stryker (don't know that for sure). Press release follows.
General Dynamics Land Systems announced today that it has successfully completed testing of its Advanced Reconnaissance Vehicle (ARV).

Test locations from January to November 2023 included the Nevada Automotive Test Center (NATC), U.S. Army Aberdeen Proving Ground in Maryland, and Marine Corps Base Camp Pendleton, California. 

General Dynamics Land Systems’ ARV capability is designed to serve as the Marine Corps’ “quarterback” on the mobile and multi-domain battlefield. It connects to an array of onboard and off-board sensors, plus uncrewed aerial systems (UAS) and, in the future, ground and water robotic systems. The General Dynamics Land Systems design ensures growth margins and modular open architecture to rapidly incorporate new technology as it develops. It also incorporates the company’s Next Generation Electronic Architecture, enabling artificial intelligence functionality and control of robotic systems.


The Russians used underground pipes to infiltrate Ukrainian lines?


Can anyone confirm this encirclement of Ukrainian forces? Haven't heard this anywhere else...but then again Ukraine is backpage news in the US.