Tuesday, February 13, 2024

Why does the US Army suck so bad at telling its story?

This battle would be repeated during PT and running the obstacle course in boot camp if it was the Marines. In the Army? Ya got to dig that stuff out for yourself. The US Army has a great story to tell but they suck so bad at doing it. I wonder why?

As Commander Salamander (you really should check out his blog) would say...this is FULL BORE!

For the freaks out there (nazis, kkk'ers..etc..) that will scream oh he posted it because its black history month. Naw. I posted it because I just saw this and since we're in a winter of boring ass military news and LEO news is a bit frustrating I hit this up. Full disclosure. I'm all for banning all "months". Black, Hispanic, LBGT....fuck I'm to the point of just giving us numbered holidays to take all the idiocy out of the thing. Most folks just want the days off anyway.

Damn near brand new and can't fly...


Did the Marine Corps attitude of "we'll fix it once we get it" doom a few different air arms we're allied with?

Drones as snipers?


What is the cost benefit of using drones against individual infantrymen? I can't quite tell. Everyone is talking about drones being the new big bad but at what point does it not make sense in how they're being used. I'm really starting to glob onto the idea that the Ukrainian/Russian conflict is a one off. Maneuver warfare is non-existant. Air power in any credible form is not playing a part. ISR assets are apparently limited. Do you truly believe that a war between the US and China would play out this way? Do you truly believe that if China lost 250K troops it would stop or even begin to limit its offensive activity?

But back on task.

I ask this question.

Which makes more sense.  To utilize drones to take out individual infantrymen on the battlefield or to simply use a sniper platoon and have them properly dispersed to do the same job...while gathering intel on enemy units?

A $2.00 338 Lapua vs a $500 drone.

Even at this level I think a well trained sniper platoon is much more effective in a given sector than a drone operator platoon that is waiting for new munitions/drones after every kill.

PEROCC ( The Pearson Engineering Route Opening and Clearance Capability)

Airborne Ops in the Artic...

I wonder what the difference is when doing a jump in the far north is from doing it in the desert or even southern locations. I bet even gym rats are dropping muscle so they're smaller if they're going out the side door way up there.

Open Comment Post. 13 Feb 24

Monday, February 12, 2024

Something a little different. You can't beat Batman if he has prep time...

I've witnessed Peak
byu/Mike4302 inbatman
Applies to us too. Prep time is key for a specific target but training covers day to day. Just had my defensive tactics refresher and officer survival. I'm sore. Talk to ya'll tomorrow.

ACV pics. No explanation of how this fits in with FD2030 (no rebranding here)

No explanation or information on how the ACV fits into Force Design 2030 (they're trying to rebrand it to simply Force Design but I ain't buying it...you had a self imposed deadline and many assumptions you made have already failed the test of battlefield evolution). Hell we don't have info on how the "new" MEU will look. I call it new because the Ground Combat Element has been eviscerated without hope of reconstitution so these "wonder boys" that sucked the former commandant's dick have fucked the Corps for at least 10 years. The only hope is that they won't be called on to fight anywhere, much less the Pacific. If the heavier 82nd Airborne can't do rapid deployment then the nation might be fucked...especially if our ACTUAL interests are at stake. Meanwhile enjoy pics of the wheeled ACV that is less capable than the AAV (a modernized new build AAV was what we needed) but in keeping with the thinking of transformationalist its new, its different and its the "trend". Who cares if its less effective.


Open Comment Post. 12 Feb 24


Army watercraft company reactivates in Japan

Saturday, February 10, 2024

May God protect him indeed! This is criminal...


Whoever conscripted this guy and sent him to the front needs to rot in prison and then in hell. This is fucking disgusting. I PRAY he has a guardian angel beside him and that God has mercy.

Zelensky just doomed Ukraine....Zaluzhny is out, the ‘butcher’ is in

 Good God!  I didn't think things could get worse for Ukraine but with this appointment they just did.  READ THE ENTIRE ARTICLE but when you have a commander this unpopular and KNOWN for wasting the lives of his men then nothing good can happen.  Just a few snippets from POLITICO but make sure to read the entire article (HERE !!!)

“Very bad decision,” a Ukrainian military captain told NatSec Daily. The captain, like others, was granted anonymity to avoid retaliation or to provide their unvarnished opinion.

Another person knowledgeable of Syrskyi’s operations echoed that view. His appointment is unlikely to have a positive effect for Ukraine, as Syrskyi is seen by those on the frontlines as a stern Soviet-style general who callously puts his men in danger.

This person added that Ukrainian troops have given Syrskyi a gruesome nickname: “Butcher.” The captain confirmed that the nickname has stuck, as has “General200” — which stands for 200 dead on the battlefield.

The negative reviews keep pouring in: “General Syrski’s leadership is bankrupt, his presence or orders coming from his name are demoralizing, and he undermines trust in the command in general,” a Ukrainian military officer posted on X. “His relentless pursuit of tactical gains constantly depletes our valuable human resources, resulting in tactical advances such as capturing tree lines or small villages, with no operational goals in mind.”

Read it all (yeah I'm repeating myself) and pray for those guys. They're being led by the devil himself and he wants to fill hell with fresh souls. 

I'm convinced that Zelensky is a fool and he just doomed Ukraine.

One Ukrainian soldier summed things up nicely (but sadly).

A Ukrainian soldier also tweeted a message in a group chat of veterans of the Bakhmut fight: “We’re all fucked.”

25th ID continues its message of being an amphibious assault force....

Nature abhors a vaccum. If the USMC is hanging its hat on being recon-counter recon, then the US Army in general and the 25th ID in particular WILL pick up the amphibious assault mission.

What horrible disease is this

The wing should be getting tired of this....RIP to the fallen

God bless these guys. If I recall correctly they were flying to California in the middle of a savage rain event with high winds etc... So many questions. Don't they have weather guys to let them know about storms and such? If so why would they still launch? Three officers and two enlisted dead. An airplane gone. Those are precious assets that should not be wasted just to complete a training evolution on time. Even worse? Our guys are in Norway for another exercise. The same area where we lost a MV-22 last year. If weather is an additional enemy then we just have to take the L. You can call something all weather all you want but mother nature wins that fight. No need to even engage it outside of real deal war. If you say its a must to train for the battlefield then I say ok but within limits. Risk for training is an unnecessary risk.

Doing a simple interview with a world leader now gets you called a traitor?


We are living in dangerous times. When leaders and former leaders (that participate behind closed doors) start labeling people traitors for doing a simple interview with a world leader then we know they want total control of information. When supposedly the freeist nation on the planet monitors a portion of its population using the banking system then they want total control (oh and its illegal as fuck). They must really be frightened. The ability to control the narrative is slipping away and they don't like it. Makes you wonder how much evil was going on before we had the ability to get info via the internet that they couldn't control. Walter Cronkite was an icon. But I have to wonder if he wasn't just the preferred mouth piece of the elite.

Nexter Jaguar on exercise

Huge vehicle.

Why do the war drums continue to beat for a war with Russia?


What exactly is going on here?

In the UK and Poland and the Nato Sec we're hearing talk about preparing for war with Russia.


33 nations aligned against 1 and those 33 nations are frightened?  Makes no sense!  Is this another example of the elite trying to scare the public?

The year of fear continues.  

Hell even in the US we have talk of WW3 popping up.  We will get it only if the elite want it and drag us into it.

The only thing that even rhymes with all this nonsense is if the world economy is so bad that they want a major war that drags all the advanced economies into it to create govt demand because the general public is tapped out.

I know.  Its false economic dogma because wars are so costly but its the only thing I can come up with.  If things are bad enough (and we don't know it) that a temporary shot in the arm is needed then we're screwed anyway.