Tuesday, February 20, 2024

Ship-to-Shore: LCACS , LAR

Keep practicing boys. We're gonna be dumping FD2030 soon and these skills will be back in vogue again!

Some old timer stated that unless you're law enforcement or the military you don't need a light on your self defense weapon....the responses have been wild and this is the best...


The gun community has been going crazy on X. Some old timer said unless you're law enforcement or military you don't need a light on your self defense weapon. The responses have been wild and many want to kick him out (as if you could....its a big community with many opinions, the only time trouble erupts is when your way is the only right way). Anyway this is the best response to the old timers foolishness. Here's the old timer. Oh and I say that with respect to his views on modern weapon technology and not his age.

Crazy shit I'm seeing...

 * Stories are fictional and apply to no known individual.

Another day another pile of bullshit.  The city is undermanned (we are too) so we help them out.  The call is to a part of town I know well.  The "cool" part of town, the southside if you're from the south and you know what that means without me having to say.

Anyway a young male thug who just did his juvenile life and is walking around the streets for an aggravated assault is shot and lying on the ground.  God knows I really don't give a fuck.  But the cell phone cameras are out and they're recording so I give the words of encouragement and tell him that an ambulance is on the way.  Weird thing.  I get called a tom, cracker, fetch and step and tons of other shit.  What I don't see is the Klan or Aryan Brotherhood killing young black men.  As a matter of fact that would be a refreshing change, but back on topic.  Detectives arrive, crime scene is here and we have to canvas the crowd to see if anyone saw anything.  Ya know like a fucking concerned citizen.

Of course they don't say shit.  The local so called leaders will call the boss directly (not talking patrol supervisor either...think much higher) to report an ant crossing the street but when we get a shooting call, which happens much more often than the city residents know, ain't nobody seen a thing.

Get back in my ride and heading to my zone but get word to hang around.

Retaliation is expected so what was a beautiful night is turning into an ever luving shit show.  

Open Comment Post. 20 Feb 24

The Houthis bagged a British cargo ship?


Monday, February 19, 2024

Subway in NY vs one in China. America has already lost the next war

We live in a no trust society. We have shit infrastructure. We are trying to maintain an empire at the expense of our own citizens. We are welcoming in hordes and not only giving them better benefits than the people that are citizens but they are on the fast track to becoming citizens. Our laws are not enforced...even when criminals commit heinous crimes.  

The list goes on.

If you disagree with the title of this blog post then tell me why and explain to me how a morally bankrupt, financially wrecked country can win on the battlefield or in the fight to win the future.

Yeah.  That's what I thought.  We might hate it but we've already lost the next war.  The fight for the future has been squandered.

At this stage we have to accept the L and set the stage for a comeback.

The German economy, the engine of Europe, is dramatically bad

THIS IS INTERESTING! This is a case of unintended consequences or stupidity in a handbasket. Going away from cheap Russian oil has doomed their economic and erased their economic advantage. We're paying alot to support Ukraine but it appears that the Germans might have wrecked their economy trying to do so.

The black community is finally globbing onto the idea that replacement theory isn't just a white thing...


Open Comment Post. 19 Feb 24


Crazy shit I'm seeing...

 I'm gonna do a little "crazy shit I see series".

This is the latest.  

Dude was high as giraffe pussy on fenny.  Rush to his aid and he has no pulse.  Hit him with narcan.  Nothing.  Hit him again.  Nothing.  Slap him hard.  Slap him again.  Wake the fuck up bitch.  You stupid bastard wake the fuck up.  Hit him again with my last narcan. 

He starts to shake back.

Hey do you know where you're at?  Can you see me?  Yeah its rapid fire but this little fuck just departed the earth and now he's rushed back.  Need to know if he has any brain cells and I hear the pros rushing with lights and sirens to take this idiot to the hospital (love those puggy EMTs).

Yeah I'm here man.  You do know you fucked up the best high of my life don't ya.

Fuck me.

This motherfucker is chasing the high that will kill him.

We can blame China all we want but its a lie.  We have some fucked up Americans roaming our streets.

Be wary when playing "a knight" to what appears to be women in distress

Saturday, February 17, 2024

Zelensky calls for more long range weapons.


This is one thing I just can't understand. Every few months since the start of this war, Zelensky has been calling for one weapon system after another. He went from more UAVs, to tanks, from tanks to fighters, from fighter to now (and I'm sure I've forgotten more than a few) long range weapons. What the dude actually needs is a coherent battle plan that doesn't waste his infantry and will somehow give his nation the ability to survive AND thrive after the war. Let's say that Ukraine pushes Russia back to its original borders. What then? Do you think that all the Ukrainians that left will flood back in? Do you even think ZELENSKY WILL REMAIN TO HELP REBUILD????

Nato Sec's arrogance is breathtaking...he says the US must deliver what they have promised.


What a fucking tool. The US didn't promise shit. The Biden admin promised it and they KNEW they had to go to Congress to get approval. So did Stoltenberg!  It's been less obvious than with Zelensky but this Stoltenberg has been basking in the glow of this war. His status has risen and he's enjoying it. Best comparison? Anthony Fauci. When everyone was scared shitless over the corona virus that guy attained rock star status. Shortly thereafter the truth comes out and now he's a hated man. I predict that for Stoltenberg. Rock star today, hated tomorrow.

Open Comment Post. 17 Feb 24


2d Battalion, 6th Marine Regiment Fox Company Mechanized Assault


Royal Marines are still talking about Ship To Objective Maneuver!


Amazing. The Royal Marines are all about the new recon-counter recon bullshit being pushed. The weird thing? They're not giving up on their land role. That will be the biggest downfall of FD2030. The Marine Corps is attempting to toss away its role in land combat. Land combat and the nation WILL come calling and this idiotic generation of leaders (some sorry fucking Major said "I have skin in the game" so my opinion means more) will watch their people bleed because they wanted to be transformationalist.

Avdeevka is truly a meatgrinder. The future of Ukraine is dying a horrible death there

1. Zelensky should fry in hell. No. He should face the same misery he's sending his troops into. Drink in those photos and realize that these men were ordered to stand and fight. They fought while their leaderships, both military and civilian, were partying with their wives/girlfriends and grabbing as much cash as possible from the military aid that was supposed to provide them support. Turn off this war. 

2. Monetization is just a thing. Tried to post the actual X link to this but its private which I assume is part of the monetization thing. I'm not mad and don't you be either. It's just the way of the world. Google pushed it along with getting into compliance with a myriad of new rules from the EU (what issue it is I don't know) even on this blog. 

3. Turn this war off. To see so many men die holding onto a piece of shit town instead of the focus being on saving the troops and nation is just plain crazy to me. One small town ain't worth the loss of a couple of Regiments. 

4. Ukraine has crossed the point of winning. Look at those pics again. Those are the farmers, engineers, plumbers, doctors, cops, paramedics, teachers, fast food workers...those are the nations workers...the heartbeat and the culture of the nation lying dead. Even if Ukraine wins on the battlefield they've already lost. Turn off this war.

5.  Oh forgot to add.  Avdeevka has fallen to Russia.