Friday, March 01, 2024

Lord Bebo (yeah that one) has posted a conversation supposedly between high ranking German officers planning an attack on the Crimea bridge


The FBI is arresting journalist that reported on J6

I smell politics with this one.

The election is coming up so they need to push the "threat to democracy" and "remember J6" meme hard.

The issue is that the FBI is being used to push a political agenda. That's bad business.  Also notice that after all the uproar with the whistle blowers that story was allowed to simply die. Not even the Republicans pushed it.

Our political elite are working hand in hand.  They give each side just enough to keep them fed and then quickly move on to the next issue to focus our attention while they do their real dirt in silence.

I just wonder what they're actually distracting us from.  Its gotta be something HUGE.  God knows they are working overtime to enrage both sides of the spectrum and we're all (including me) falling for it hook line and sinker.

Canadian Armor @ Task Force Latvia


Lithuanian MOD has completed the acquisition of Boxer-Vilkas infantry fighting vehicles


It's weird to me. The Boxer is hailed by many Europeans as the end all be all wheeled armored vehicle. I just don't see it. The Patria AMV seems much more capable, more versatile and at least if not more mobile in all conditions.

My opinion?  If wheeled in the European theater then go with the Patria or the VBCI.  If tracked then the CV90 is the way.

We once compared all these wheeled APC/IFVs to buses.  Now we need to compare them to big rigs.

I just don't get them.  In the field I just don't buy the mobility part of the thing and in the city the lack of skid steer makes them clumsy.

The desert is where they shine and even there they can run into trouble.

German Army @ Exercise Grand North 2024

Still no answer on why so many govts are fear mongering on the idea of Russia attacking 32 aligned Nato nations...


Why are those in power so ignorant of the reason for NATO? It wasn't to prevent an attack from Russia. NATO was formed to prevent an attack from the USSR (much different state than modern day Russia) AND the WARSAW PACT! The WARSAW PACT IS GONE! THE USSR IS GONE! Russia isn't going to attack the combined might of NATO. Full stop. So what's the real deal here? I have no idea and even those that are pushing the idea haven't been asked by anyone in the media to explain themselves.

People on "collapse" Redditt are predicting WW3. Now I get it. The IDF has been massing armor on the Lebanon border

Before I go much further I want to put out this reminder of why the IDF was ordered to attack the Gaza strip. Barbaric crimes were committed against the citizens of Israel. Many families were killed while huddled together. Women raped and savaged in ways that are disgusting to even those that are hardened to such things.

But back on task.

I have an issue with this.  Militarily Hamas is about finished and according to one IDF soldier they have only about 6 battalions left.

That's huge. The current crop of Hamas militants are all but thru. The job has been done.  The lawn has been mowed.

So why go after Hezbollah?  Let's be honest here.  Their participation in support of Hamas has been tepid at BEST!  They (at least from I've seen and I admit we have a limited view on the net) have talked alot but done alot less than they could have.

To conduct an invasion of Lebanon seems like following the orders of a madman.  I see no indication that the IDF is ready for such activity and I additionally believe that their warstocks will not support it.

The US is tapped, although I support the state of Israel I believe that to take such actions at this time will bring on unintended consequences that could doom the Jewish state UNLESS the US puts boots on the ground.

I can't get with that.

Many are gonna say about time but I'm modifying my position.  I support Israel but I think Bibi needs to go.

The IDF needs to finish off Hamas and deal with the remnants. Then the state needs to deal with Bibi, the IDF Chief, the Chief of Israeli Intel and claim the scalps of those that allowed this attack to happen when they were fully aware that it was coming (and I truly believe that they knew  and were WARNED that it was coming).

Russians are starting to fly old skool Close Air Support & Strike Missions...

This is a real bad omen for Ukraine. If the Russians have cracked the code and are able to fly old skool close air and strike missions then its gonna get beyond bad soon. I don't have know if the Russians have a reserve but if they do then the classic move would be to continue to press the Ukrainian lines and then have that reserve bust thru at a point of their liking and to have them plow straight thru to an objective, hold the line, refresh the force after they've been relieved and do it all over again. We could see tens of miles or more gobbled up in days instead of the hundreds of feet we're seeing now.

Open Comment Post. 1 Mar 24


Homegrown animals destroy a young woman. We NEED the death penalty.

Add this to the list of barbaric actions carried out against young women. Society NEEDS the death penalty. Not for revenge but to help return order to our communities. Race be damned, every community will be better served by the removal of these people from our world. What I find amazing is that everyone weeps for the criminal but the victim and their suffering is so often forgotten.

Thursday, February 29, 2024

I dare you to show me a more awesome K/5 Blazer

California is lost. It is a lawless state....if you live there MOVE NOW!

The politicians and DA's have caused a living nightmare for their citizens. How any person that has a fraction of an ounce of moral fabric should leave. Leaving now is probably leaving late but its gonna get worse so get it done!

Small Boat Raids are batshit crazy. Ukraine's 73rd Naval Special Ops learned it the hard way...

The USMC is all in love with small boat raids. I think they're batshit crazy. They're more than likely unsupported. They rely on stealth but are easily detectable and if detected are easy to kill. Once detected its difficult for them to withdraw. So they're vulnerable going in, they rely on stealth yet are easily detected and they don't have the speed to effectively run or the armor to get away under fire. Oh did I add that you're usually landing a small number of people so that platoon will probably be facing a company reinforced with artillery, aircraft, drones and armor? Bless these guys but their leadership threw their lives away.

Open Comment Post. 29 Feb 24

Trump's new ad is striking at a festering fear in America...


I guess better late than never but the enemy isn't at the gates, they're inside....its gonna get messy in the US. Decisions have consequences. The only good thing about all of this is that the monied class that pushed this insanity will not be safe inside their walled communities. They're gonna feel the pain too.

Bóbr-3 Light Armored Reconnaissance Transporters (LOTR)

 Note.  I find it interesting that the development model of this vehicle has the same design "face" as the K808.  Do I think it is a simple copy?  No.  Form follows function.  I have no knowledge but I'm betting that the 6 wheeled version placed amphibious performance as one of its most important factors and that the 4 wheeled lowered its importance.  Its weird.  Modern vehicles especially recon vehicles, depend so much on mobility and long range optics/drones etc...that seeing out the front should not be prioritized over crossing those water obstacles that litter Poland's countryside.

Even sadder?  I'm betting the 6x6 had greater growth potential.

Wednesday, February 28, 2024

‘Space Vietnam’! That's what gamers are calling the loss of Malevelon Creek. Young guys might be a little pudgy but they're excited by the same stuff they always have been.

I gonna hit you with two completely opposite things.

First I damn near BEG you to watch a streamer of this game.  You don't have to drop the 40 bucks and play it yourself.  Just watch all the young guys geeking out on this.

Second, the US military has it all FUCKING WRONG!

This is an old fashioned shooter.  The young guys are eating it up. The military could EASILY reach these guys but they're (in my opinion) being pounded with alot of stuff that goes against the grain.

You can't push a female in gear and get the attention of a young guy unless she has big tits a big ass, is dressed as slutty as possible and gives the imagination that even the geekiest in the world can fuck her (or in the game, CONTROL her!).

Alot of female executives that had an agenda saw young guys going nuts over scantily dressed women in war games and made the false assumption that it would be readily accepted that Mary Sue that he went to school with would be seen as a fellow warrior if she put on a uniform too.

Biology don't work that way.

Want to grab a young guys attention?  Don't hit him with this woke shit.  Hit him with the idea of challenge.  Danger, hell even sacrifice and he will imagine himself being heroic.

Recruiters need to dump this woke shit and get back to basics poste haste.

As long as they show a 98 pound female going to Ranger School and easily passing then what guy that busts his ass and knows he could knock her head off is gonna want to earn that same badge?

The romance, the testosterone filled honor of the thing, the idea that you're doing what others won't is gone.

How guys that were hard as wood pecker lips forgot that is beyond me but many seem to.  Its like they've forgotten what attracted them to military service.

The success of this over the top, sci fi military shooter, overly patriotic, overly sacrificial, overly heroic video game shows that while today's kids might be some weird little fucks, the biology (which means the base desire) is the same.

Go fight bad guys.  Come home.  Get the girl.  Barring that then go out a hero and be remembered forever.

This is the shit that the globalist have been waiting for to get NATO to directly fight Russia...

Russian Air Force is systematically destroying Ukrainian air defenses and flying "unpunished" over the front lines


Apparently the Russians have solved the "Patriot Raid" problem and are plinking any anti-air assets they see on the front. This is horrible for the Ukrainian Army. The Ukrainian Air Force (I assume they're operating by NATO doctrine) are supposed to guarantee "air dominance" for ground forces. As a matter of fact we were so convinced about the power of our air arm that even ground forces placed a low to zero priority on tactical air defenses. Drones changed the game but its changing again with air defenses being effectively rolled back. Now its a sortie race for the Russians. Keep doing what they're doing while its working and get as many planes in the air to hammer Ukrainian positions. The Ukes needs to solve this one quick or its gonna turn bad for them.

Exercise Brilliant Jump 24