Thursday, March 07, 2024

US Army @ Exercise Dragon in Poland

Proper distance is vital. The reactionary gap is real. If you fail make peace with getting cut...

An example of how fast a person can close ground with a knife.
byu/187uchiha inFirearms
If you fail to maintain a proper reactionary gap when approaching an unknown person then you better make peace with the idea that you're gonna get cut, shot, stabbed or even body slammed if your opponent is skilled. This ain't just for LEOs either. From what I'm seeing on the net from the big cities civilians better up their game or at the very least pick the locations they frequent EXTREMELY carefully. Your family members exist in the good ole days of normal and ignore/don't want to see the dangers. They aren't ready. Are you?

Open Comment Post. 7 Mar 24

Tuesday, March 05, 2024

And just like that the meme of Palestinians starving in Gaza goes away....

Late Open Comment Post. 5 Mar 24

Strength does not always equal size


This is just a reminder. Big does not always equal strong. Strength does always equal size. Never underestimate that plain looking dude with not a lick of size to him, but can lift a freaking Ford F-250! Perception of things can sometimes be a lie. Remember that shit. It'll keep you alive.

Monday, March 04, 2024

The US is using the F-35 to gather info for the Ukrainian Army to target Russian units


Not at all surprising but to be honest not at all efficient. Remember the E-8 Joint Stars? It could turn circles for days inside Poland tracking any and everything moving for over 8 hours on its own gas and counting aerial refueling/spars about 7 could give 24 hour coverage along with our long range UAVs and all that doesn't include the sats we have parked in geo orbit over the battlefield monitoring things.

Let me be clear.

DEFENSE MINISTER NG ENG HEN is one of the most professional and well respected individuals in his position on this planet.  

This was NOT unplanned.  He made no mistake in making this announcement.

My guess.

Its a gentle fig leaf for our German and UK allies.  The Germans just got busted talking about blowing up a bridge, the UK just got fingered for doing the Nord Stream pipeline so the US gets a little Ukrainian dirt on it to make those countries look pristine.

Now some blacks are sounding the alarm that the great replacement is happening in black neighborhoods first and later in the country clubs. THEY'RE TALKING ABOUT A CIVIL WAR AGAINST ILLEGALS!


Good God. Fucking dumb. I saw this shit happening. It happened in California back in the late 90's early 2000's when I was told to be careful in certain parts of LA because hispanics had a shoot on sight order on black males (more jail shit that spilled onto the streets). But this is wild. Blacks have rode with Democrats so hard that they actually bought into the bullshit of "our brown brothers". Utter nonsense. I fear its too late now. The craziest part of this is that blacks from other parts of the world DESPISE American Blacks with a passion and let's not even get into the stuff you get from the Middle East and parts of Asia.

Black leadership sold its people into future despair for a few trinkets and invitations to the popular cocktail parties.

Too many believed the lies and now its time reap the whirlwind.

This shit is gonna get nasty as hell.  You're gonna see some strange alliances before this is all over and I really have little faith that local law enforcement will be able to contain the coming chaos.

America is fucked.

Obviously basic economic theory isn't taught much will a McDonald's #2 meal cost if she gets her way?


Don't get me wrong. You've had corporations push idiotic returns for investors at the expense of workers for a long time. How anyone could think that 10% growth experienced in the early 2000's could continue is beyond me but many thought so. What was the price? Stagnant wages, a severing of ties between the work force and their employer and the borderline stagflation that we're creeping closer and closer to.

But a $50 dollar minimum wage?  Hyperinflation forever here we come!

Forgive my ignorance on this but the rap industry is on some serious jail bullshit...

Did you watch that shit?

Did you pay attention?

Those are grown ass men talking about doing shit to a little boy (sorry where I come from 15 is a little boy) and they're all laughing.

Meanwhile you have that big titty female in back looking like she's ready to bang the whole room and appears to be an ADULT!

The rap industry is several magnitudes worse than I even thought it was.

When all the rocks start getting turned over, and  this thing is exposed its gonna be a sight to behold.

Sunday, March 03, 2024

This youngster just built a drone that runs down people (cheap chinese model). ...says he added AI and facial recognition so it can go after particular individuals!


Assault weapons (or modern rifles as I call them) are gonna be a cute problem of the past. What happens when you can launch a swarm of these things (invest what say a few thousand dollars) filled with some type of explosive and send them after the person you love to hate. How do you beat a drone cloud of bombs flying toward just you? This was home made so imagine what govts worldwide already have! Shit has changed. Soon its gonna be time to just lay low and watch all the drama. Threats are one thing, but currently a bit of awareness and you can beat them. This coupled with snipers, assault teams etc...and no high value target will be safe.

LEO takes headshot on domestic violence threat holding a knife to woman's neck. Threat further injuries (physical)


This NYPD officer will get grilled for a couple of weeks, the union or whatever lawyers they have to defend him will be working overtime, the politicians will be sticking their fingers in the wind to decide which way to go, some freak in IAD will be trying to get promoted and everyone will forget that the sorry bastard that got shot in the face was about to kill someone in one of the most horrific ways possible.

I marvel that they still have people wanting to do the job in NY. They're truly heroic.  More than a little crazy but doing God's work nonetheless.

Everyone wonders why women allow trans to participate in their sports.

Everyone wonders why women allow trans to participate in their sports.

Its an easy answer but also quite shocking.  Additionally it shows how the women's rights movement is built on a house of cards that will collapse soon.

The leadership of the liberal movement (a great many women) have determined that sacrificing their daughters is a small price to pay.

Why do I say that.

Think about it.  If we say that trans can't participate in female sports then you have a minor segment of the gay population in arms.  They've been a huge support of ALL liberal causes.  Bad move.  

If they say that trans can't participate in female sports then the case that women can handle the same physical load as men in certain areas where they've made "break through's" become endangered.  Women in combat units?  Women in law enforcement?  Women in all sorts of male dominated professions! All that goes up in a puff of smoke if the differences in biology are acknowledged.

Lastly its an issue that most conservatives are infuriated by.  That alone makes it worthy of their support.

But back to the daughter issue.

This isn't the first time that daughters were placed on the altar so that they could rush into male dominated activities.  The biggest example and the one that most overlook is the Boy Scouts of America.

You bet your ass there were bad actors, so fucking pedos in that shit but to twist that around and now the Boy Scouts are now in essence the Boy Scouts with girls in it, and at the same time we have the Girl Scouts?

It was never about the pedos and cleaning up the outfit.  It was a target to be taken down because it espoused conservative values.

We're fighting a war (conservatives are) and failing to understand the enemy objective.

Alternatives have to be found outside the public square because the adults aren't the real objective.  The real assault is against your children.

Think about it like this.  If you're a great parent then your kids go to school what 8 or 9 hours a day counting travel time?  After homework, a few "chores", dinner, personal maintenance you might have an hour or two everyday with them MAX.

If they're involved in extracurricular activities at school then the number goes down even further.

So for some you have 5 hours of direct interaction or influence on your child during the work week and if you don't work weekends then MAYBE 32 hours vs 60 hours they have around people that don't share your values or viewpoints?

They're fucking America by fucking up your kids.

If this is true then Bibi and Hamas are both friends and enemies...

Bibi, the saviour of the Jewish state that will singlehandedly take down one of the most vicious terrorist organizations in the Middle East had a chance to kill their leadership and passed? Make it make sense! It's almost like these idiots (both sides of the leadership) have sometype of weird relationship where they need and hate each other simultaneously. That's what the average person would call a dysfunctional relationship. They need counseling but refuse because they like the drama. If you've seen it in real life then you know what I mean.

America isn't ready and many Law Enforcement Agencies aren't ready for these creatures allowed into the country

Las Cruces Police Department releases video of Officer Jonah Hernandez's deadly stabbing
byu/ThisIsButter1 inThisIsButter
Just fucked up in all ways. Ya know what I hate the most about this? We just had the BLM movement, the defund the police and a super focus on police brutality. The word is out that meek and mild is the way. You even follow academy rule and internal affairs is gonna crawl up your ass. Meanwhile we have hyper violent animals that have entered the country. Ya know what will make the damn break? One day a female cop (the few that are actually on the street) is gonna vid herself being gang raped and killed and middle America is gonna lose its shit. We're about to swing far to the lock them up, depart them all side of things. The whiplash from the policies of weak men to the policies of strong men are gonna make the world's head spin. But that is I hope our saving grace. Hopefully we're at the end of the weak man (and woman) continuum and the strong man (and woman) setting the stage for good times is on the horizon.

Open Comment Post. 3 Mar 24

Saturday, March 02, 2024

Well well all is not what it sometimes seems. Dude in viral video getting shot by his dad is a pedo...


Wow. Now I'm kinda sad the old man didn't kill the little fuck.

Cartel boss telling Mexican Police to back off...


Wow. You watching this? I take away a couple of things. The first is that the cartel boss is high as hell. He keeps repeating himself even though he's getting the answer he wants. His comprehension is compromised. Second. This is a straight up power play. He just don't want compliance, he wants subservience. Third. Someone pulled him back or he pulled him back but he regained a bit of composure at the end. But the biggest and most troubling thing about this is that its coming to a place near you. With what the current President of the United States allowed into the country I just don't see how local law enforcement will be able to stand up to this. We're talking about more than crime. We're talking about quasi national threats that are operating inside our country. Prepare to see Rangers conducting ops in a community near you.

AW-249 Fenice...are there any other development programs for attack helicopters

Is this the only active development program for a new attack helicopter going worldwide? I can't think of another unless you count the protracted development of the Chinese model. The Russians, US and everyone else is simply upgrading the current designs. Rotary attack aircraft seem to be the biggest loser of the new missile/drone meme. I guess the Russians were onto something when they built the Mi-24 so long ago that combined the roles of attack and transport. In the interim I see the Army probably leaning more toward the UH-60 for doing it because of its slightly longer legs. When the Army tiltrotor comes online then it will also combine attack transport. The specialized attack helicopter might be dead.

Open Comment Post. 2 Mar 24