Tuesday, March 12, 2024

We've been flooded by everyone else, I guess its Haiti's turn now...at least according to the Biden Admin...


Open Comment Post. 12 Mar 24


Russia said it repelled brazen cross border raids. Those raids take on a new look since we now know US/British forces are operating in Ukraine don't they?

Those cross border raids take on new meaning now don't they? At least to me they do.

Have ya'll noticed something about those raids?  From my knowledge (at least what I've seen on the net), we never see dead operators being "exhibited" by the Russians.  We never even hear about wounded from these raids.

Add to all that we now know that the US/Brits are operating over there and I just have to wonder.

How many different units from SOCOM are just clamoring to get a piece of that action?  How many different Brit outfits?  Hell let's expand this shit and make it a Special Operations Olympics part III.  With that you have to include the Poles, French, Norwegians, Swiss, Germans, Italians, Spanish...hell you can include every Special Op outfit in NATO!

Its a good thing that both sides are trying to play this thing nice (as nice as war can be I guess).

If I was in charge of the bad guy side I'd be laying trap after trap, not to kill but to capture.

Oh and lets not be silly either.  You know the boys from the 160th are out to play too.  They're the only ones that can get past the front lines in a helo and make insertions and extractions without getting blown to bits.

No wonder the Russians were once talking about going nuclear.  The red line about NATO involvement in the actual shooting war was crossed probably LONG ago.

Monday, March 11, 2024

Open Comment Post. 11 Mar 24

The part about Ukraine that everyone ignores, straight from the President's mouth...

Did you hear about Haitian gangs storming a coupe of prisons and releasing thousands of inmates? Some of the dudes fighting on the streets look like professionals!


Major street fighting between govt forces and gangs in Haiti. This happened after Haitian gangs stormed a prison and release thousands of inmates there. Kinda par for the course. This ain't the first time this has happened (although this is the biggest) and certainly won't be the last. What has many people spinning, especially the gun community on X is the fact that many of those gunmen have professional loadouts and even move like they've had some, maybe intense, training. Could this be another under cover fight the US is participating in? Seems tailor made for the guys in SOCOM. Get in. Stack bodies. Get out.

If this is true then the Brits are hyper sensitive about combat losses of gear


What happens to recruiting if word gets out that US troops are fighting in Ukraine???

 We've all heard the talking points about the fight in Ukraine.

*  Its the best money we can invest, we are degrading an enemy without spilling American blood.

*  If Russia wins in Ukraine then Europe is next.

*  China is watching.

*  The world is watching and if we don't support Ukraine to our very last dollar then we will be seen as a shaky ally.

*  It's our duty as the leader of the free world.

None of that moves me or the people in my orbit.  The talking points just don't jive and from my chair none of it makes sense. 

I need something much more concrete.

But what happens when word finally gets out that American blood IS being spilled in Ukraine?

That American soldiers are being killed in the fighting there?

What does that do to recruiting?

I think it's gonna take a nose dive into hell!  On the conservative side you have many that just don't buy the rationale for the fight. On the liberal side  the talking points are popular but that's only cause they seem to believe that the US govt has an endless money supply.  When they realize that US troops are getting mangled they'll bail.

I'll use myself for an example.  If a young man asked me about the military I would tell them no, there are better ways to do your part.

As I said, many in my circle would do the same.

The liberals I know would talk a person away from the military at the drop of a hat even if it was possible that we would have peace for a hundred years.

The pentagon better get ahead of this story cause when it breaks into the open recruiting is gonna get savaged.

Sunday, March 10, 2024

Why are we so hardware centric???

It's weird and I've been guilty of this. Why are we doing tally's to tanks lost when the main concern should be whether the crew survived or not. You can easily build more tanks (relatively) but developing a new crew memeber? You're talking a bit of time especially if its from the cradle. I don't know if we got caught up in the metrics because its easier to digest and could be spun by policy makers to bolster claims of winning war x, y or z...or if it's because when you start talking about human lives being lost then no war makes sense. Don't know the answer but if there is one I'd appreciate knowing it.

NATO Soldiers are in Ukraine...

This confirms what everyone already knew. Ukraine would have folded long ago without direct NATO support (beyond arms shipments). Does leadership actually believe their talking points that if Ukraine falls then Europe is next? I don't think they're that stupid. Add to it the fact that they are unable to give a reasonable explanation of why this fight is in our national interest (US interests) and I find this plain weird. Oh and be sure that you have US soldiers in Ukraine...along with CIA and probably a whole host of other alphabet agencies.

Thursday, March 07, 2024

I feel sorry for the dude. His family & handlers are using him while not really giving a fuck. The USA is in trouble....


I know what dementia looks like. I've experienced in my family. The President was essentially "high" when he walked into the room. I saw him take so long greeting everyone on the way in that I knew he was killing the clock on when the meds would wear off. As predicted they did and he had a terrible moment. 

 I don't dislike the guy anymore. I feel sorry for him. 

His wife is evil. If she loved him she would get him off the stage. She would take him home and tell the Democrat Party to sort out the mess. She won't do that. Neither will the rest of his family. 

 They're using the dude badly. That's a fucking shame. 

 Just as bad is that those handlers around him are doing the same. This guy should be enjoying his golden years but instead he's being used as a figure head. 

 That brings me to our country...the USA. We're in trouble. Terrible trouble. WE ARE A SO CALLED DEMOCRACY--A REPUBLIC--- BEING GOVERNED BY BUREAUCRATS. SHADOWY FIGURES WITH DEEP POCKETS AND MURKY INTERESTS. Many here are trying to save our country. They only care about money, not the general welfare.

If you're into history then don't take a look at the fall of the Roman Empire.

History don't repeat but it does rhyme.  We're rhyming with the RE and that ain't good.

But since it’s Marines we’re talking about, you kind of knew hubris would get them in trouble. ...MUST READ ARTICLE!!!



I've always wondered what did the Navy really think about FD2030. CDR Salamander hits the Army All Domain Unit & tells us what they really think about our "recon/counter recon" idiocy...

 Let's get this out of the way.  I've had a couple of questions with regard to FD2030.

1.  Why didn't the US Marines wait for the US Navy to formulate its plan to fight the Chinese in the Pacific and then flow from that?  We are the supporting service.  Yes we are a sea service but supporting in the naval fight.  The supporting service CANNOT dictate to the SUPPORTED service on how it will fight!

2.  If the Navy is so convinced that FD2030 will be key to the fight then why the resistance to building more amphibious ships?  Why the slow walking of the Landing Ship Medium?

Well it took awhile but CDR SALAMANDER lets us know by going after the US Army's ALL DOMAIN UNIT.  What is that outfit?  Think FD2030 on steroids.  It's just like a Marine Littoral Regiment except much more robust.  It will have bigger, faster and longer ranged anti-ship missiles, it will have a larger anti-air contingent and it will be capable of going toe to toe with Chinese Marines/Airborne/Special Ops units that might decide to attack it on the ground.

Even better?  The Army put this unit together without gutting its other capabilities.  

But lets see what CDR Salamander has to say about this thing...

As it was in the past, so it shall be in the future - a war in the Western Pacific will be primarily a maritime and aerospace fight. Army will be the supporting service, not the supported.

Not that our ground forces don’t have an important role. Someone has to take and hold islands, to reinforce allied forces ashore when needed … but regardless of how many times you like to Joint-up your discussions - never forget the entire “Joint” cult is nothing but the Army trying to keep the USN and USAF inside Army fencing.

Oh and I need to highlight this portion of it.

While it is a takedown (IMO) of not only the Army's MDU & FD2030 by extension but it also goes into the realm of service rivalry.

That's why the Navy has allowed the Marine Corps to continue with this plan I believe.  The USMC is about to willfully subordinate itself to the Navy instead of acting as an independent service that is aligned with the Navy when units are tasked with supporting the sea battle.

Additionally I need to point out that this is a take down of what the author is calling the "fortress fleet".  Again this all goes back to a "power play" to determine who is actually calling the shots in the naval battle.

Under the Army's proposed MDU concept they would be from reading at least taking the chair of joint command of the sea battle if not overall command if fought in certain locations (think the battle of Taiwan).

To be blunt, this proposal is alot less nuanced than FD2030.  If you've noticed the Marine Corps is sending its HQ elements all over the place and integrating itself into Task Forces to sail with the Navy.

I believe its an attempt to get a seat at the table of the sea fight even though the utility of the MLR is quite limited (another reason why the focus has been taken off the ship killing capability of the unit and focused on the recon/counter recon aspect of the thing...the MLR is too light in the ass to really sting but if it can keep eyes on then its contributing).

Long story short?

I got my answer.

Despite the Navy playing nice they really don't give a flying fuck about FD2030. 

I would bet that we see moves to reconstitute lost capabilities during the term of the current commandant.

FD2030 will go down in USMC history as a failed experiment, an overreaching commandant & a lesson to future leaders on WHAT NOT TO DO!

The transformationalist behind FD2030 failed badly, purposefully created a rift in the fabric of the Marine Corps family and acted in bad faith from the very start.

It won't happen (cause the current commandant was a proponent) but in actuality we should see a number of colonels and higher forced into retirement.

They fucked up but they won't pay in our time.  History will ravage them though.

China's new Lightweight Combat UGV

The historical Execution “Scaphism A.K.A “The Boats”

Is this a method of execution that should be returned for those that commit horrific crimes of murder, rape and pedophilia? I wonder...

US Army @ Exercise Dragon in Poland

Proper distance is vital. The reactionary gap is real. If you fail make peace with getting cut...

An example of how fast a person can close ground with a knife.
byu/187uchiha inFirearms
If you fail to maintain a proper reactionary gap when approaching an unknown person then you better make peace with the idea that you're gonna get cut, shot, stabbed or even body slammed if your opponent is skilled. This ain't just for LEOs either. From what I'm seeing on the net from the big cities civilians better up their game or at the very least pick the locations they frequent EXTREMELY carefully. Your family members exist in the good ole days of normal and ignore/don't want to see the dangers. They aren't ready. Are you?

Open Comment Post. 7 Mar 24