Friday, March 22, 2024

The science of sprinting....I wonder how this would apply to law enforcement and the military....

I luv the breakdown of the sprint they did in this video.

But then I wondered how would it break down for the military or law enforcement.

What would the perfect sprint from the back of an IFV, Helicopter or landing craft out to say 50m bet?

What would the perfect sprint from a seated position in a patrol car or if interviewing someone and they take off running on ya?

Back in the day the Brits were all over military performance.  I wonder if PTI's have studied this?

Its a shame but I don't even know if the USMC has the equivalent or even a military physical performance research section (you would think they would).

That might be one of the last frontiers when it comes to optimum performance in the trade of those that carry guns.

From my perspective you're really left to your own devices to try and optimize your physical performance.

Japan's new engine that weighs 40 pounds but puts out 400 hp is the future.

Russia already caught one of the terrorists and ISIS takes responsibility for the attack?

Give the Russian security forces credit on this one. They caught this bubba quick. He's in for a terrible few days and will be lucky (relatively) to survive the night. Cooperate and die easy or don't and die ugly. Terrible choices when your words will doom your comrades...well since death is inevitable I guess there is only one option upon further reflection. Better an ugly death than betrayal. Although I have to wonder why an ISIS terrorist would even allow himself to be captured rather than take out as many as possible once they were closing in. This piggybacks other posts today. Why would ISIS do this. Makes no sense. This seems like some spy games going on. We know Ukraine Intel has done some rather batshit silly shit with the aid of individual allies. Remember the attack on the pipeline and they tried to blame the Russians (and many bought it too) for hitting their own pipeline. The blame shift to ISIS will be accepted by the sheeple but not by me.

Looks like another big strike is inbound to Ukraine...


Suspicion is swirling on Russia Telegraph that the Ukrainians are actually responsible for the terror attack and that ISIS taking responsibility is just a red herring. I don't know. What I do know is that things seem to be escalating and if Ukrainian Intel thought that a terror attack would pause the Russians, it seems they were terribly wrong.

Why does main stream news work this way? They've been on the Princess of Wales having cancer for the past hour...

 Finally a day off and I have Fox News in the background.  For the past hour they've been waxing poetically about the Princess of Wales having cancer and how she's in treatment now.

With everything going on in the US why?

First I don't even fucking respect the British Royals.  If they died tomorrow I would not care.  Oh and don't get it twisted.  If I died tomorrow they wouldn't care!

We have real deal issues going on in this country yet they're going on and on and on about one person in another country that is simply a CELEBRITY, not even a politician!

This is supposed to be the number one conservative news organization?

This is supposed to be the "people we trust" to give us the news to make informed decisions?

We're all getting played so hard.  The game is rigged.

Its not a matter of "IF" but "WHEN" we get hit with a terror attack. Thanks President Biden/Globalist/Dems/RINOs


Warning politics!

First.  Speaker Johnson has been a disappointment.  I thought the dude would stand tall but he's rolled over just like McCarthy.  MTG might be batshit crazy but she's right.  Time to cut out all the fucking pork from the budget.  Apparently actually reading the laws/budgets they pass is too much for some Congress Critters.

Second.  The US military goes world wide to assure allies.  Might be time for them to assure the American people and shut down the border.  The madness yesterday is intolerable.  The idea that they've allowed terrorist, murderers, rapist and worse thru the border is simply INSANITY!

Thanks President Biden/Globalist/Dems/RINOs and the rest of the evil bastards that are doing more to fuck up this country than any enemy in the history of our Republic.

Russia/Ukraine war is just mirrors. US officials tell Ukraine to stop attacking Russian oil sites cause it drives up world oil prices

Just plain wow.

Wrap your head around this shit.  Ukrainian generals launch an ill conceived offensive that eats up men and material and the advisors sit on their hands.

Ukrainian men and now women are sent in foolhardy assaults straight into fortified positions and most don't bat an eye.

Ukraine hits energy sites and now they're raising an alarm?

I'm telling ya.  For some reason people in power LIKE war.  For some reason they have no issue and no sympathy for the people that they send to fight and die in the wars they start.

This war has been "off" from the start.  

I seriously believe it could have and should have been avoided.  The powers that be like war so they pushed it forward.

We're being led by devils that will consume us all if we continue to allow them free reign.

Open Comment Post. 22 Mar 24

A couple of pics of the new Chinese Heavy Attack Helicopter

Rendering of new Chinese Heavy Attack Helicopter

Wait! Didn't Berger and his Force Design 2030 cronies state that we didn't need as many amphibious warships????

Apparently the "campaign of learning" has revealed that the Force Design 2030 cabal were wrong. Wonder how they're gonna claw back an effective Ground Combat Element after stripping it clean for a few anti-ship missiles? China won't fight in the Pacific. They'll fight elsewhere or have others do it for them. We are not ready. Our Marine Corps is not ready. Force Design is an evolutionary dead end. Only arrogance keeps those in leadership from seeing the truth. Target fixation is a helluva drug and WILL get you killed.

Thursday, March 21, 2024

Tu-95s inbound to Ukraine. Massive cruise missile strike anticipated..


Didn't post it but I did see that the number of Russian strikes had decreased dramatically while at the same time the amount of cruise missiles, drones, artillery had increased dramatically. That post speculated that they were rationing for a massive strike. Are they planning a sustained bombardment at this moment or are they gonna wait for summer giving Ukraine a chance to properly prepare? I wonder why Ukraine hasn't emphasized the hardening of strategic sites like power generation plants etc...That would seem a no brainer, low hanging fruit and a cheap/easy way to get US/EU corporations into the country rebuilding even as the war rages.

To some current Marine Officers, General Gray doesn't matter. He doesn't have skin in the game...

The most awesome Commandant our Marine Corps ever had has passed.

Some talk about Saint Mattis?  Well Gray ranks higher!

I posted about a currently serving Marine Officer that continues to pound on the table that those with skin in the game (those that are currently on active duty) are the only ones whose opinions should count.

I'm glad General Gray wasn't around to read those disrespectful and idiotic words.

I thought we (my generation) were arrogant.  Chest puffed out.  Thought our shit don't stink.

We don't hold a candle to this new generation.

Have you noticed a trend in America today?  I thought it was just in society but its crept into the military and most worrying into the United States Marine Corps.

Its not enough for the "new" to dismiss the work and wisdom of  those that came before.

They also seek to humiliate and denigrate what they did during MUCH tougher times.

Weak men create bad times.  Bad times create strong men.

The Marine Corps will be strong again.  We just have to let these weak ass officers finish destroy the building and then strong men that have an appreciation for the past will come along and rebuild our beloved Corps.

There will never be another General Gray, but during the coming bad times we will hopeful build another one almost as good.

God Bless You General Gray.  Your memory is a blessing and I hope it brings joy to your family, Marines around the globe and a nation/officer corps that isn't wise enough to appreciate your work.

Russia/Ukraine war has brought back INDUSTRIAL warfare. We're not ready, our allies are not ready & our love affair with precision weapons will doom us...

Have you been keeping up with Russian air strikes? Yeah they've developed their version of guided bombs but the bigger concern is illustrated here. The Russians along with their Iranian (drones), N. Korean (ballistic missiles/artillery shells) and Chinese (only God knows what...their participation has been dramatically downplayed) have reintroduced the West to something we thought dead. Industrial warfare. The scariest thing in my opinion is that they're using our love affair with precision weapons to gain ground. The US and Allies continue to talk about precision guided weapons when we're seeing Russian forces blanket grid squares with artillery fire. They use simple drones to blanket an area and knock out priority target like energy production plants. Ya know whats crazy? Our infatuation with expeditionary warfare isn't helping. Do you remember a time when vehicles were proofed against 155mm shell fragments? Dispersion is fine but once located and the enemy destroys your grid square in order to hit you then dispersion at the last mile failed. We've got to adjust but it seems that the MIC will only provide for the most expensive instead of most effective solutions possible.

Shadow Six Typhoon

Website here. This ain't what the tweet said it was. A closer look seems to indicate that they attached two jet skis to that rig and linked the steering to the thing. I don't believe the thing is fully amphibious. From what I'm seeing you have to detach the jet skis and then mount the wheels before you're back to overland travel. A water going gulf cart. I don't even think SOCOM would be silly enough to buy this thing.

The awakening of employed black males is almost complete...but is it too late?

I welcome this awakening of employed black males but I have to wonder is it too little too late? Our replacements have already crossed the border and the Dems are already lining up to give those "new comers" everything they promised us in the past. Even Latinos that have been here for decades are alarmed by the unchecked illegal immigration. Did we get in the game after everything has already been decided and our participation will make NO difference? I fear we have.

This vid will be at EVERY law enforcement training academy in the US. This is the perfect example of WHAT NOT TO DO!

I might be being too hard in the title. This guy was totally defensive from the start of this thing. The assailant had already closed within knife distance. First rule in a knife fight. Make peace with the idea you will be cut. Maybe put his pistol in the dudes chest till you run dry and use your off arm to keep the knife at bay and to take the hits? What do ya'll think?

The most arrogant, condescending, idiotic thing I've ever heard a serving officer say...

So in order to get his precious Force Design 2030 across the finish line this stupid manchild of an officer wants to break the bond between Marines serving today and those that came before? Fucking awesome. FUCK THIS BASTARD AND THE NEW MARINE CORPS. They should reap everything they've sown.

Sunday, March 17, 2024

Wow. If the number of rappers talking about voting for Trump is true then we're about to see a MASSIVE landslide this fall...


I've never seen anything like this. The number of rappers that are coming out saying "fuck Joe Biden" and that we (meaning black people) need to vote for Trump and how the Democrat party hasn't done anything but hurt us is amazing. If this is true then we're looking at a massive landslide. I just wonder if this "awakening" has come too late.

What is going on in France to have Macron shouting so hard for French soldiers in Ukraine?


Something must be going on domestically in France. Its the only thing that makes sense? Nothing else explains why Macron has turned into such a cheerleader for French troops on the ground in Ukraine.

Even worse?

He's talking about doing it solo but we all know the truth.

As soon as the French are engaged in combat they're gonna call for all of NATO to become involved.

THIS IS THE VERY REASON WHY NATO SHOULD BE DISBANDED!  It no longer serves a purpose as a defensive alliance and has actually become oriented toward something else (what that is I don't know but it ain't defense).

Everyone throws up the idea that we don't want Europe to develop a defense force.

I don't agree.

Europe should develop their own force and should deploy them as they see fit.

Taking the defense of Europe off our plate would do wonders for our budget and allow us to right size toward real priorities that actually demand our attention.