Monday, March 25, 2024

PLA H-20

Project Dynamo is doing good work but it stinks of SOCOM/CIA involvement & I would bet is getting support from them

I heard an interview from the founder of this outfit on a podcast called "Eye on Veterans". Pretty good interview I must admit but one thing stood out to me. There board of advisors. It absolutely reeks of SOCOM/CIA involvement! Check out there webpage here. I guess it makes sense though. You have an administration that doesn't want to be seen as putting US boots on the ground so you have to use someone. I guess a homegrown "rescue outfit" (reminds me of that Stallone movie...forgot the name) that can go where others in uniform can't.

When I said that guy was in for a rough ride, I understated things...Russia's FSB is putting the wood to his ass...

If you know you know. Example. Whenever the Marine Corps talks about a course being "rigorous", that usually means its gonna be a savage series of kicks to the nuts. I kinda did the same when I said the terrorist captured by Russian Security Forces was in for a rough ride. Totally understated the misery this bastard RIGHTFULLY deserves. This dude is probably on the verge of begging for death and the sad thing is that while he's getting it bad from the Security Forces its gonna zoom to levels that are on the other side of barbaric once he hits a Russian prison. They will put him in general population after they squeeze him for every ounce of information he has and then he will die a horrible death behind bars. The same would happen ANYWHERE on this planet after an attack like this. Its why the US supposedly built SuperMax Prisons. The worst of the worst go there to be protected (or so says the propaganda). Anyway, the good book says to forgive and forget. I don't think the Russians are reading those words at this moment.

Open Comment Post. 25 Mar 24

Sunday, March 24, 2024

How did I miss this? Germans & French use helicopters to knock down UAVs/Missiles off the coast of Yemen

I've kinda wondered why we never developed a rotary winged UAV with sidewinders and AMRAAMs to act as "outer screens" or pickets to knock down missiles/uavs etc...Give those long endurance rotary winged UAVs to a destroyer, let the helicopter uav have a radar off a decommissioned fighter that links up with the one on the Burke and you have an early warning anti-drone system that would shake the foundations of hell...well until counter measures are developed but certainly good enough for the mud fight the Navy is involved in.

Yeah, the terrorist that Russian Security Forces captured are in for a VERY rough ride...

An innocent man you would feel sorry for. This scum? Do what you must is my opinion. Word is they've captured a total of 11 (at the time I'm writing this), good hunting boys...GET THEM ALL. Oh and for the Russiaphobes, Ukrainian hawks and everyone in between that would go for ANY govt hunting down terrorist. Whether a country is friend or foe, we all should be able to untie against terrorists.

Open Comment Post. 24 Mar 24

Saturday, March 23, 2024

Damn! Are the Russians doing their version of a Linebacker II on Ukraine? Another big strike inbound

Read a post where there was much crowing about how Russian strikes had dwindled to nothing just a few weeks ago. Well it looks like that was the calm before the storm. I have to wonder. We've talked about supplying Ukraine with all kinds of weapons (the latest and greatest being the German Taurus missile), but what about anti-air? We didn't have many Patriots and I don't think the Europeans have many CAMMS. So could we resupply even if we wanted to? Oh and with the Republicans caving so hard on the budget despite Biden still having a wide open border and the Republican voters being pissed as fuck (much talk about why they send them to Washington if they won't even fight...the calls to shut down the govt until they close the border was legion) has me wondering what the intel on this fight is at the moment. We won't know till long after I'm dead but I'm betting at this moment in time shit ain't as good as they're saying.

Forget his machine-gun. The silhouette from his pack would make him a primary target

I kinda follow this war primarily to try and see what the next thing might be. We've heard all about trench warfare being a thing (along with drones, rockets, etc...) but this points to a more footmobile infantry trying to increase its firepower. Don't know if this is the answer. Forget his weapon, the silhouette from his pack would make him a primary target. Interested in seeing if this push this out to the troops on the line.

Biden is losing voters of color in Michigan. IF Trump loses then its game over...

Black and Hispanic voters to lesser degree are seeing the writing on the wall. In Michigan you have a candidate that won and speaks Somali, not english. Black voters are an ultra minority among an immigrant population where they're hated to an even greater degree than the Klan ever did. If Biden is able to reverse the trend of black voters flocking to his banner then its game over. The Americans that are black will be in for a terrible ride. Not so much the current but future generations. Replacement theory is real, maybe we should have listened to those stating it, instead of automatically assuming that they were batshit crazy because they hate us.

Russia hit Ukraine hard

My Russian readers posted pics and even a vid on it. They even talked about how many were without power. It didn't register. This vid brought it home. Over a million people without power? This is the crazy thing to me. If Russia is in it to win it then why didn't they do this at the height of winter? Why wait till spring? Oh and spare me. The US went after power generation sites all over Iraq. It's dual use. You knock out power then you also hit the military. We've been doing this since WW2 with our strategic air campaign back then and it goes on today so don't call this a terror attack. Its the wages of war and the little guy always gets hit the hardest. Don't add new definitions to age old issues/tactics.

You run into all types

We just don't need a wall on the border, we need one between the US & California!

WTF is going on with people in California. Nuke it from orbit. It's the only way to be sure.

Squatting. How big is the problem?


I'm seeing more and more tragic stories about squatters simply taking over homes and current laws providing no relief. Even that I find interesting because they're making crimminal trespass into a civil court issue which boggles my mind. Anyway I wonder how big this issue is. Outside of this new to me story from Georgia I'm not seeing much about it in the southern US. Is this nationwide or just a case of weird laws in liberal areas.

Monty Python nailed the "Royals" as a power perfectly

I bitched and moaned that Fox News spent about 2 hours talking about a princess having cancer, treatable cancer, on their news cast when we have so many other REAL, HARD news going on in the US and the world. I went on to say that its irrelevant and that I don't care just like no one but me and mine cared when my mother suffered from the disease. Just like no one cares about everyone of my readers that is dealing with their issues on the personal level with no fan fare.

But no.

A certain reader got all ass hurt.


I said it before and I'll say it again.  The British royals are simply a drain on the coffers of the British people.  They are ultra high class welfare recipients and its all dressed up because they were born into a certain family and/or are/have fucking a person born into the blood line.

Change my mind.

This is some impressive discipline being displayed by Russian Security Forces...I didn't believe the terrorist would be taken alive...

Supposedly one of the terrorists (I guess this one) had a piece of his ear cut off and fed to him. Still impressive discipline. I'm sure more than part of an ear was on the menu of the guy that nabbed him. Many are now in my camp. Many are thinking this wasn't ISIS. If this attack circles back to Ukraine. If one of the allies was involved. This will get messy as hell.

Open Comment Post. 23 Mar 24

Friday, March 22, 2024

Nature really is brutal. Never saw warthogs attack a leopard


This vid is crazy. I'm trying to figure out why I'm not seeing ripped skin and blood flowing. Those hogs should be making short work of this leopard. Never seen that before but nature is brutal so it has to happen occasionally.

Ya'll keep talking about it so let's run with it. Why I believe the M10 Booker is the wrong vehicle for the needed USMC Infantry Support or Medium Tank...

Ok. Let's go on and have this talk.  Ya'll keep saying that the M10 is the perfect replacement for the Abrams for the USMC.  

I say it isn't.

Let me lay out my reasoning and then I look forward to hearing rebuttals in the comments.

1.  Force Design 2030 is a clusterfuck from hell but I accept that the Abrams was just too heavy.  But to take it a step further I believe that the USMC does NOT need a tank but a dedicated and effective Infantry Support Vehicle!

2.  The USMC ISV should have certain qualities.  The main one being able to swim from ship to shore IF needed.  I don't think the USMC will be able to conduct amphibious assaults for at least 20 years thanks to the damage done to the force but once that capability is rebuilt (assuming the Marine Corps is chosen and the Army doesn't pick up the role), the Assault Echelon will be a thing again.  Having a vehicle that can knock out bunkers/fortifications will be needed.  Oh and rest assured that drones will not find and kill them all.

3.  Money is an issue.  While I have doubts about the ACV, one thing good is happening.  We're seeing the number of vehicles in the GCE being necked down.  If we could somehow arrive at a common engine that would be awesome.  We won't so a similar engine along with drive trains etc across as much of the fleet as possible will drive down maintenance costs and possibly even training.  Taking the ACV and mounting a gun on it would accomplish this.  Even perhaps attempting the 105 on the ARV assuming its survives would be a step forward.

The main thing is that the Booker would be a step toward adopting an Army vehicle to a mission that the Marine Corps no longer performs.

How many times have you heard sustained ground combat talked about lately?  When was the last time you heard the USMC being able to flex up and down the spectrum of combat?  When was the last time you heard anyone mention that the MEU could conduct ops for 15 days unsustained, 30 days for the MEB and 45 for the  MEF?

The new Marine Corps isn't a ground combat force.  It's an auxiliary of the Navy.  Every clime or place no longer applies so to add the capabilities of the Booker is "old" thinking as the current crop of USMC Officer describe.  Even an ISV is probably old thinking.

A true combat force like the old Corps would definitely benefit from the Booker.  The new school Marine Corps is just a bunch of shore watchers and missile shooters.  They really don't even need the ACV is they're being honest.

This was not a successful interaction with a member of the public...


Kinda funny. I wonder what the backstory is. She said that they pointed ARs at her. Is she just crazy or is there a reason for this drama.