Friday, March 29, 2024

Finally found a good analysis (at least from a non-aviator guy like me) of the Flanker B crash off the coast of Crimea

To all the aviation guys on the blog. Does this seem to be spot on? How about my Russian readers? Does his analysis seem plausible? The only thing that has me spinning (pun intended) is that the airplane seems inverted. Why would it do that?

Ukraine's 36th Marine Brigade doing work

Pretty cool. They're a little close to the launch platform so it kinda negates the effort but neat none-the-less.

First pics I've seen of China's new heavy attack helicopter

FUCK MAN! All they did was the heavy up (a bit) the AH-64 just like they made their version of the UH-60 a big bigger and heavier! They're doing the AirBus thing (waiting a bit and making slightly bigger analogies to what they see Boeing build) to the American military! Want to know the crazy thing? They only do it to the USA. I don't see them chasing European programs the way they try and chase ours.

NY Gov asked to leave the wake of slain NYPD officer


Russian bloggers have a name for it. De-Energization. Another drone & missile attack on Ukrainian power facilities

 via CBS News

KYIV, Ukraine (AP) — Moscow launched a large-scale attack on Ukraine’s energy infrastructure Friday, with a mass barrage of 99 drones and missiles hitting regions across the country, Ukraine’s armed forces said.

Air raid warnings rang out across the nation, with 10 Ukrainian regions coming under fire, the country’s interior minister, Ihor Klymenko, said.

Russia has escalated its attacks on Ukraine in recent days, launching several missile barrages on the capital, Kyiv, and hitting energy infrastructure across the country in apparent retaliation for recent Ukrainian aerial attacks on the Russian border region of Belgorod. Such sporadic attacks, however, have been common throughout the war.

Large-scale blackouts have already affected Ukraine’s eastern city of Kharkiv, where 700,000 people lost power after the city’s thermal power plant was hit in a drone and missile attack on March 22.

In the winter of 2022-23, Russia targeted Ukraine’s energy infrastructure, causing frequent blackouts. Many in Ukraine and the West expected that Russia might repeat that strategy this winter, but Russia instead initially focused its strikes on Ukraine’s defense industries.

Ukraine’s state-owned grid operator, Ukrenergo, said Friday’s attack deliberately targeted thermal and hydroelectric power plants across central and western regions.

In a statement, Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy confirmed that Ukraine’s Kaniv and Dniester hydroelectric power stations had come under attack and accused Moscow of risking an ecological disaster similar to the destruction of the Kakhovka Dam in June 2023.


This is why I call this a weird war.

Everyone is talking about the barbarity of the Russian attack and I won't disagree with them.

I WILL HOWEVER POINT OUT that if the US had launched a similar attack you would have seen a dedicated campaign to knock out anything that generated even a SMALL amount of power.

Turning out the enemy's light is US warfighting 101.

What is that?  You say its a terror attack to knock out power?  NO IT IS ALLOWED BY THE RULES OF WAR!  Energy is dual use and by turning off the power you degrade command and control of enemy forces.

Its tough on a civilian population but it will shorten the war.

So yeah.  This should have been expected and that it didn't happen sooner means either the Russians have been fighting one handed OR they had another motivation that I don't understand.

Two of America's best fast transports are now stuck in Baltimore....


Some are wondering if this was a "planned" attack.

I think its just the US Navy being batshit stupid and posturing our forces in a very dumb way.

Why would you have these ships in the Baltimore harbor?  Why aren't they at Norfolk or San Diego?

The enemy isn't the threat.  It's our complacency.  Our arrogance. Our lust for dollars and friends in Congress.

If we're truly living in a dangerous world then we need to expand and harden our domestic bases.  We need to close down over exposed foreign outposts that we maintain.

In short?  We need to stop being stupid.

Was this IDF soldier wrong? On the surface it looks bad.


Did you notice something? Dudes hand never left his hip. He adjusted his pants and his hand never left his hip. It stayed there. I need more details on this before I can call this a war crime but I DO KNOW that old guy did some flaky shit UNTIL he was shot. Both hands up but I DO NOT know the context behind this.

I refuse to forget Oct 7.  That was horrendous shit that SOME, including people on this blog, are trying to pawn off on others that followed Hamas during their attack.

I make no separation.  

Having said that this vid does on the surface look bad.

Open Comment Post. 29 Mar 24

Did Ukraine get some CV-90s?  Don't recall a thing about its performance in the war but I do know that many claim its the best IFV available at this time.

Thursday, March 28, 2024

Being the military aid to President Kennedy was hell

You can tell by this conversation that Gen McHugh (at least in my eyes) was totally unaware of what was going on, had no control over whoever committed this sin but is taking his ass chewing like a champ. One other thing. Apparently fraud, waste and abuse has been a problem in the US military for a VERY long time.

Late Open Comment Post. 28 Mar 24

Royal Canadian Dragoons @ Operation REASSURANCE

Wednesday, March 27, 2024

This dude was the ultimate FAFO

Again I wonder what was he thinking...

Its spooky as hell to watch a drone hunt down an individual soldier

This is crazy. Watching a drone chase down and kill a soldier. The craziest thing? Its not the battlefield that has me shook. Its what could come to the streets of ANY major city. Power lines? Gone by one drone by some crazy. Power stations? Same. Water treatment plants? Police Station? Police Units? Fire Stations? Fire Trucks. Public Officials? The list goes on. Terror is about to go on a meth binge once the weird ones figure out that one cheap drone can cause massive mayhem. The battlefield problem will eventually sort itself out but how do you solve the issue in the civilian world? I'm generally against bans but banning the sell, manufacture and import of ALL drones might be the only solution...and then you create a black market where even ma/pa will probably want one.

Vid claiming that this NATO ant-tank rocket tears the head off the instructor. Never even heard of such a catastrophic failure (NSFW)


Z-XX attack Heli


We can hate the Chinese practice of "copying" Western, and by that I mean US weapon systems. But it is an effective practice. We take the lumps by working out the kinks and they get the fruit of our labor free of charge while slightly improving on it.

So how do you beat them at their own game?

Recapture the inventiveness of the past and do upgrades of our equipment and instead doing the work and tossing it away we actually go for it.

Our biggest problem?

We're always looking for the next big thing.  We're always looking for transformational technology and that just gives our future foes time to catch up.

Best example?

The F-35.

If we had simply done upgrades to our existing fighters with the widgets and trinkets that have gone into the F-35 (to include engine upgrades), I contend we would be in a much better place with regard to our fighter programs.

We wouldn't be waiting another 10 years after having the plane in development and underperforming production for the last 30 years.

You get the general idea.

We're letting the perfect destroy the simply outstanding.  Time to put an end to the non-sense, get our minds right and get serious about the defense of our nation (that includes the border).

Tuesday, March 26, 2024

"Creepy guy" @ gym saves woman from being choked by weights while benching

I'm a caveman.

I gotta be a caveman cause I don't get this trend of women wearing damn near nothing to the gym and not expecting guys to look.

The videos of OnlyFans girls going to the gym in revealing ass gym wear and getting pissed cause guys are looking is LEGION.


I have smart readers.  Will someone explain this trend to me cause I really don't get the outrage.

Urban Combat is second all is good the next is turns into a massive shit burger. Vid of the IDF operating against Hamas in house fighting.


He was shooting and moving but in the end it was communicated that shooting was a bad move...

Funny but not funny. I have to wonder what he was thinking would be accomplished doing that. I do believe that permissive DA's are causing alot of unnecessary mayhem. Rumor control says that if we were locking up the 5% of the bad guys that do this type of thing (that 5% are the violent criminals) that crime would diminish greatly. 

Mind you that many would view mandatory minimums barbaric, but to those people I say take a hard look at Singapore. There are benefits to enforcing public standards in a manner that would seem ruthless to Americans. 

We've become way to lax.

The funny thing is that we've seen the thing that works but abandoned it.  What is that thing?  Broken Glass Theory.  Look it up.  It's so simple that I dare say its elegant.  The results of its implementation is astounding.  Communities nationwide should try it.

Bridge strike & collapse in Baltimore

Open Comment Post. 26 Mar 24