Saturday, March 30, 2024

Zelensky says without US aid Ukraine will have to retreat. My question. WHERE ARE THE EUROPEANS????


I resent this being laid at the feet of the US.

The EU has a bigger GDP.

If you combine their defense industry they have a bigger military industrial base.

They have a bigger population.

They claim to be a super power.

So why are the Europeans AND Ukraine pushing us for more aid instead of the EU taking care of a problem on their own continent?

The Disastrous Battle at Nasiriyah

TRIGGER WARNING TO ALL! Interesting though. Very interesting.

Wow. The funeral/wake of that NYPD officer turned completely political. Check this out...

You cheered for this madness but tremble in fear and express outrage for Rafah?

Make it make sense. How can you applaud this madness. Check your meds.

TikTok'ers just discovered MD 20/20....

These people are so fucking screwed. IFYKYK. Expect misery on an epic scale once they drink this shit. This is pure rock gut. My God have mercy but I really don't expect it.

Open Comment Post. 30 Mar 24

Do ya'll remember me posting about the mess with P. Diddy? Well not only is Jay-Z rumored to be part of the drama but supposedly THE VICE PRESIDENT OF THE US was at the parties too!

Oh this is getting big. Many rappers are gonna get caught up in this drama. But that isn't the juicy part. The juicy part is all the power brokers that are getting called into this thing. I've heard P. Diddy's Island called the Black Epstien! But the name that will ring bells is the Kamala is now part of the story. Either this thing gets crushed completely or a bunch of people are about to get taken out.


Is Biden so batshit crazy that he makes EASTER the Transgender day of visibility? Does the dude hate Christianity this fucking much? FUCKING AMAZING! I'm not even a bible thumper and I'm outraged. This is stupidity on steroids. Don't believe this tweet? Check out the full pronouncement here!

Interview goes sideways on extracted carbon


I have to wonder if the real deal behind the climate religion is to plunge the world back to the stone age. As part of that I have to wonder if the climate religion isn't setup to keep undeveloped countries POOR!!! It starts slow but check out the entire video. Don't know who this leader is but it is glorious the way he puts a pompus reporter on his ass.

Why We Can’t Beat the Houthis via Defense Post by Col Gary Anderson (Ret)

 This whole write up is interesting.  He covers the conflict with the Houthis but what has me spun up is his proposal during the Vietnam war.  Dude had his fangs out way back then.  Check this out...

Amphibious Raid

In 1972, I was a Marine Corps Second Lieutenant. I wrote an article for the Marine Corps Gazette suggesting we could break the stalemate with a massive amphibious raid into North Vietnam.

I proposed a 60 to 90-day incursion that would destroy their standing army, military infrastructure, and ports. I advocated a sea-based option because the Vietnamese insurgents would be less likely to disrupt our lines of communications and would never know where we would strike next.

It was the Cold War, and most American policymakers feared a large-scale incursion would bring intervention by the Soviet Union or China. I argued that by the time either of those could effectively intervene the Marines would be gone and that it would take Hanoi years before it would be able to launch a successful invasion of South Vietnam.

I believed this would give the South time to build an effective, productive, and Western-oriented democracy such as South Korea was becoming.

Not surprisingly, the administration was unwilling to take strategic advice from a Second Lieutenant and the country’s mood would not have supported major military action. By 1975, South Vietnam had collapsed under a Northern invasion.

Many Americans who did not live through that period (and some who did) believe Saigon fell to Viet Cong peasants armed only with AK-47s and rocket-propelled grenades. In actuality, the South was overrun by a modern combined arms North Vietnamese army using tanks, artillery, and Soviet-built anti-aircraft missiles — exactly the army that my concept would have killed in the cradle.

It would have worked then, and it would work now in Yemen if we still had the Navy and Marine Corps to accomplish it.

Read it all here

The focus is on the Houthis but like I said I find this fascinating. Can you imagine how that war would have turned out if we had actually launched on this plan?  The weird thing is that I would bet body parts he isn't the only one that was thinking this way.

Oh and let me end with this.

Conducting any kind of ground action in Yemen would play into our enemy's hands at least in my opinion.

Yes I know an amphibious raid is limited in scope and duration, but I also know that optics are important in this day and age.

The problem is an international one.  Diverting ships around the range of Houthi missiles/drones is causing price spikes that affect the planet.

But have you noticed that the UN is silent.  We reflexively reached for a military solution...a halfway military solution.

Just a few strikes by B-52's and B-1's could knock this shit off with a quickness.  The optics would be terrible.  Alot of civilians would be killed but it would stop the proble.

Gov Hochul got handled rough. She should have listened when they told her not to show up...

Dude in the black suit looks he is going off on her. She's gonna have some certain feelings about this incident. She definitely won't forget it.

Friday, March 29, 2024

Alpha Co Conducts ACV Mission Walk-through at Camp Pendleton....Photos by Lance Cpl. Peyton Kahle

ACVs Reembark USS Harpers Ferry by Lance Cpl. Peyton Kahle

Ukraine imposing emergency blackouts on several regions...

The Russian anti-energy campaign is working. I don't understand why they would have to impose blackouts though. Several NATO countries are providing energy cross border. Of course that will raise prices for energy in those countries, eventually across the EU and maybe across the West but no one except the little people will suffer from the higher prices. One thing of note though is that places even more pressure on GERMAN INDUSTRY. They've had their golden age partly because of cheap energy. The strategy invoked either deliberately or the ramifications of unintended consequences is putting a strain on the economic engine of Europe. Things will be getting interesting across the board on that continent.

OK. I'm beginning to buy into the meme that all those Chinese military aged males were actually spies...


Why the hell would this dude want to do this just a whim? He wouldn't is the proper answer. He was a test for the real infiltrators. I wonder how many of these "new arrivals" will end up employed by civilian entities to work on military bases all over the US but especially in California and probably Texas. We've got a spy problem I think. At the very least we need to upgrade our response to civilians that refuse to comply with military instructions when entering military installations.

Zelensky basically says fuck you to the Biden Admin and the people in the West.

Wait! Before you spaz the fuck out about the source know that with just a LITTLE GOOGLING you can basically confirm it all.

Second.  You're asking so if its all over the net then why put it here. A couple of reasons.  It goes to the behind the scenes relationships of a nation that is asking SO FUCKING MUCH OF NOT ONLY OUR MILITARY GEAR BUT ALSO OUR GOD DAMN MONEY TO SUPPORT THEIR PEOPLE INSTEAD OF OURS!

If the US asks these bastards to prevent a catastrophic rise in fuel prices that will affect all the people in the West that are supporting them in this war and Ukraine says fuck you, fuck them, kiss my ass, suck my fucking dick and eat shit and die then I think my readers need to know about it.

For Zelensky to take the stance that these are our drones and we will do what we want is the height of arrogance.

Pride leaveth before the fall the good book says.

If this is true and I believe it is because I've personally experience it then Zelensky is gonna have a reckoning from hell.

How do you call these people allies if they're so willing to shit on the people that are giving them so much?

Unmanned Combat Ground Vehicles finally make an appearance in the Ukraine/Russia war...

Finally found a good analysis (at least from a non-aviator guy like me) of the Flanker B crash off the coast of Crimea

To all the aviation guys on the blog. Does this seem to be spot on? How about my Russian readers? Does his analysis seem plausible? The only thing that has me spinning (pun intended) is that the airplane seems inverted. Why would it do that?

Ukraine's 36th Marine Brigade doing work

Pretty cool. They're a little close to the launch platform so it kinda negates the effort but neat none-the-less.

First pics I've seen of China's new heavy attack helicopter

FUCK MAN! All they did was the heavy up (a bit) the AH-64 just like they made their version of the UH-60 a big bigger and heavier! They're doing the AirBus thing (waiting a bit and making slightly bigger analogies to what they see Boeing build) to the American military! Want to know the crazy thing? They only do it to the USA. I don't see them chasing European programs the way they try and chase ours.