Tuesday, April 02, 2024

Frago from the Commandant. No time to read it? They ain't changing a thing...its fast forward with the modern day coastwatchers & missile shooters (every clime and place is now a sad joke...you believe that shit you're old skool)


Bitter as fuck about the loss last night. Geaux Tigers. Late Open Comment Post. 2 Apr 24

Iowa is so lucky that Reese got injured and Mulkey had a brain fart. Our so called point guard can kick rocks too.  She was damn near the 6th man for Iowa, but she's sucked all year.  They talk alot of shit about Mulkey but her loyalty to her players is what cost us this game, but wins her the hearts of the women in her program.  Was hyper loyal to Reese earlier this year and now with this chic.

Monday, April 01, 2024

In case you didn't know who I'm cheering for tonight...

My heart goes out to their families but repeat after me....IF YOU DRIVE AROUND A WAR ZONE YOU'RE MIGHT GET ZAPPED!

Fog of war, tired/lack of sleep, trying to neutralize any target that MIGHT be a threat. Oh and pure dee bad luck/accidents. War zones are hazardous. If you drive around them you might get zapped.

Well I guess if you live in Ukraine and you want your husband gone then this is the way...

Sky Ranger 30 Pandur via Doppeladler.com

One thing has me curious. There are two 6x6 apc in Europe. The Pandur and the Patria. The Patria seems to be winning most of the contracts (at least from my seat). The question is why. What makes the Patria more attractive than the Pandur?

Open Comment Post. 1 Apr 24

I always thought the rap genre was shady (I guess all performance arts are) but its finally coming out and the rappers are telling it...

The rumors are flying hard on this. Yeah I know most of audience could give two fucks but I look at this rap music as being ultra destructive to my community so I AM FOLLOWING it with hard. Supposedly P. Diddy is already in custody. Supposedly that trip out to his island (just ahead of the search warrants which he was tipped to) was to destroy evidence. P. Diddy will get his. Don't know why but the ring of protection has been pulled and although his actions were well known for decades he's about to pay for his sins. But like I said. Other heavy hitters are in the sights. Jay-Z? Beyonce? Oh that will be a sight to behold! I hope they all go down in flames.

Russian Lancets are now doing "maneuvers" before striking...

Ok, so the Russians are already working on the next war by programing a little maneuvers before they attack. This should be interesting once this is AI directed and they're able to get ahead of a human trying to track these things. I didn't think much of it but the race to AI has military implications that should make us all eager and scared shitless at the same time.

Sunday, March 31, 2024

Why can't we just take this guy out and put Haiti in order under the UN


Look at this joker strutting around. I don't even know if this is even worthy of a SOCOM mission (although they would fight hard for it). OK. If you want to capture him then toss a bone to the SEALs or Delta but if you just want him dead then send what's left of Marine Corps Snipers to do the deed. That too low on the pole for ya? Ok then send a platoon of Ranger Snipers after the dude. This shouldn't be that hard.

Christianity has been bastardized and its "leaders" corrupted. Jesus ain't weak and will lay that wood to that ass....

I'm talking about the black baptist church in the following rant. Legalized fraud. A legalized hustle. Little castles built in the middle of  poor communities that actually need to hear the word. But no. You'll hear about 10min of a jacked up view of the word (oh its an hour sermon but most of it is SOME GODDAMN GIBBERISH!!), 30min of singing by the choir. A few prayers by the "movers and shakers" that call themselves deacons. And a passing of the plate at least 6 times (I'm talking about 30 min time total for this exercise). 

I marvel. 

These fucking pimps in suits, driving Mercedes (talking about the car, not the female they fucked late Saturday night) are taking money from old ladies and men that are on fixed income barely scraping by. They're hurting. They get into a pinch and what is done by the church that they reach out to for help? 

"A moment of prayer for the so and so family. They're going thru hard times."  

Meanwhile I'm looking at this building we're in that is a fucking cathedral. Sound systems, viewing screens...ya'll know the deal.

Why did I say all that?

Because its Easter.  Because God is gonna lay some serious wood to the asses of these bastards that played with his word and led people astray.

I hope you understand what I'm saying and I don't mean to trigger anyone but....FUCK RELIGION, EMBRACE SPIRITUALITY!

I would say this is more than a little over the top for not properly spicing chicken...

Dude couldn't just grab some extra salt and pepper and do it himself? Alot of dudes practically live off fast food and this dude is pissed to an almost homicidal state when SHE ACTUALLY cooks? He wasn't grateful for that small blessing.

First proof positive of US Soldiers in Ukraine...


What unit is this dude from and why the fuck isn't he PT'ing more.

It's ok when they do it. It's a problem if we even thought about it.


Supporting HAMAS is the latest mental disease spreading across America.

Taurus cruise missile production stopped...

Interesting. There are tons of cruise missiles available in the world and the easiest way (if past is prologue) to get more missiles for Ukraine would be to go to S. Korea that has a very robust defense industry, and simply buy some from them for Ukraine's use. They're not doing that though. They keep pounding on Germany. Why? It has to be politics. What has me spinning is that Europe AND the United States are literally breaking themselves to fund/supply this war. The strategy didn't work. Seizing Russian funds will simply put the nail in the coffin of this jacked up worldwide financial system. God knows its already teetering as we speak. Sanctions have been overused and are now damn near irrelevant. Oil as a weapon only hurts the West. There are no more cards to play except to start building weapons. This is a move in the wrong direction. Powerhouse German production is dying a terrible death.

Open Comment Post. 31 Mar 24


Ukraine is sending women & damn near children to war....but they WON'T turn it off????

When this war is over Zelensky better find the deepest hole known to man if he wants to stay alive. It won't be Russian, US, or Western security/intel forces hunting his ass. He needs to worry about the Ukrainian people hunting him down. He knows it too.

The fucker told us everything the world needs to know when he refused to hold elections.

The West is supporting a strongman.  A dictator.  An evil bastard.

Happy Easter Gents

Saturday, March 30, 2024

In the grand scheme of things we, as individuals (to include those that think they are in power), are irrelevant...

Look at all the stars that our scientist can see. Look at the vast (I have no better word to describe it) distances involved. How can any person believe that in the grand scheme of things they are important? No matter how important we think we are, we're just a small dot...less than a dot...in the vastness of the universe. God help us if there is a multi-verse. That renders are significance to nothing. Nothing but talking dust.

When our cities look like this how can we give money to Ukraine and not take care of home first?