Thursday, April 04, 2024

Late Open Comment Post. 4 Mar 24

A rabid racoon equals a drugged up human. The proper shot placement is essential...while preparing for rapid follow on shots to stop the threat

Which Caliber for Racoon? Def. not this one
byu/babykillerwhale inFirearms
Did you count how many shots it took from what appears to be a 9mm weapon? That racoon is well under 30 pounds so equate the same tactics used here to a drugged up human weighing around 170 pounds. Shot placement is essential. Being ready for rapid follow on shots is too.

Be safe folks.  I'm thinking this summer is gonna be a doozy.

Wednesday, April 03, 2024



USMC Battalion Strike Team (Heavy) circa 2042

Seems about right. 

The campaign of "learning" is still going on for Force Design 2030 in freaking 2042. Of course they keep jacking with the organization by trying to transform instead of evolving the force. I can actually see hand picked officers from the current crop tinkering with this thing instead of admitting that they fucked up and trashing this whole abomination. 

But that would take awareness, humility and a bit of self reflection wouldn't it. They might be "operating in the blunt layers" (whatever the fuck that word salad means...they look so satisfied when they speaking gobbly goop...fucking pathetic...I remember when Marine Officers spoke plainly & clearly!) but at the end of the day they're still fucked up.

Heatloss Twitter Page has an absolutely amazing speculative twitter thread on the future of long range air-to-air missiles....


What has me curious is if a high flying F-22 or its follow on would be able to take the same concepts shown here to launch modified AA missiles at ground range! High speed, low observable and if the Navy's surface to air missile is an example its could turn dual use.

The internet is crazy~! Some clown is talking about getting a couple of the "boys" together to go take over Haiti! He has some idiots responding saying they'll join in!

Oh my God. I thought I had seen batshit crazy but I was wrong.

Someone needs to do a welfare check on this dude and make sure he's taking his meds.

So he's gonna assemble a ragtag team of "mercenaries" and go take on some of the biggest armed gangs in the hemisphere with a bunch of keyboard commandos?

In the name of all that's Holy.  Wait.  That's not right.

In the name of all that is pathetically funny and highly lethal but will improve the gene pool, please let these dudes make this run.


In the meantime pass the popcorn.

Open Comment Post. 3 Mar 24

New North Korean Hypersonic IRBM

I wonder why we keep working for the perfect instead of pushing towards the good enough. Research hypersonics all you want but a few supersonic, maneuvering anti-ship missiles would probably be a God send that we could actually get into service relatively quickly. We don't have an equivalent to the Indian Brahmos. Plenty of subsonic cruise missiles but nothing fast. Maybe supersonics instead of hypersonics is what we should push for?

They're bombing the dead.

The dead aren't lucky. I wonder how the US will react when we're faced with a high tech opponent, and there are in essence "snuff" videos of US Soldiers, Sailors, Airmen & Marines being killed/severely injured? The war between Russia & Ukraine is unique. It is NOT the future of warfare, but we are seeing certain "glimpses" of what the future will be. Snuff vids and drones are the main things. One affects public perception and the other the battlefield.

Its almost like someone is intentionally fucking with our food supply

Chicken & eggs are pretty much the only semi-affordable protein left. Now that's gonna spike too? What happens when you get too much of "gee that's news I did not want to hear" when it comes to our food supply.

Tuesday, April 02, 2024

Taiwan just got hit with an earthquake. Tsunami warnings in Okinawa. China already offering aid. WHERE IS THE US STATE DEPT????

I've been to more than a few rodeos now and I've never seen a bull this wild...

A small reminder. SPENDING ON UKRAINE

So when is enough enough? Oh and spare me the "percent of GDP" garbage. This shows what the Europeans are doing compared to the US and we ain't even on that continent!

America and the world's outrage is selective. Kill and terrorize christians and not a word...

I AM AMAZED AT HOW PUSSIFIED CHRISTIANITY HAS BECOME. This doesn't aply to all but Muslims attack Jews and the Jews retaliate. Outrage. Horror all around. Muslims attack and kill christians in Nigeria. Not a word. Someone make it make sense. NO THIS IS NOT A RACIST tweet but how is the Muslim religion so ascendant while so many of its proponents preach murder, rape etc...while at the same time christianity is all peace and tolerance for ANYTHING! How did it get like this? Why is this allowed???

Its not the "hot" thing anymore but SCP Foundation still rocks

Which is cheaper? More cargo planes or more bombers? If we start using cargo planes as bombers then we need to build ALOT more!

Note. The tweet has nothing to do with the title but it needed to be asked. I personally think that if we're gonna dedicate a portion of our cargo planes to the attack/bomber role then we need a bigger inventory of them. If bombers are too expensive then hell yeah build more C-130s...but either way we need more.

Is this your dream girl arriving?

Meet Optimus Prime (Tues Funny)

Another rapper doesn't commit to Joe

Ya know what's wild? The backlash isn't coming from her fans. It's coming from the "movers & shakers". Things are getting interesting in the rap industry. Oh and make no mistake. They're following on this, not leading it.

Destination Unknown (graphic novel?) explores AI in the decision making process. Its like a "what do you do now Lt" (stole the Gazettes from BN..gotta do recon on officers to keep those bastards in line---that mag gave them goofy ideas to try out on us!))