Saturday, April 06, 2024

And now begins the year of fear in the US. Intel Agencies are warning of ISIS or lone wolf attacks ahead of eclipse viewing. YOU FUCKS LET THEM IN SO EAT SHIT ON YOUR WARNINGS!

These bastards created a new terror threat on a daily basis for millions of Americans living in cities and soon in the countryside. You let in MILLIONS of criminals and what the fuck did you son of a bitches expect. EAT SHIT ON YOUR WARNINGS. I'VE BEEN ON ALERT SINCE YOU STARTED THIS CLUSTERFUCK AT THE BORDER (can't convince some friends and loved ones but I think you've got that covered as we head to the election...can't wait to see how you cleanse the Biden admin of culpability though)!

ProTip. Never touch unusual objects in unusual places!

Is this real? Did someone actual rig up a doorbell in the forest and someone was actually silly enough to press it? Tell me this is a gag!

Our Gov, Jeff Landry made a mountain out of NOTHING! He has MUCH MORE IMPORTANT shit to worry about than when LSU comes on the field

I voted for this son of a bitch but he missed the mark bad on this one. I don't know what fucking mob he was playing to, but to come after the LSU Women's Basketball Team and now LSU Football is an idiot move. We got crime. We got unemployed. We got a failing education system. We got bad infrastructure. AND THIS BASTARD FOCUSES ON IF THEY"RE ON THE FIELD FOR THE NATIONAL ANTHEM? Kick rocks bitch and get to work on the shit I voted for you to fix.

New Russian anti-drone tech....

I want a couple. The distance is kinda short so they need to get those numbers up. Need a few for home defense.

I've heard about thermobaric bombs but now the Russians are rolling out Volumetric detonating bombs????

I'm just sitting here marveling and sending up hopes that Americans are never called to fight on a modern battlefield against a peer foe. Now we're gonna deal with volumetic detonating bombs? Someday all this exotic shit is gonna be mainstream and the hurt is gonna be legion. I'm just waiting for lasers and electrons to be turned on human flesh to see the kill potential there. Frying alive once only involved flames. Now you're gonna be microwaved and stir fried riding in your IFV to the battle. Shit is gonna suck in the future.

Blogger (GCAPTAIN) blames the WEST POINT MAFIA for gutting our naval capabilities...

China smacks down Britain as a rival and/or competitor

Thankfully for the British he didn't even touch on military power. The Brits are gonna have a come to Jesus when it comes to their role/standing on the world stage.

Reese got injured, UCONN got a ghost call....S. Carolina better beat that Iowa ASS!

I AM SO TIRED OF THIS CLARK HERO WORSHIP! I hope S. Carolina smash that ass! Be gone gibblet.

A total mobilization law in Ukraine on April 10? This dude is pissed about it but I don't know the particulars on why


The Ukrainians are building a modern day Maginot Line???

New batch J20A Mighty Dragons

This looks like the smoothest, flatest firing AK I've ever seen...and I HATE AK's...

Ya'll are paying high prices, know its bad for your health but still scoffing it down???? CLOWNS!!!

Stop being a clown. Buy some fucking beef. Cook it. Put it between a pair of buns (store bought not your girl's...yeah I joke....FUCK SHARIA LAW) add condiments and get some real food.

To the soldiers of both Russia and Ukraine. SHUT YOUR FUCKING HATCHES! This shit is past your own a lessons learned to your forces...

A little sweat is worth it to save your own damn lives. Open up at nite (if you turn off interior lights, but button up during the day) if you must but only then.

Christians need to grow some balls. Do this in a mosque and it would be war but they can take over a church with no pushback??? FUCK THAT SHIT! MAN THE FUCK UP!


I am convinced that this should be a new olympic event....

Oh and for any Islamist on the blog attempting to enforce Sharia Law here? FUCK YOU!!!

Open Comment Post. 6 Apr 24

This is the perfect illustration of the ignorance of people teaching your children, of the left & the fools that the Biden Admin is responding to with their foreign policy towards Israel...

It amazes me that micro managing Israel's conflict against Hamas is perfectly fine with the morons in the Biden Admin, but with Ukraine they're allowed to juice up gas prices by striking Russian oil facilities (remember people it is a global market....Russia's reserves are counted in the supply!!!) and they take a hands off apporach (like the strike on Nordstream while making OUR intel organizations LIE to the American people ... don't count the admin cause they're just lost).

Friday, April 05, 2024

Ya'll in are MAIN BATTLE TANKS! You have great electro-optical systems. You know the enemy drops grenades by drone down hatches. WHY DO YOU KEEP RIDING AROUND WITH YOUR HATCHES OPEN?????

FUCK ME! I keep seeing this over and over again on the frontlines in this war. BOTH SIDES DO IT! Why aren't the vets of this fight giving a rough and ready "lessons learned" to the guys about to go into theater? Where is the hard won knowledge being passed on to the new booty? Or are they all stupid and want to die in a cloud of pink mist and agonizing misery? WHAT THE FUCK ARE THEY THINKING????

Are they actually proud of this??? Ukrainian women headed to the front...

As vile as it sounds, as much of a mixture of barbaric thinking/masochism, the idea of sending women to combat is a terrible idea. They're someone's mother, daughter, sister. They're are the future of your nation. If Ukraine is doing this out of necessity then its time to begin serious negotiations. Probably an election too. I can't believe that Ukraine's citizens approve of this. To be blunt this reminds me of the dying throes of the Third Reich, as in the collapse of a nation after a terrible war. No correlation between them politically except that Zelensky is acting like a dictator and I believe he's also attempting to direct the war just like Hitler did.