Friday, April 19, 2024

WTF is going on in Myanmar????


I did not know they had an insurgency going on over there. Just wow. Say things kick off between the US and China. Exactly where are we gonna setup in that region that doesn't have some type of insurgency raging? In the nations that don't they're not gonna let us in. That would be just perfect. China can arm the insurgents and send them to hit us and the home govt and we'll find ourselves in a two way fight. Trying to keep the Chinese off Taiwan while at the same time trying to keep the insurgents off our backs. Not cool.

Rumors are swirling on why Louisiana Native, Speaker of the House Johnson has done a U-turn on just about everything...

Sounds farfetched but we're living in weird times. Anyone can get got on a personal/physical level. You can live with that danger. But to be dragged thru the mud reputation wise? Must be terrible. Not for the small guy. No one would give a fuck about whatever evils you conceal but if you're a "name"? The power to blow up a persons life must be intoxicating. Just think about this. If this is true then we're living in the Matrix for real! What happened indeed!

Open Comment Post. 19 Apr 24


NATO countries must give weapons to Ukraine, even if this comes at the expense of their own defense capabilities....tell me you're smoking crack without telling me you're smoking crack!

This dude must be fucking high.

So we give up the ability to defend ourselves in order to help Ukraine?  Make that make sense!

The globalist have gone over the deep end.  I don't know what this dude is smoking but that must be some good shit.

Ukraine demands more Patriot Missile Systems. This "modern" war is simply a return to "industrial warfare"


Quantity has a quality all its own.

We're seeing that now with the fighting in Ukraine.  Its high tech no doubt but its also at its heart an industrial fight.

All assumptions by US planners of short sharp fights MUST BE RETHOUGHT!

Our magazine depth is borderline pathetic.  Our allies?  Non-existent.

How we balance this thing is beyond me but some "brain" somewhere needs to be crunching the numbers.

This will affect everything in a true fight between superpowers.  I'm not talking about proxy fights we're seeing pop up but a true battle royal.

If just one US Armored Division is committed to action along with air and naval support how long could we keep them in the fight with our current stockpiles if they're in a high kinetic fight?

Artillery alone would probably run out in days.  Our anti-air missiles would probably last minutes.  Our airpower flying non-stop sorties would probably last as long as our artillery supply.

Note this is with us stripping down to the bare bones in every other theater.

Its a tough pill to swallow but add in dispersed units and things get even trickier because that last mile under fire to deliver the goods is gonna be hell on earth.

My worry is that the theorists got it all wrong but they're so invested in the work they've done that they can't adjust to obvious changes that are happening right before their eyes.

Their theories were fucked up.  The concepts they developed and maybe even their warplanes do not stand up to the test of time and an evolving battlefield.

Our playbook has been read and the enemy will not allow us to do another Desert Storm, Thunder Run, SOCOM raids etc....

The next one is gonna be a long, drawn out slog fest and we ain't ready.

Thursday, April 18, 2024

The world is upside down. We're expecting Iran to be the rational actors and not strike back against Israel!

 How fucked up have things become?

We're expecting IRAN to be the rational actors and not strike back against Israel after the strike tonight!

Do you get the irony  of this shit?

Iran.  The home of the motherfucking Ayatollah is our hope to prevent this shit from turning into a regional war.

Not Israel but fucking IRAN?????

I don't understand this shit anymore.  Damn near the entire Western World to include SEVERAL ARAB states stepped up and shot down Iranian drones/cruise & ballistic missiles, we not only showed Israel that we had them but ACTED forcefully for them (and I don't doubt that there was back channel communications from the Iranians) and Israel still decided to launch a limited attack and now we're depending on the Persians to save the day.

Fuck me!  Shit is all jacked up.

Israel or rather Bibi is making a huge mistake by conducting a retaliatory strike on Iran...

 I don't get the Israeli rational on striking Iran.

They had European countries AND the US sending fighters and warships to knock down Iranian missiles.

The Iranians conducted what I consider a limited strike.

Bibi is stating that they have to retaliate because of (paraphrasing) that showing weakness by not striking would be provocative.

I disagree.

They've lost the public relations war.  Correction, they lost the manufactured anti-Israel public relations war.  Being pro Hamas is a new reason for being for the elite left and their camp followers.

A retaliatory strike risks expanding the war.

So why do it?

I think because Bibi needs the war to continue.  The second there is a pause in fighting the Israeli public will return to investigating him.  His govt will certainly fall.  His return to power will be doubtful.

This is his legacy moment and he's in it to set his place in history.

Self over country is always dangerous.  Israel is in danger right now with its current leadership...just like the US, UK, France, Germany, Poland, Brazil, and a few other modern societies I forget at the moment.

Wednesday, April 17, 2024

Amphibious Assault School hosts Amphibious Combat Vehicle Operator New Equipment Course 1-24....Video by Cpl. Hunter Wagner


The vids of this thing look awesome. The 30mm variant is gonna be nice. Still don't know how this fits in with Force Design 2030 (no rebranding for the FD freaks). Plus I remember the landing in Spain in that soft sand. Totally different than what you see at Pendleton. That soft, fluffy, get your ass stuck sand. Never forget seeing Marines trying to push a Humvee off the beach. Wonder if this vehicle will suffer the same fate. They claim it has the mobility to keep up with an M1 Abrams in broken terrain but I've never seen a video of it actually doing that. In short I have questions of its mobility in rough conditions. Video proof from BAE or the Marine Corps would be appreciated. Don't get me wrong. We won't see it but it would be nice. I wonder if I'm the only one that has doubts about this?

I am stunned and amazed (yeah I'm stupid) at how easily Washington, DC turned Louisiana native House Speaker Johnson into a puppet...


This fucker is a complete sellout.  All the promises about securing the border are forgotten and its all about Ukraine with just a side mention about Israel to try and get the Bible Belt to support this bitch ass supplemental.

The two party system is a joke.

I never REALLY understood the power of the Military Industrial Complex.

They own our govt which is a major part of why the US is continuously at war.

Its bad enough that we have enemies trying to fuck us, but now we have to add the govt to that list?


We're in a hurt locker.  We can't give up but FUCK!

To put it in street terms, how did the US go from being a certified, will fuck you up in a heartbeat shot caller to becoming the world's bitch?  The pussification of America is accelerating.

The tide continues to turn against Biden...


Antonio Brown is batshit crazy.  But even the crazy can get it right (having said that who is actually normal these days...we're all fucked up to a certain extent..).

AB isn't leading on this issue.  It isn't a great revelation on his part. He's simply following the lead.

Black working males have turned on the Democrat party.

I fear its too late but its about fucking time.

Open Comment Post. 17 Apr 24


The Draco Polaris XPEDITION

I've seen some crazy ATV builds. Seen them with tires taller than me (i'm 6'2")...seen them with sound systems that made no sense...seen them over powered and modded to hell with freaking 5.8L engines somehow bootstrapped onto them.

But I've never seen an off road princess like this thing.  Check it out and the price tag that goes with it here.

Just when you thought shit couldn't get any crazier...

Tuesday, April 16, 2024

PLAAF H-6N bomber carrying a YJ-21 air-launched ballistic missile.


Warship magazine management is gonna become a serious issue...

 The drone/cruise missile/ballistic missile fight a day or so ago has me wondering.

At what point does warship magazine management become such a major issue that we dedicate Burkes only to the air defense mission?

I personally think we're already there.

I mean think about it.  I the recent engagement you had tactical aircraft participate in the fight.

We all know the history of the US Navy when it comes to getting ships to sea.  Gaps are gonna be there and carriers aren't gonna be everywhere we need them.  The USAF might try hard but that forward deployed concept is dying a death.  A nation already stated that we could not use their bases for operations.  We were only engaging Iran.  Imagine if its China!  A whole slew of nations will bail out.

One Burke for simplicity sake has lets say 100 anti-air missiles.  The Chinese could launch 200 drones (only drones) against every Burke we have.  Add in the 5in gun and the CIWS and you get the point.

The Burke could easily run out of missile protecting itself much less the rest of the fleet.

Scale up the fight appropriately and before you start add in cruise /hypersonic and ballistic missiles and the point crystalizes.

Industrial warfare is here.  Production is now king.  Hyper precision was a luxury and its time is over.

So what happens if the Burkes become ONLY anti-air and lose their multi-mission capability?

If you demand to keep that multi-mission capability how do you manage the ships magazine of missiles?

Do arsenal ships finally make sense in this age of drone warfare?

One thing is certain.  The type of warfare we're engaging in at the moment (things change rapidly) means that we need to get our industrial base up and at a wartime footing.

Open Comment Post. 16 Apr 24

My next generation JLTV.  Concept is that every vehicle has to be a killer on the battlefield and multirole. Anti-Drone/vehicle/tank, some degree of electronic attack to disrupt enemy communications, the ability to transport a section of infantry, the ability to flex into a cargo hauler (trailer would have the same suspension and capable of robust off road maneuver as well as float!) and protect against mines.  Smaller ground force raises the value of every Soldier/Marine which means more capable vehicles are necessary to protect that investment.

Monday, April 15, 2024

Dear Republicans. What happened to securing the border before any more aid?


I can't believe this trash. The House Speaker is from my state and he's proven himself to be just another critter in the swamp. At least the one's we have in the real swamp can be deep fried. Can't do a thing with the one's in the DC swamp. I wonder what a politician that actually has some backbone and can't get bent over by the powers that be in Washington looks like. Apparently he/she would have a spine made of titanium and has the circutry of the terminator cause everyone we send there gets weak as hell. Rant over.

Israel says it has no choice but to strike back....I get it but...


I don't know the background on everything going on but I do know this.

The Biden Admin was caught engaging in back channel negotiations with Iran to get them to reel in the Houthis when they were striking civilian shipping.

Like I said (don't know who the talking head was but to think that Iran has expended its magazine in that paltry attack is laughable) the attack was magnitudes less than what I thought it would be.

Israel is in a tough neighborhood.

The Biden admin doesn't seem to realize it but in certain parts of the world, weakness is provocative.  Words don't mean shit.  Its the fist holding a weapon that have sway.

So I get the IDF saying it has no choice but to strike back.

My question is simple.

When is enough, enough?  What will it take to keep this from turning into a full fledged regional war?

Once again Bibi gives me pause.

Right now they're fighting Hamas.  If they add Iran to the mix then you're adding the Houthis and Hezbollah into the fight too.

WTF happened where we can't control the countries that we prop up?

First Ukraine got off the chain and crazy ass Zelensky started doing shit to expand the war in Europe, now we have crazy ass Bibi doing the same?

I'm a nobody and I can see that this is at the very least strategically stupid.

Why can't they?

Dude got these idiots to chant "death to America" brain dead do you have to be to chant death to yourself?


How brain dead do you have to be to chant death to yourself?

PVC slingshot arrow...

With so many new immigrants coming to our shores we're about to see some different weapons come to the front. Not the usual pistol (majority of the time), rifle (very few), knife (damn near universal) but new shit like slingshots.

We've seen the havoc that machetes are doing in Europe and the UK, but slingshots are a huge weapon for people in certain parts of the world for harvesting game, defense etc...

You add arrows to the mix and you have something hideous.  Check out the pic below...

I don't go NEAR the woods (there are woods then there are woods...IYKYK) during bow season.

These four bladed arrowheads are savage enough but four bladed mechanical arrowheads?  VICIOUS!

I'd rather be shot than hit with one of those things (I don't even know if you could stop the bleeding if hit with one and yeah...they're going thru your vest).

The gangs of thieves from S. America will either stay up north or get rounded up when they head south.  Not so much a worry. Its some of the others that pause me up.

New arrivals equal new dangers but the public ain't talking about it yet.