via Real Clear Defense...
First, Chowder II’s actions in the media either intentionally or inadvertently undermine the legitimacy of active Marine Corps leaders, particularly in their efforts to implement Force Design. These retired members leverage their considerable status and influence within the organization, directly challenging Commandant Smith and impairing his ability to lead effectively. This form of "helicopter grandparenting" creates significant discord and uncertainty within the active and reserve ranks of the Marine Corps, compromising the integrity and execution of the Corps' strategic vision.
Second, the public dissent from Chowder II potentially discourages innovation across the organization. General Charles Krulak, a purported member of Chowder II, emphasized the importance of taking innovative risks, noting that “The Marine Corps has never been unwilling to look foolish to the crowd.” However, when the Marine Corps attempts to overhaul its forces through modernization efforts, Chowder II openly criticizes the move. Under these circumstances, what motivates members and leaders to pursue innovative ideas? Ostensibly, Chowder II members exert their positions to maintain and leverage influence over the organization that they previously led. This criticism creates a bottleneck effect. Innovators fear public backlash for their ideas and actions, institutionalizing doubt toward innovative concepts. As a result, innovators chose to hold their ideas in rather than share them. This public opposition not only demotivates members from proposing new ideas but also casts a shadow of doubt over their endeavors, fostering a conservative atmosphere that deters risk-taking. Such a climate severely limits the Marine Corps' ability to adapt to new challenges and diminishes its overall effectiveness and agility.
Finally, the outspoken opposition from the group further exacerbates recruitment challenges for the Marine Corps. Military services are increasingly struggling to recruit and retain service members. A significant factor contributing to this decline is the eroding public trust in the military, which is only worsened by public disputes like those involving Chowder II. Such conflicts, aired openly on the internet, portray the perception of the Marine Corps as disjointed and unstable. These actions potentially deter prospective recruits from joining an organization seemingly mired in internal discord.
I take issue with many things said in this puff piece for Force Design 2030 and the idiots that proposed it.
1. They did it in secret and they did it without output from those outside the room. They didn't get buy in which is change agent one oh one. They had an idea and thought that they could ram it thru. They were wrong and now try and guilt trip everyone into supporting their bullshit.
2. Force Design 2030 was over the top. It stripped the Marine Corps of vital capabilities. They talk about a second land army? They talk about being eclipsed by Army capabilities? ITS HAPPENING WITH FORCE DESIGN 2030! The Marine Corps makes its chops by being an Amphibious Force. By being a Force In Readiness. By being able and willing to fight anywhere, anyplace at anytime. Force Design 2030 threw that away and concentrated on one region, against one foe and focused on one scenario. They were fools and now they know that.
3. They talk about the tarnished relationship. THEY DID THAT WITH THEIR OVER RIDING ARROGANCE. They arrogantly spout about "those with skin in the game"? Are you fucking kidding me? What happened to once a Marine always a Marine?
Long story short?
Berger and the Force Design 2030 advocates broke the bond. They were secretive in their planning for this, demanding in their roll out to such an extent that they made those that were briefed on it sign non-disclosure statements, so restrictive that even at Command & Staff Schools the Commandant shows up and says to his Majors that since he's paying for their schooling they OWE HIM THEIR SUPPORT IN FORCE DESIGN 2030????
They broke the bond.
They acted like bandits in the night.
They tried to push forward a flawed concept because one man had a command in the Pacific and forgot the rest of the world existed.
Now they want peace when they started the war? They want "family" when they turned their backs on the very people that WANT to support them when they're right but have the love of Corps to tell them when they're WRONG????
Fuck those bastards forever.
They can all eat shit and die.
Oh and here's a screen shot of one of the proponents of this clusterfuck in all his arrogant glory.
Once a Marine always a Marine don't apply for this sorry fuck. We don't have skin in the game today so we don't count?
Yeah bitch. EAT SHIT AND DIE.