Friday, May 03, 2024

AAS student conduct ACV training

U.S. Marines at the Amphibious Assault School, conduct amphibious exercise at Marine Corps Base Camp Pendleton, California, April 11, 2024. The Operator Certification Course ensures Marines possess the technical knowledge, skills, and proficiency required to safely operate the Amphibious Combat Vehicle in waterborne operations. The Marine Corps is taking a deliberate approach to fielding the ACV to the Fleet Marine Force to ensure our Marines understand the platform’s capabilities and can operate it safely and proficiently. (U.S. Marine Corps video by Lance Cpl. Adrian Estrada)

Open Comment Post. 3 May 24


It's an anomaly.  It's getting closer.  Your team is dead and backup is an hour away.  Your weapon is feet away and you're not sure you know it wouldn't kill the thing anyway.  Die fighting or end it all in one shot.  Decisions, decisions, decisions...
SCP - The Sun That Hates

Can the US Army hang anything else on the turret of the new M2A4E1 Bradley?


Ok I get it.

Gotta have anti-missile systems on your armor (Hello USMC!!!!! you got that brand new ACV but no Iron Fist..WHAT THE FUCK!!!) but look at that thing!

I got a dose of OCD so all that clutter on the turret is doing something to me.  I get it but geez!

B-Roll: 1st Bn., 11th Marines executes HIRAIN

U.S. Marines with Alpha Battery, 1st Battalion, 11th Marine Regiment, 1st Marine Division, execute an M142 High Mobility Artillery Rocket System rapid infiltration from March Air Force Base to Marine Corps Air-Ground Combat Center Twentynine Palms, California, May 1, 2024. HIRAIN is the process of identifying an enemy target from forward observation points and unmanned aerial vehicles, seizing key terrain for an aerial landing, inserting HIMARS using aircraft, destroying the target and retrograding back to a secure location. (U.S. Marine Corps video by Sgt. Emeline Swyers)

So let me get this straight.

You're operating against a peer foe.

You're going to identify the enemy target from forward positions, then you're gonna fly in INFANTRY to seize KEY TERRAIN for an AERIAL're gonna unload HIMARS, you're gonna destroy the target and then you're gonna get the fuck outta dodge before the enemy locates and micro fragments everyone?


Understand this isn't normal shit whoever came up with this fuckery are smoking.  They're on psychedelics.  This is pure fantasy shit!

2/10 FIREX 24


30 Sailors, Marines Injured in LCAC ‘Incident’

 via USNI News

An “incident” off Florida on Wednesday evening involving two Navy air-cushioned landing craft, or LCACs, left 30 sailors and Marines with injuries, including five treated at a Georgia hospital, the Navy announced late Thursday.

The service began its investigation into the mishap, which happened off the coast of Jacksonville, Fla., during a pre-deployment training exercise with amphibious assault ship USS Wasp (LHD-1) and amphibious transport dock ship USS New York (LPD-21), U.S. 2nd Fleet officials said in a statement posted online.

There were 18 sailors and 30 Marines aboard the two LCACs. Of the 30 who reported injuries, “five sailors were medically evacuated for further care at Savannah Memorial University Medical Center. Four of the five sailors have been released from the hospital after treatment,” according to the statement and a Navy official. “One sailor remains under medical care and is being assessed for further treatment. Sailors and Marines with minor injuries were treated aboard Wasp and New York.”

Fleet officials provided no further details about the incident.


An LCAC mishap?  That's something you don't happen often.  Wonder what was up with this.  The obvious guess is that some type of collision happened between the two boats but who knows.

Wouldn't be the first time for something like that....happens all the time with LCUs but people don't talk about that.

They want to use the entire III MEF as a stand in force???

 via Marine Corps News

“There’s been a lot of focus on the MLR, very appropriately so, what we were trying to do in Azure Dragon is validate our ability to stand in as a MEF, as a (Marine Air Ground Task Force),” Bierman said.

But having the force, a unit with 25,000 Marines, running as the stand in force sets up units such as the regiments to better exploit enemy weaknesses, Bierman said.


I was wrong.

I thought they were willing to sacrifice an MLR to the war god in order to pull the US into a war with China.


They want to go big.  They want to put an entire MEF in the line of unrelenting fire to make sure the American people react emotionally instead of rationally to China's effort to retake Taiwan.


Plus they're trying to use the example of the Houthis as proof that the SIF concept works?  Grasping at fucking straws.

The entire Marine Corps leadership needs to be drug tested.

Thursday, May 02, 2024

If 5in guns are the future weapon of choice to destroy drones/missiles do we need to start adding more to our destroyers?

It kinda seems like the Navy is pushing hard to use a mix of microwave/laser and guns to handle the incoming drone/missile problem. If that's the case then do we need to start adding more 5in guns to our destroyers? Oh and on a sidenote let me remind you that once big deck amphibs had (I believe...doing this from memory) 3 on them on the old Tarawa class. 5in guns are back in least for a little bit.

Yeah someone is gonna have to figure this out. How do you deconflict the airspace between low flying drones and attack planes/helicopters?


Redback IFV with a K21 turret w/40mm Bofors gun competing for Romanian contract

Wow. Didn't the Romanians go with the Boxer for their wheeled IFV? If the Redback wins this then they'll be following the Australian model. Wonder what's going on with the Lynx?

I don't fear the drone, but those bastards are starting to become a huge concern

Florida Sheriff gets it. Evil can never be dead enough

Ukrainian losses in the war have been greatly underreported...


I know the Russians have been making advances lately (its reported everywhere, didn't see a need to post it here), but to see this news? To see that Western intel officials are reporting it on background? I wonder how bad things actually are for the Ukrainians. More to the point. How close can the Russians advance to the border before Western leaders push for boots on the ground? Are the Russians working on that math or have they reached a point where they just don't give a fuck anymore and want all the smoke we got?

If possible I'd luv for all these protesters to actually meet Hamas and get their just due...


I continue to marvel at this shit.  We have actual American citizens protesting in support of a terrorist organization, shouting racial slurs and instead of getting medieval on their asses they're being treated with kid gloves.  I don't understand it.  How this is allowed is beyond me but apparently we're headed toward a time of rampant lawlessness that is not only permitted but encouraged.

If this is true then we need to up our missile defense game MASSIVELY!

Could it be that the tremendous success of our defense of Israel from Iranian missiles wasn't?  If this is true then we've got ALOT of work to do!

Tempest GCAP (Global Combat Air Programme)


The fantasy art looks awesome. Can the Brits actually do it though? My prediction? Its all dreams. I'd bet money they're already working behind the scenes to glob onto the USAF or USN's next gen fighter. They're just too cash strapped to take this on alone....even with an ally or two its still a heavy climb.

Late Open Comment Post. 2 May 24


WHISKEY Multi Mission Reconnaissance Craft

*Note.  Many errors in my rant.  Do as usual and read between the lines to make it make sense. Ain't got time.*

Ya know what many don't realize?

I tried mightily to make Force Design 2030 make sense.  I asked some of the so called experts, the people that helped design this thing over on X, to explain it to me.  

I gave this thing the benefit of the doubt even though every cell in my body screamed that this abomination is batshit crazy.

I tried and I failed.

Not only has it stripped the Marine Corps of its combat power but its also placed the Corps in a terrible spot that will take a decade to recover from.

If I asked you today what is the Marine Corps, what would your answer be?  It better not be masters of amphibious assault.  We've had a series of Commandant's tell us that its no longer possible.  It better not be a forward deployed force in readiness.  Recent history has shown us otherwise.

What has Force Design 2030 relegated the Marine Corps to?

At best its gonna be a stand in force.  Make no mistake what that ACTUALLY means.  You strip away all the professor talk, all the Pentagon bullshit and what it really means is that you're gonna have small groups of Marines FORWARD so that they can die a horrible death that will spun to some kind of heroism, and by their deaths they will act as a tripwire that will galvanize the American public to go to war over Taiwan.

FULL STOP!  That's it in a nutshell.

That's what its all about.  That's why the Congress Critters are all in favor of it.  That's why the Navy is placating the Marines with the promise of that useless landing craft while they prep to do the real fighting.  That's why the US Army is prepping to actually engage Chinese ships from shore.  They all know that once the real fighting starts the 3rd Littoral Regiment will be micro fragmented and feeding the wildlife in the ocean.

But back on task.

Make this concept make sense.  I mean that boat is nice. I imagine its even fun to ride in.  But why would you use a waterborne craft for the maritime recon mission?  UAVs will be much more useful, as survival goes much more survivable and the best thing?  You won't have to risk Marines to find out where that anti-air destroyer is lurking off the coast.  Instead use lose a piece of replaceable machinery.

Is this still the Marine Corps or a coastal defense force?

Monday, April 29, 2024

Amphibious Combat Vehicle testing on MCB Camp Lejeune


That recon/counter recon & eyes of the joint force is ringing more hollow than ever. The US Army is getting its logistics together for the Pacific fight. The Army plans, the USMC shouts the failed Force Design 2030 bullshit!

This irks me to no end. The USMC went all in on Force Design 2030, the advocates continue to push it and we see our biggest rival (lets face it, the enemy is nothing...the US Army is our biggest rival) continues to push forward into every void we created and even onto land that we supposedly staked out (or should I say maritime terrain?).


They believe they're the smartest fuckers in the room and end up screwing it all up.  Instead of adding to an already winning formula those bastards have to tear everything down, fail mightily and then whine while the work of cleaning up their mess is left to the real men in the room that are willing to roll up their sleeves and work the problem instead of looking for an easy way out.

Berger and his clowns will face judgement.  Not in the present.  They're too well entrenched.  They'll face judgment from Marine Corps history and how one little man almost fucked up the entire enterprise.