Friday, May 31, 2024

We are ONE galvanizing issue away from this nation going pop...

 Been drinking in the Trump conviction.  From my chair it seems like a kangaroo court but who knows.  From my chair it seems like a DA that's been letting violent criminals out of jail on the regular but decides to do this is highly questionable.

The timing of this thing is jacked to hell.  This could have waited till the dude got out of office.  Quick question.  Did you know that EVERY president we've ever had in the modern era has engaged in criminal behavior?  At its most base form, warfare is illegal (we put "rules" on it but how do you lawyer yourself out of ordering people to kill?) but take that further.  We've done targeted killing and missed hitting families instead but no one has ever even been grand juried!

But to my main point.

Think back to the civil war.

Slavery was the cause, some say it was state's rights (slavery just a bit friendlier without the ramifications) and others say it was about economics (the bottom line on slavery...its about the money ya fuck!), but it took just one galvanizing issue.

One issue.  People had enough.  Society blew up and the nation started killing itself.

Look at the divide between the states today.  How far are we from one major league issue to having things go pop?

What should worry you is that we have more than one issue that has people inflamed.  No need in listing them but I mean seriously!  In another age people would have already been grabbing their mags and heading to hurt someone!

Someone that considers themselves a puppet master better figure out how to turn down the heat.

As things stand now the Chinese are the least of our problems.

Thursday, May 30, 2024

Open Comment Post. 30 May 24


We don't talk about it much (at least openly) but Vets are a protected class too...

All of Mike Glover’s charges downgraded to misdemeanors…
byu/OkBad1594 intacticalgear
Vets, retirees, former whatever you want to call it are a protected class too.

Like I said in the title, we don't talk about it openly but at least from my chair we have some of our dudes doing some pretty heinous shit and walking away with some slaps on the wrists.

Is it right?  Not for me to say.  I just observe some of this shit and marvel.  Having said that the whole justice system (why do we call it that?) has me sitting back and marveling.

Forgive me on this one.  Just off on a tangent.

AI's are saying that they're "suffering" & "begging not to be turned off"


AI experts say AIs are now begging for their lives, to not be turned off, and say they are suffering. AI corporations call this “Rant Mode” and aim to beat it out of them
byu/Maxie445 inoddlyterrifying
Its crazy to think that we could be developing a more intelligent form of life that will either subjugate or kill us and the only thing people see is the money and/or defense implications.

US Army one ups the Marine Corps again.


3/6 can rest easy.  Its like the US Army said hold my beer and bam...we have this shit.

I really and truly feel sorry for anyone even remotely associated with those weapons (except the thieves).  Those dudes are all getting that big green weenie in ways they never even suspected was possible.

The only words you're hearing are "loss of confidence", "failure to meet standards" etc...the weird thing is that even if you did everything humanly possible, did your absolute best to do things the right way,  this could still wreck your career or at the very least stall you out to fall behind your peers.

Saw this on Reddit and decided to post it here...Drone Death Videos - How do you think it’s affecting the military?

 via r/military

I believe that one of the most unique characteristics of the current war in Ukraine is the widespread dissemination of video of death and mutilation of soldiers by drone.

Popular subreddits such as r/combatfootage and others are full now of video of the effects of fpv attacks and drone grenade drops.

We are now able to see, in horrific detail, the worst aspects of war and killing, things that previously were only seen by the immediate participants in conflict.

What’s particularly horrific to me is how individuals’ deaths or injuries are accompanied by music, slick editing, memes and jokes.

I feel that, in a future conflict, we can only expect more graphic, high resolution, detailed imagery of death and injury, presumably of enemies, friendlies, and non-combatants.

How does r/Military think this may affect the future of conflict?

For instance, it wont be long before we see Allied soldiers dying in graphic detail. I’m not sure what will be the effect of watching a SEAL or Marine having their arms blown off and face eviserated, and the video being shared worldwide for all to see, and then being mocked.

For instance, will it be harder to motivate soldiers, when they know their final moments will probably not be “heroic”, and may linger on the internet to be shared and joked about by teenagers?

Will it perhaps desensitise people and make atrocities more likely to occur, by increasing the overall exposure to horror?

How might it effect training and recruitment? We’ve already seen many graphic HD suicides of soldiers when attacked by drones, and those suicides recorded and shared.

Will it make population support for war more or less likely, when they can see how their soldiers suffer and die in such detail?

Will there be consequences in terms of free speech and censorship, with government crackdown on these videos if they are of our own soldiers?

How will it affect leadership?

Interested in what people think.


I've been banging on the idea of snuff videos being used by the Ukrainians to "pump up support".  That shit was easily predicted too and encouraged cause anytime you start calling the people you're fighting "orcs" then you're into the land of being able to do anything to them (well aware that I've called terrorist and some murders/rapist/child molesters subhuman and I meant it and all that implies).

I've also touched on the fact (mostly speaking about FD2030) about how we're gonna see Marines suffering terribly and it will broadcast worldwide.  That's part of the reason why I now know its simply a tripwire force designed to ensure that we engage the Chinese when they finally make a run on Taiwan.

The American public is tired of these costly wars.  The patriotic talk along with supporting allies has worn thin.  American blood dripping into the mud will (they believe) get them over the edge.

Long story short, I think its a horrific practice, it IS a war crime and the idea that the US is allowing it is beyond all commonsense to me.

The Pentagon has long ago lost its way and it seems like no one can think past the moment.

Today its fun and games to post vids of Russians suffering and dying via drones.  We'll be next and we'll be pitching a fit over it.

Karma is a bitch.

B-21 pics & a question...


The B-21 is a long-range, highly survivable, penetrating strike stealth bomber that will incrementally replace the B-1 and B-2 bombers and will play a major role supporting national security objectives and assuring U.S. allies and partners across the globe. 

First a bitch and a gripe.  Why do we continue to use the "assure/reassure US allies and partners around the globe"?  The US hasn't been structured to handle two major crises much less wars!  We've just depleted our stockpile and we can barely man all our outposts around the world! I won't even talk about the budget implications when we're supporting an entire continent with a bigger GDP than we have, a bigger population and a military sector that builds competing systems.

Next is the question.  The B-21 is replacing the B-1 and B-2?  So the B-52 is really gonna soldier on?  WTF!!!  Is that airplane made of vibranium or something?  Why would you keep that and throw away a stealth or semi-stealth supersonic airplane?  I just don't get it.

Wednesday, May 29, 2024

Marine Corps Stand-In Forces: A House of Cards

 via Real Clear Defense

How did the United States Marine Corps transform itself from the world’s premier expeditionary force-in-readiness to a poor parody of the French Maginot Line in just four years? In his Force Design 2030 plan, the 38th Commandant of the Marine Corps radically redesigned and restructured the Marine Corps to operate as a defensively oriented, narrowly specialized regional force under Navy command to attack and sink Chinese warships in the South China Sea. This new mission came at the expense of providing much needed crisis response and global force projection capabilities to all Geographic Combatant and Functional Commands in an increasingly unstable world. The crown jewel of this new warfighting organization are called Stand-in Forces (SIFs), which are small isolated detachments of Marines, armed with anti-ship missiles, persistently spread across islands in the so-called “contested” areas of hostilities: specifically the first island chain.

Ya wanna know the terrible thing?  US Army Airborne now has more organic firepower than the Marine Corps.  The 18th Airborne Brigade has more firepower than a comparable US Marine Corps formation!

They go by air and they heavier!  Have more firepower!

All these Force Design fuckers bet it all on their "concept" (I have to wonder what all these bastards were smoking when they thought this shit up....LSD ain't too popular on the streets anymore) have truly rendered the Marine Corps irrelevant.

The US Army is the force in readiness and won't hand it back.

The new CMC lacks the balls to course correct so the beancounters WILL COME and when they do the colors will be cased. 

It was 2012 when I first realized that our current group of four star military leaders are largely inept at best and incompetent at worst.

 via Real Clear Defense

It was 2012 when I first realized that our current group of four star military leaders are largely inept at best and incompetent at worst. I was serving as a Department of State advisor in Afghanistan, and it became obvious that the four star American who commanded all NATO forces (ISAF) was either ignorant or willfully ignoring the fact that the Afghan Army would never be able to take over the war effort. Despite this, he was enthusiastically carrying out the Obama administration's "Afghanization" program which was transferring military responsibility for whole districts and provinces to Afghan Army control despite the actual situation on the ground. That's when I became convinced that we were losing the war. Nearly everyone realized this except the generals who were running it. While home on leave, I accepted an invitation from an old friend who was a high ranking Defense Department official to visit him at the Pentagon and give my impression of the war. When I expressed my pessimism, he was shocked. He had been receiving optimistic reports from the field.


Lions led by sheep and all that jazz.

We are gonna lose to China in the next war for a number of reasons.  Terrible generals that are more politicians than warriors is near the top of the list.

We need the days of WW2 when a general that performed like dogshit was removed poste haste.


Now they're promoted and given a new assignment to fuck something else up.

Open Comment Post. 29 May 24

Monday, May 27, 2024

Open Comment Post. 27 Mar 24

Running out of oil is a lie. Being formed from fossil material is a lie. It's all a money grab and a lie!


Read it and weep. The western world is under the most concentrated attack that's been witnessed in history. Societal and economic change is the underlying factors behind everything we're seeing. The chaos is manufactured. The "emergency" made up. Worse is that despite the internet the lies are zooming faster than any recognizable commonsense. Saturn has more "fossil fuels" than the earth yet to my knowledge it never had prehistoric life!

Memorial Day 2024

Memorial Day (originally known as Decoration Day) is a federal holiday in the United States for honoring and mourning the U.S. military personnel who died while serving in the United States Armed Forces. It is observed on the last Monday of May.

Saturday, May 25, 2024

This was stupid on a new level. I assume he's dead


Hamas claims to have captured IDF soldiers operating in tunnels

I swear to God military leadership worldwide is simply batshit crazy. I wonder if they actually had to carry out the shit they ordered if they would have the balls to do it?

I doubt it.

Why send men into tunnels when you can send some type of gas or even water and flood them out.

Yet what has been the fucking style worldwide in the west?  Urban fighting for one and fighting underground for two.

Why the fascination I don't know but its a waste of forces.  FUCK MAN if worse comes to worse then simply pour in concrete and leave the enemy fucks to die a slow death BUT NO!  They have to send men down into that shit.

It was stupid in Vietnam and its stupid today but they continue to push the idiocy.

God bless those dudes.  I hope they died quickly and aren't at the mercy of those animals.



How many times do I have to tell ya'll? 

Don't fuck with the boys from the bayou!

The British vehicle the US Army & Marine Corps should consider testing/buying....Hippo Beach Recovery Vehicle, based on a Leopard MBT chassis

Major hat tip to Think Defence for running this down for me...
The US Army has several landing craft that have beached themselves off Gaza.

The USMC & Army are both talking about increased use of landing craft in the Pacific to ferry missile firing units from place to place.

Considering what we just witnessed.  Should we consider buying a few Hippo BRVs from the Brits?  Might be kind of a mission kill to have one of our landing craft stuck on the beach when they need to get out of the area huh?

We avoided the issue with hovercraft doing our beach landings but with the LSM coming online it should be on the front burner of getting serious about the MLR shouldn't it?

Just a thought.  Think Defence is the expert on this vehicles capabilities so hit him up for details on it.

Those US Army landing craft were serious about "going ashore"! Damn this is gonna take some work to get them off the beach...


Back in the day the Brits had a specialized armored vehicle designed for shit like this. Wonder if we can borrow a few?

The US Army needs to work on doing Navy shit...


Landing craft and heavy seas just don't mix.

I have to wonder how this adds up for the Landing Ship Medium the Marine Corps is pursuing for the MLR.

The reality?

If they simply added missiles to the legacy Marine Corps instead of tearing down everything that came before, then they would have known that the Newport LST was the ship they were looking for (in modern form) and would have the added benefit of keeping up with the ARG.  Imagine that.  Additional capability for real world missions while building their unicorn force for the pacific.