Tuesday, June 18, 2024

Russian internal security is getting barbaric...no mercy. WARNING GRAPHIC

Note. This is via Spetsnaz 007 Twitter Page. Tried to embed the video but it wouldn't let me. Might get took down if the Google Overloads go batshit...OR Spetsnaz 007 objects. 

Six ISIS/CIA backed terrorists have been liquidaтed in the Rostov region by the Russian special forces. Two of the terrorists were cuffed and executed by command "no prisoners".


Open Comment Post. 18 Jun 24


Monday, June 17, 2024

20-foot ISO container with 126 cells HERO loitering munitions vertical launch system by Rheinmetall.

The next war is gonna be absolutely horrendous for a couple of months before we go stone age......

Neuromuscular incapacitation (NMI)...riding the lightning is no joke...I was sore for two weeks after certification

Like the title says, I was sore for two weeks! I'd rather be pepper sprayed. BUT!!!! Watching people lock up and face plant makes me cringe. Yeah its less than lethal and lower on the spectrum than going hands on but damn it people put themselves in terrible positions. The pain from the NMI, the soreness after and add to it it the idiocy they endure cause of their actions that cause them to plant themselves in all kinds of shit? Fight the issue in courts folks, not on the streets!

Sunday, June 16, 2024

I know many on this blog aren't paying attention to it but Trump is going to get historic black support in the upcoming election...

They turned up the fire too quick and the black community finally noticed they were being boiled. Trump is doing the work to win black support and the Dems are nervous. I dare say they're damn near panicked. I couldn't be happier. The only thing that troubles me is that many Republicans in name only are going to be swept back into office when they should be punted with the rest. Interesting times and an important election.

EOS T2000-DE directed energy variant turret.


What could have been and still could. The Amphibious Combat Vehicle Family Of Vehicles


NOTE~! If you're into armor and you're not following Ronkainen then you're missing out. Dude's page is a treasure trove of info!

This was not to be...but still could.  An effective large caliber direct fire vehicle is necessary.  I truly believe that the US Army will probably be so busy and they're so small now that they won't be able to provide that capability as much as they'd like to.

The plan was there.  All that has to happen is for the Force Design 2030 zealots to swallow their pride, modify their plans and add the combat power back to the MAGTF Ground that they stripped away.

Just dust off the damn plans and make it happen!

Hamas bagged another Namer Heavy APC. We need to rethink armor in urban combat..


Story here.

The Namer Heavy APC is the biggest APC/IFV currently in service. It's based on the Merkava IV MBT.  It weighs 64 freaking tons.

It is the pinnacle of apc development.

But a hybrid quasi national terrorist group was able to kill one.

Bad shit happens.  A one off wouldn't concern me.  But this is not a nation state force the IDF is facing.  While well equipped they're aren't as formidable as other forces in the region.

Long story short?  Hamas has found a vulnerability and they're exploiting it.

Which brings me to this.

We need to rethink armor in urban combat.  Looking for a role for unmanned ground vehicles?  This is it.  In the clustered and congested urban fight.  Wonder what those micro drones are actually good for?  The urban fight.  Operator driven if necessary but preferably AI operated.

Additionally its time to get the lawyers out of combat.  Lawyers in warfare is just plain terrible.  Sending Soldiers or Marines into cities to meet a law of warfare mandate instead of doing old fashion siege warfare is crazy.

If you're a civilian in a warzone my heart goes out to you but you're a victim.  Whether its from our side or the other you're a victim.  Whether you suffer from a bomb or bullet or starvation you're a victim.

May God forgive us but I'm just not for wasting American lives to meet an arbitrary mandate of "civilized" warfare.

*  Manned armor in urban setting is batshit crazy and a waste.

*  Sending Soldiers or Marines into urban centers to "clear out the enemy" is a waste of our treasured resources.  Siege warfare is a better way.

*  Unmanned ground vehicles and micro drones have found their reason for being in urban combat.  This is where they will shine.

Any questions?

Busy as hell lately...

 Sorry for the lack of blogging but real life has been incredibly busy and a bit draining.

Hopefully things slow down and I can get back on track.

Car jacked in your own damn driveway...


Stay strapped folks. Live in yellow and be prepared to escalate your response with the knowledge that you're behind the 8-ball and need to get ahead of the curve.  Train so that you're never frozen in fear.

M163 Vulcan Air Defense System (VADS)....what Ukraine really needs for its frontline forces!

Ukraine makes demands for top of the line weapon systems. Why? If we have gear laying around that could be of use NOW, without having to deplete our own stocks of top line gear to protect our own nation, yet still provide them with what they need then why aren't we shoving that down their throats. The M163 Vulcan comes to mind.

According to Wiki we made almost 700 of them.  They would make mincemeat out of low, slow flying drones and provide the capability they need NOW!

Instead it appears that Zelensky has a shopping list and wants the latest and greatest.

Meanwhile Russia is making use of any and everything in their arsenal.

It's almost like this isn't a fight to win but instead of fight for the sake of fighting.

Bad piloting or poor skills on the rope?


Polish Leopard 2PL with additional hussar wings referring to the best historical horse riding military formation in Europe.

Watch the Poles. More than any other nation in Europe they're leaning into their historic military past and seem to be wanting to lead a more militarized Europe. Good news in my opinion but I didn't see it coming. I really thought France would take on the mantle with the UK a close second. They both have too much going on at home to take the "pole" position. Its on the Polish nation and they seem to be quite happy that it is.

Remember the Ukrainian Soldier with Down's Syndrome. Thankfully it appears he's still alive...


If so many new criminal arrivals we're inevitably gonna see more "harsh" police tactics...


Assimilation is a beautiful thing but it takes time.

With so many new arrivals in such a short time with a high number of criminal aliens we can and should expect more "harsh" police tactics to deal with the hardcore portion of that population.

No one wants to talk about it but these are a different breed.  Gentleness is a weakness.

Change my mind.

Chinese sat tracking a USAF F-22 in flight...


Do you see this shit?

I don't care if it wasn't in full stealth mode it indicates capabilities none-the-less.

What I wonder is how the big brains in HQMC believe that a "Stand In Force" can exist without being detected, fire off missiles, remain undetected and unmolested and send targeting data and or perform the recon/counter recon mission in China's backyard.

It's insanity on a napkin.

Force Design 2030 is a dead end concept.

820th Base Defense Group


They have a website here

Take a good look at their mission.  Sounds like what USMC infantry is going to be doing for Force Design 2030 don't it?

This isn't a new capability.  Its a tool that the US has in its tool box already.

Force Design 2030 is a dead end concept that leads to nothing but the irrelevance of the USMC.

Happy Father's Day

 To all the dads out there, happy father's day...

Just a little joke, don't go ballistic...again, happy father's day..

Thursday, June 13, 2024

The bureaucrats are in control now. Believe your eyes. Joe needs to go to his front porch...

We've been saying it for the past year and a half. If Joe Biden had a loving wife and family he would be on his front porch enjoying his grandkids and looking back on his life.

Joe Biden doesn't have that so I pity him greatly.

What has me spinning is if its as bad as it looks (it looks terrible and remember this is after they've drugged him up)then that means the bureaucrats are running this nation.

We're fucked.  Joe Biden isn't loved by those closest to him...and every intel service (friend and foe) is making note of this weakness.

America is probably in the middle of its most vulnerable state in many many decades.

You can bet the sharks are circling...the general public just don't know.

IDF soldiers engaged in CLOSE COMBAT with Hamas terrorists