Friday, June 28, 2024

Open Comment Post. 28 Jun 24


I just watched Jill Biden at a Biden rally. SHE IS EVIL!!!!

 I've wondered why Joe Biden is still in office.  Wondered even more why a man that has diminished as much as he has is running for reelection.

Now I know.

Listening to Jill and its obvious that SHE has been President of the US for the past years.

She isn't letting Joe rest and enjoy his family because SHE loves power.  She loves the power of the presidency, even if its in puppet master form, more than she loves her husband.

I despise this President's policies but I feel so sorry for him.

He is being used by those that are supposed to love and in this stage of his life protect him.

I don't like him but may God bless him.  The dude is in a living hell.

Thursday, June 27, 2024

I feel so sorry for Joe Biden and fear for our country

 Did you watch the debate?  My takeaways...

1.  I've seen meth heads with the same look in their eyes as Biden.

2.  The lapses were terrible.  Biden is obviously sick.

3.  The users in the Dem party are finished with him and now they're gonna toss the guy after using him like a 10 cent back alley New Orleans hoe.

Why I feel sorry for him?

1.  His wife obviously hates him.  If she didn't she would make sure he left the stage and enjoyed the rest of his life playing with his grandchildren and being pampered by his children.

2.  He was drugged up to such an extent that I'm sure they're accelerating his disease.  His brain has to be inches from mush.

3.  Those that have used him have no shame and pushed policies on the American people.  We were ruled by bureaucrats and half of America cheered.  But they won't pay the price for the destruction they've brought.  Biden's legacy will.  He will go down as a horrible president and it probably isn't his fault....he was in decline during the LAST ELECTION.  They just didn't tell us.

This is why Biden didn't want an audience

Rheinmetall HX3 Common Tactical Truck

Famous ATV Concept


The battle of Belleau Wood. America wins its first major victory of WW1 with the help of a Marines....why doesn't HQMC talk about this action, an action where the USMC served as a "second land army"?

Why doesn't HQMC trumpet this battle?


It doesn't fit the narrative!


Even in the Marine Corps' infancy we didn't completely tie ourselves to the Navy. Why that's the new "hotness" is beyond me.

Taiwan's D2 Prototype


Monday, June 24, 2024

31st MEU MRF | Helocast

U.S. Marines with the maritime raid force, 31st Marine Expeditionary Unit, conduct a helocast exercise aboard a CH-53E off the coast of Okinawa, Japan, June 20, 2024. Helocasting is an airborne technique that allows Marines to insert from an aircraft into any body of water with all their gear and a mode of transportation. The 31st MEU, the Marine Corps’ only continuously forward-deployed MEU, provides a flexible and lethal force, ready to perform a wide range of military operations as the premiere crisis response force in the Indo-Pacific region. (U.S. Marine Corps Video by Cpl. Apollo Wilson)

Sunday, June 23, 2024

Late Open Comment Post. 23 Jun 24

It appears that the Lt Colonel is pissed...Force Design 2030 advocates are getting spicy...

Saturday, June 22, 2024

JoshO, a reader of this blog, captured an awesome pic of the new F-15 Missile Truck...


JoshO shared this pic of the F-15 Missile Truck in the comments and I just had to pop it out so it wouldn't get lost there. Freaking awesome and thanks for sharing! Not making the call, especially cause I've been slipping in relation to getting stuff up on the blog but just like CoffeeJoeJava hits me up with everything Marine Corps, Carlton hits me with tidbits of info on military tech trends and a ton of other people keep me informed of stuff cause ONE PERSON can't catch it all....I'm asking everyone to hit those open comments with your pics, tips and other juicy info. That was suggested a long time ago and its been one of the most awesome things we do here. We really need to revitalize that asset and make it great again (pun intended)!

I am instinctively against using cargo planes as missile launchers but this is beyond awesome (assuming they get hypersonics to work)

I'm against using cargo planes in an offensive role. My thinking is that they should be used to carry desperately needed munitions to the "real" fighters. But this is cool. Very cool. If they can get hypersonics to work and IF we can get the next gen lifter into production then I have no problem with it.

Of course this does lead to the next question.  Should our next gen heavy lifter be designed from the outset to launch missiles or is simply installing a module good enough?

Whittaker is a fucking animal. I thought the fight would be much, much better....

The ultimate anti-drone device? A Marine that's been to a skeet shooting course!

Soldier with immaculate aim guns down a drone
byu/billibillibillendar ininterestingasfuck
If you can teach a redneck to knock down ducks then you can certainly teach a Marine to knock down drones. Simpler is least till the tactic evolves.

Vision 2035. A SOLID alternative to the delusional Force Design 2035...a must read by some of the Marine Corps greats!

Open Comment Post. 22 Jun 24

Friday, June 21, 2024

Radar cross sections. Could properly instructed AI help here?


Even with the small differences between the cross section of an insect to the F-117, could a properly instructed AI tell the difference and help targeting? We saw a F-22 tracked by sat. Could AI help work out a targeting solution on it? My bigger point is that while everyone is talking about drones the ability to actually hide from the enemy is in my opinion going to get harder and harder. Add AI to GaN radars and things are gonna get tricky indeed. If your signature is known then I believe it will be detected. If you attempt to jam then your general location will be known. Is going for low profile armor and stealth aircraft the answer or do we need to develop new armors/anti-armor missile systems along with simply building long range missiles to meet the future.

Ukraine's GUR Chief is speaking in absolutes...

I've wondered something. In a fight for national survival (one that you're losing), at the end of the day if the leadership is true to its word then at the end they will either commit suicide or die in a fighting hole. I despise Hitler but he spoke in absolutes, would not accept a surrender agreement and chose to end his life in a bunker (or so history would tell us). I wonder if when the West has fully exhausted its stocks and can't reasonably squeeze anymore from its own forces and IF Russia is winning will Ukrainian leadership pick up a rifle, get in a fighting hole and slug it out?  Would they choose a less honorable death by suicide?  Would they run to a Western country only to be hunted by the relatives of the men that they sent to their deaths?

Negotiations have always been frowned on for some reason.  This conflict should have been over long ago.  

The elite want this fight.

But if the fight is about a "new world order" then they've already failed.  That ship has sailed.  We are in a messy multi-polar mess and we've just to navigate it.

When the sanctions failed despite how draconian they were it was a signal to everyone.

Things have changed and you can't put it back into the bottle.

Open Comment Post. 21 Jun 24