Monday, July 08, 2024

Arrest made in obstruction of justice with regard to class A mishap that killed MARSOC Raiders?


This isn't getting much airtime and I didn't even know a case was being developed, I just assumed it was another terrible accident.

This is stunning.

Anyone have any better info on exactly what the fuck is going on????

The US Army's 82nd AIRBORNE has more ground combat power and mobility than the US Marine Corps....AND THEY ARRIVE BY AIR!

Maybe not now but certainly in the very near future, an Airborne unit will have MUCH MORE ground power than the US Marines. 

Let me make it clear. 

A unit that arrives by AIR will have more ground combat power than a unit that arrives by ship. 


You can't. 

This was a decision made by Marine Corps leadership to gut Marine Corps firepower while chasing the dream of sinking ships. 

The funny, sad and pathetic thing? 

Its not unique. 

The US Army will do the same while ADDING to their force structure, not tearing it down into a one trick pony. 


A typical weekend in Chicago is like a bad week in Iraq at the height of the war...Chicago shootings: July 4th weekend sees more than 100 people shot, 19 killed

I will never understand why we aren't seeing sustained protests and demands for police activity in these communities. These are warzone numbers. No way in hell would I allow me or ANYONE I care about much less love to exist in those type conditions. MAKE IT MAKE SENSE!

Open Comment Post. 8 July 24

New Super Hornet Missile Breaks China's Carrier Kill Chain via Ward Carroll's YouTube Page

Sunday, July 07, 2024

Are Chinese cars really this good?

Is this true? This has got to be some high end 300K model right? What kills me isn't the luxury features, its the common sense of making generating electricity. I always thought that instead of jumping straight to electric vehicle we should have pushed for hybrid first but this give damn near the same utility of a hybrid. Expensive or not it makes MUCH MORE SENSE than what we're doing in the US.


I found this entertaining...hope you do too....

Must be feeling a certain kind of way and don't even know it. Anyway I found this entertaining and hope you do too. Kinda sad but also spot on...wonder who comes up with this shit..

Open Comment Post. 7 July 24

Who the fuck is shaking the jar in the US????

Make no mistake. Some son of a bitch or bitches is shaking the jar of the US, maybe even trying to shake the jar of the world. The real enemy is that/those bastards. I don't have the knowledge or capability to hunt them down but if we could....oh my God, if we could...

Old Skool Cartoons (now they're old skool) TRIED to warn us but we missed the message

America is a walking, talking, medical experiment. Most of the rest of the world doesn't allow this type of non-sense/idiocy in their foods. Do we even really know what real food tastes like anymore?

Saturday, July 06, 2024

Hamas shows no mercy...even against its own people

All that aid flowing into Gaza isn't feeding the people, its feeding Hamas. When do we stop playing politics and simply kill the enemy...the same enemy that wants to kill us?


Chicago is a hell hole for blacks when it comes to crime & economic development

Zero net worth?

No emergency fund?

No ability to get your car fixed if it suddenly dies, no ability to get a rental?

Living paycheck to paycheck?

How are dems continuing to run that city?  Why is the black vote so loyal?

I just don't get it.  They're being used and abused and no one that calls themselves a black leader is even talking about it!

Amazing..sad but amazing.

Buyer beware if you're thinking about buying a new home in 2024 (probably for the next 5 years)


Wow. Who would have ever thought that buying old skool construction would be better than buying brand new.

Philippines Turned Down US Help Amid South China Sea Tensions

 via G Captain

The Philippines has turned down offers from the United States to assist operations in the South China Sea, after a flare-up with China over missions to resupply Filipino troops on a contested shoal, its military chief said.

Tensions in the disputed waterway have boiled over into violence in the past year, with a Filipino sailor losing a finger in the latest June 17 clash that Manila described as “intentional-high speed ramming” by the Chinese coast guard.

The US, a treaty ally, has offered support but Manila prefers to handle operations on its own, Armed Forces Chief General Romeo Brawner told Reuters late Thursday.

“Yes, of course, they have been offering help and they asked us how they could help us in any way,” he said.

“We try to exhaust all possible options that we have before we ask for help.”


This should be concerning to the Pentagon.  From a military perspective there is nothing more dangerous than an ally that is truly independent in thought and actions.

Now I ask you this.

Is it probable that the Philippines will allow their territory to be used to fire missiles at Chinese ships?

Will they even allow US forces to remain in the area to use ground based radar to monitor the sea?

I don't think they will.  Again, which nation is gonna get in the middle of Godzilla fighting King Kong?

None with sense.

We need to rethink our concepts.

If we fight in the Pacific its gonna be a Navy & Air Force fight.  The budget probably should reflect that.  For better or worse if that's our priority then the US Army and US Marine Corps should probably face at least a budget freeze, if not decrease.

Rough times ahead if we're serious about fighting China for our ground forces.

Open Comment Post. 6 July 24

India unveils light tank 'Zorawar', DRDO chief reviews advanced trials....Hat Tip to Junsupreme Twitter Page

Friday, July 05, 2024

Big city police depts are gonna have to adopt tactics used overseas to combat "moped/motorcycle" criminals...


(NSFW) Viet's Special Criminal Police chase bandits on motorcycles in Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam
byu/Parasyte-vn innextfuckinglevel
You ever chase a motorcycle? If the guy is good you're not gonna catch him and even to keep up you're gonna endanger the public. It just ain't happening. Don't see much of it in rural communities but in big cities? Yeah its a problem. With all the "new arrivals" and with many of them having a crime background the big city pd's are gonna have to setup moped/motorcycle units to combat the problem. It just makes sense. Imagine a traffic jam and the bad guys are splitting lanes and zooming away. Fight fire with fire. Give it a year and this will be the next big thing in law enforcement.

Late Open Comment Post. 5 July 24


Marines Want to Shut Down Sea Lines of Communication in a Pacific Fight


Hey all.  Do me a favor and look at the above map.  Take note of where Japan, Vietnam and the Philippines are in relation to Taiwan.

I've stated previously that the nations of the Pacific are MUCH different than Europe.

In the Pacific you're looking at age old fights and hatreds that still linger to this very day.

Now think about this.  Which of the above countries is gonna actually get into a fight with China over Taiwan.  Japan?  Yeah, at least for now.  The Philippines?  Maybe.  They're getting harassed and probed by the Chinese on an almost daily basis.  We're providing no help so when push comes to shove will they actually let the Marine Littoral Regiment launch missiles from their shores?  Vietnam?  They hate the Chinese, were actually in a fight with China (won) but they're practical.  Will they get between Godzilla and Kong in a fight over Taiwan?  I seriously doubt it.

Berger and now Smith, along with the same cast of characters put together a plan that just won't work.  It is just too damn light to fight.  Too big to sustain.  Too limited to make a difference.

All that "sense and make sense" bullshit they've spouted is just to feel better.

They labored hard and produced a steaming pile.  No matter how much Pentagon-ese you try and use, no matter how professorial you attempt to speak the reality is that when you peel it all away its trash.  

Check out the death throes of a failed concept.  via USNI News

The idea behind the Marine Corps Force Design innovations, started under his predecessor Gen. David Berger, is the ability to influence China’s behavior by “shutting down the sea lines of communication” from dispersed forces and precision strike, Smith said. 

So the Littoral Regiment is gonna stop Chinese shipping and warships by launching a few missiles from shore?  The ocean is a big place.  Don't see it happening.

 He added a dispersed force can thwart an enemy’s planning and operations. The littoral combat regiment also is capable of attacking and destroying a naval base.

“We still have MEFs [Marine Expeditionary Forces], aviation” to back those regiments up. He added with the dispersed three littoral combat regiments in the Indo-Pacific, “we’re still big enough to demonstrate a knock-out punch” especially when combined with submarines, Army multi-domain units and anti-ship missiles.

The MLR can attack and destroy a naval base?  Are you fucking kidding me!  That heart medicine must be fucking with his mind.

 Like shipbuilding, munition production “needs a steady, stable demand signal” from the Department of Defense, the services and industry itself. He called this “Job One” and warned against drawing on the nation’s war reserves to meet today’s demand.

The Chairman of the JCS and ALL the members should have been shouting this at least a year ago.

This fall. 

Right before the election.

If I was the Chinese President that's when I would take Taiwan. It would take awhile but you can rest assured that America will be in political turmoil whoever wins the election, coordination with Russia with a massive push in Ukraine would force us to make a choice and if we're being honest the US leadership despite all their talk has a European bent to their politics.

If Russia can put Ukraine on the brink (and I believe China, Iran and N. Korea will supply them lavishly...we need to keep on eye on that) at the sametime China is ready to go then Taiwan will be sacrificed to save Ukraine.

We don't have the depth to handle to major wars at the same time. 

Thursday, July 04, 2024

Happy 4th, Open Comments and a PSA


1.  Happy 4th to all.  Hope you're having a great day.

2.  Using this as Open Comments...shit happened and I gotta go in

3.  Public Service Announcement is to be careful.  For some strange reason a national holiday is being bastardized by the bad guys to cover their shit.  Fireworks call?  Nope you find a dude laying in the ditch.  Fireworks outside the house?  Nope its the goblins getting set to cover their tracks/actions while they assault your house.  Fireworks on your way to have a early/late dinner at your favorite restaurant?  Nope  they're shooting at your car and you didn't even know it.  Anyway be safe everyday but especially today if you're out and about.