Tuesday, July 16, 2024

Dude on the blog said that Obama was trying to knock off Biden. I told him he was full of shit. I was wrong...

 Got outside my usual news bubble and watched Morning Joe.  They confirmed what I thought was absolute bullshit.  They confirmed in no uncertain terms that the push to get Joe Biden off the ticket was coming from the Obama camp.

I was wrong.

Very fucking wrong.

I thought I followed politics but I totally missed that.  Don't know what's going on but I definitely am gonna hunt that one down.

To the reader that tried to skool me?  My bad!

Politics in America is a very tricky thing.  I can see a future President Trump knocking down Pence if he tried to run to replace him, but I really did think that Biden and Obama were good to go on personal terms I mean HE DID SUPPORT HIM against Trump and none of the other candidates!

Just plain wild.

31st MEU | HRST Sustainment....Photos by Cpl. Angel Diaz

31st MEU | HRST Sustainment B-Roll.....Video by Cpl. Angel Diaz

Amphibious Combat Vehicles Aboard Camp Schwab....Photos by Lance Cpl. Kendrick Jackson


The Secret Service needs to pick a lane...either they're hyper lethal personal protection agents or they're glorified accountants with badges...THEY CAN'T BE BOTH!

 You run across the typical Secret Service agent and you know who you're talking to?

A glorified accountant with a badge.  They investigate financial crimes.  They chase bad stocks exchanges and bad check passers or even fake dollar printers.

The shooters of the service are the guys that protect Presidents, high ranking civilian officials etc...

The Secret Service needs to pick a lane.

They need to specialize.

Either they're hyper lethal personal protection agents or they're glorified accountants.

Bust up the current setup and start again.

1st Marine Division: No better friend, no worse enemy......Video by Cpl. Adeola Adetimehin, Lance Cpl. Logan Courtright and Cpl. Jaye Townsend

Monday, July 15, 2024

Trump has street cred....

Shooter shot from the staging area for the police tactical team...

I have a small issue with this. All the federal law enforcement agencies use "police" on their gear in bold letters with the actual agency in much smaller print. It also applies to some State Police teams too. So who exactly staged from this building is what I want to know.

Open Comment Post. 15 July 24

Sunday, July 14, 2024

Pic of the shooter after being hit by Secret Service Counter Assault Teams


Damn. Almost looks like they got a headshot on this dude. Well done on eliminating the shooter. As far as everything else they fucked up beyond recognition. Sucks to be that team.

Interesting isn't it. Could Trump's supreme court win protect Biden (this is serious "what if")

 Eventually the conspiracy theories are gonna start.

In some corners the finger is being pointed at Biden, Obama and Hillary in various pairings.

Soon enough we're gonna see the podcasts and blogs on the theory of this thing.

But lets play a "what if".

What if Biden actually ordered the hit?  If that were ever proven to be the case, even with the cut outs that I'm sure whatever agency did this (far beyond the alphabet stuff) could Biden be charged?

NOT IF THEY ACTUALLY PUSH THE RHETORIC that Trump is a threat to democracy.

If they assert that Trump was a national security threat then even if this thing pointed squarely at the sitting President, then Biden couldn't be touched.

Ain't that a bitch.

America is fucked.

Did we witness complete failure or partial success by our Security Forces with regard to the Trump assassination attempt.

 That sniper was inside the security bubble.

He should not have been able to get that close and get a high angle shot off in the first place.

Either we saw a complete failure by our Security Forces (FBI, Secret Service) because he got that close or we saw a partial success because he was taking a headshot (only explanation for an ear shot) and barely missed but was killed on cue.

I don't know.

Don't know if I want to know.

The FBI and elite have no worries though.  Dead men don't talk, his background is crazy, he's young as hell and apparently his suicide mission ended as planned.

America is fucked.

Saturday, July 13, 2024


I saw a brother on the force die before my eyes today...he got married.

Marriage is a weird thing.

I watched a brother die right before my eyes.  It was terrible to see.  I wanted to shoot him to take away the pain but the realization in his eyes of his fate made me understand that the time for that would come later.

They dynamics of the thing were wild.

The ladies were all joyful, damn near cheering like it was a football game.

The guys?  For us we saw another one of the real ones bite the dust.

I mourn not for the dead but for the walking dead.  I could see the light fading from his eyes as I wished him a fake congratulations and saw the cackling grin of his bride.

May God Have Mercy On His Very Soul.

His wife won't.

Open Comment Post. 13 July 24


Friday, July 12, 2024

A perfect plan executed too late is a SHIT plan. The Democrats are executing a SHIT plan...

 Are you watching this shit with Biden?  

I'm sitting back in pure amazement.  

The excuses I'm hearing for FINALLY realizing that Biden is diminished and needs to enjoy his remaining years with family is laughable at best.

The idiocy we're hearing from the news media is borderline fucking insane.

But the concerning thing is what is happening.  

The powerbrokers and so called smartest people in the room have decided that they don't need to operate in the shadows anymore.

They're loud and proud with it.

They're telling democrat voters that their votes don't mean shit.

The news media is acting in the interests of this party.

Most people are acting like this is normal.

IT AIN'T!!!!!!

This is a modern day coup.  A forceful change of govt (possible future govt). 

The weird thing is I don't know how they get out of this mess. If Biden gets wild hair (more like his son and wife) and they say fuck it.  Not only will I not run for re-election but I won't continue in office then we're in a weird place.

I can't properly explain how alarming this is, but if you've watched US foreign policy then you KNOW that we've invaded nations for less.

United Flight 762 from Miami to Newark, New Jersey Tuesday

No thank you. I'll take my chances on the road unless I get a hair up my ass and move to the Philippines (can't get certain info outta my mind for retirement). But for domestic travel? Putting the truck on the road!

40 commando deployed in Australia as the Littoral Response Group (South)

1st Recon Bn. employs ULTV for ground reconnaissance exercise

Geez. Look at the size of the tires on this thing. They gotta be at least 35s! On a side by side? In the civilian world you're headed into a MONSTER Custom build. The only thing missing is a huge fucking lift but you get where I'm going. That thing is the size of a freaking HUMVEE.


Open Comment Post. 12 July 24