I've wondered what events conspired Berger to totally focus on the Pacific. What made him go whole hog on Force Design 2030? What happened in his career (if we're assuming that Force Design 2030 isn't a vanity play) that would have him alter the Marine Corps in such a way that retired/former Marines would damn near revolt, yet would cause him to be so convinced in his "rightness" that he would ignore anyone that wasn't onboard with his radical plan.
I went open source trying to find speeches.
That was pretty useless. Until he became commandant they were mostly boiler plate.
So I decided to look up his Wiki page and see his postings...via Wiki
Berger started serving as commanding general of Marine Air Ground Task Force Training Command and the Marine Corps Air Ground Combat Center on January 11, 2013.[8][11] In July 2014, Berger was promoted to the rank of lieutenant general and assumed command of I Marine Expeditionary Force.[12] On August 26, 2016, he was appointed simultaneously the commander, United States Marine Corps Forces, Pacific, and commanding general, Fleet Marine Force, Pacific.[13] During his time in that position he worked to strengthen the partnership between the U.S. Marine Corps and its local allies in Japan, Korea, Australia, and the Philippines,[10] including by increasing the size of the Marine Rotational Force in Darwin, Australia to a Marine air–ground task force. He also oversaw the introduction of the F-35 Lightning II and the expansion in the usage of the Bell Boeing V-22 Osprey.[13]
On August 28, 2018, Berger took up his new post as the Commanding General of Marine Corps Combat Development Command and Deputy Commandant for Combat Development and Integration.[14] His appointed to that position happened around the time that the military began focusing on the rise of China. As the head of MCCDC, he began considering how the knowledge he gained while commanding Marine forces in the Pacific could be applied to the Corps. Berger oversaw a wargame at the Naval War College that simulated a potential conflict in that region, and its results influenced his policies when he later became the commandant. According to him, the wargame showed that mobility and sustaining forces in the Western Pacific were going to be challenges in such a conflict, but with certain changes, the Marine Corps could have an important role in sea-control and sea-denial operations.[10]
I accused the guy of going native.
I was right but wasn't forceful enough in my declaration.
Because of his postings and because HE CHOSE to only see China (a cover given to him by Mattis), he sought and has so far succeeded thanks to his minions, to transform and pigeon hole the Marine Corps into a future that I believe will lead to its destruction.
Arrogance, vanity and a belief that only he can see the future.
Berger's term MIGHT serve to do one good thing. Any commandant that chooses to do so currently can do things that no other service chief would dare.
We are now aware of the IMPERIAL COMMANDANT, and it will take Congress to reign in his power or we will see this shit again.