Sunday, July 28, 2024

WTF is going on in Bangladesh?

We need to dial down on what a "protester" actually is. You have rioters, criminals, deviants and others that participate in "protests" and cause all types of mayhem and in some countries carry out acts of violence (including the USA). To call everyone that shows up at events protestors is just wrong.

More bureaucracy...the US military increases its BLOAT but not its combat power in the Pacific

The US military has a problem. It has a general officer issue. We have so much bloat, so little accountability and so little commonsense that I wonder how we even carry out daily functions. From my chair it looks like this. Imagine a local convience store. You have one checkout person and one person stocking shelves. You have 10 managers supervising the activity with all 10 being paid quite generously and reporting up the line. How does the owner save money? In the US military it would be to cut the person stocking shelves and make the guy at the check out stock and handle customers. Everyone else knows that you could knock out 9 of the managers. The US military is just a modern day welfare society for flag officers.

Vid of the aftermath of the ambush on Wagner

Its kinda obvious that someone penetrated their comms/planning and set this whole thing up. When they woke up that morning they were already dead, they just didn't know it. Only thing left to wonder is who provided the intel. Gotta be a Western country and my guess is either the US or French. We have better comm intel, the French have folks on the ground. Human or signal really doesn't matter. Wagner has a problem they need to solve. If they're smart they'll take a knee and get their shit together before launching any more ops.

Peru's Naval Infantry’s LAV-II armored personnel carriers

French VBMR-L Serval in Africa...

Hungary's new Leopard 2A7HU via John Hawke's X Page

SIGMA 155m wheeled howitzer

Nature IS brutal but Australia is particularly fucked up....

Wagner got smashed. Bad intel or lower quality operators?

Wagner got smashed in Africa. That continent is gonna be the place of the next major war between powers. Not some proxy shit but actual powers putting boots on the ground and getting after it. Why? Resources. Rare earth minerals that will make the next gen tech. But that's for another time. What happened here? Did they get bad intel or are we seeing lower quality operators? I think one thing is obvious. Wagner might continue in name but it ain't up to the same standard after the death of their benefactor. I'm thinking we're gonna see more of this and that spells doom on Russia's ambitions in the dark continent unless they get their act together.

Saturday, July 27, 2024

Something to make ya smile

Open Comment Post. 27 July 24

Things are worse in Ukraine than we're being told


Thursday, July 25, 2024

Ya'll keeping up on the minor story about the Fat Sailor? Seems like his Chief is hunting for the Marines that took the pic


I saw the above pic on USMC Reddit.  I thought no big deal.  Seen a fat sailor before and kept it moving.  Well I circle back and this thing has taken on a life of its own.  Of course the Marine Corps network is lookin' out for its own.  Check out the next pic.

Ordinarily I'd think it was just shit posting but in this new age of the US military I'm not so sure.

Weird ain't it.

Our military is off course and headed to the rocks.  A Senior Chief is hunting for the people that took the pic instead of wanting the heads of the people in this guy's command that let him get this way?

We're fucked.

Ricochets are dangerous, this vid might save your life...


The lessons taught by these demonstrations may one day save you life
byu/tacticalDildos inFirear 
This one is for my bros in all walks of life. From the guys in law enforcement, to the bubas on active duty and to the armed citizens. Ricochets are dangerous and can kill. Double that if you're up against a trained opponent.

Most training emphasizes the defensive side of this thing.

Cover versus concealment.

I definitely get that.  Thinking that you're hidden from view of the enemy is much different from being protected from enemy gunfire.

My point is that while incoming ricochets are dangerous to the good guys (and I'm assuming that we're all the good guys and not the baddies), I have to wonder why aren't we teaching the offensive aspects of this thing.

Maybe the high speed dudes get that.  Talking Special Ops and Snipers, but for the rest of us its barely even mentioned.

I guess the problem is one of having to build brand new facilities in order to get units trained up but if we're talking about fighting in urban areas and even mega cities then this type training could save a life.

Wednesday, July 24, 2024

Hamas supporters are going after national monuments...disgusting....


This is peaceful protest?

They think that they are "changing minds" with acts like this?


They know they aren't.  They aren't even trying to.  These folks get off (yeah in the damn near sexual sense) in the chaos and misery they cause.

Time to unleash some beasts that "get off" in correcting this type behavior.

Russian forces are close to encircling a few battalions of Ukraine's 31st Mech Brigade


When my twitter feed starts getting filled with snuff videos of Russian troops being attacked by aerial drones....or...pundits start talking about the number of Russian troops losses, I start wondering what the fuck is actually going on. This is what's going on. Ukraine is being pushed on several fronts.

The sad thing?

I don't believe that anyone in the West actually believed that Ukraine could win this fight militarily.

I believe that the SANCTIONS was the trump card that was supposed to guarantee Ukrainian victory.

Unfortunately, policy makers didn't keep up with current events.  I BELIEVE that the BRICS/Belt & Road was actually setup to blunt Western sanctions.

That tool in the toolbox got over used and the enemy adjusted.

Add Saudi Arabia selling oil in a variety of currencies, Opec in general cooperating with Russia to raise oil prices AND a military industrial base that was too sluggish to ramp up and you had a built in failure.

Tuesday, July 23, 2024

Day 1 - The Movie!

Major thanks to Canuk Fighter for the link! 

This is rather telling. While the US is preparing for invasion I posted a tweet where the Chinese military were talking about launching a blockade on Taiwan instead. Obviously the Taiwanese are paying close attention to what Chinese military officials are saying....

Amazing~! Zelensky now agrees with me and wants to turn the war off....

A perfect plan too late is still a shit plan. Two years ago this might have made a difference. Now? Not so much. The Russians are grinding down the Ukrainians and the Ukraninian response is to fill the net with snuff vids of Russian soldiers getting zapped by drones. His bigger problem is that once this is over the Ukraninian people in my opinion are gonna want to hunt this guy down. He better find a safe haven sooner rather than later.

Open Comment Post. 23 July 24

Plain talk from Military Officers. Yes, it did exist at one time. Check out a UK example of then vs now....