Tuesday, August 06, 2024

I thought one of my readers was talking smack but apparently SAM-BUSHES no longer work in the war between Ukraine & Russia

If an AC-130 can get this close to a Navy warship then shit has gone horribly wrong...

Yeah I know this was just play time for an AC-130 crew but that plane can't sink a ship. Cause major damage to electronics and kill personnel but not sink a ship.

The fighting in Bangladesh is turning nasty....


This might be an EXTEREMELY controversial statement but I can see a time when its EVERY RELIGION ON EARTH vs the Muslims...

Open Comment Post. 6 Aug 24


Friday, August 02, 2024

We have a problem with a man fighting a woman in an Olympic event but we're cool with women fighting men in combat?

 I don't get all the whining.

Women brought this on themselves.  First they sat quiet or encouraged trans to participate in women's sports.  Before that they said that women should be allowed to be in combat and engage in the ultimate sport of fighting men for their very lives.

Make up my mind.

Either you think women are equal which means that you should have no issue with this shit in the Olympics or admit that you were wrong on all counts.

You can't be both.

Rant off.

Open Comment Post. 2 Aug 24


18th Airborne Corps deploying to the Pacific & working on maritime insertion...

 via Army Times

The 18th Airborne Corps has the global response force mission for the Army, meaning a rapid deployment of up to an entire brigade on short notice. The airborne and air assault capabilities also give the corps more ways to reach their target than nonairborne capable units.

Donahue pointed to those skillsets and ongoing work on maritime insertion, including the corps’ recent work operating the floating pier off the shore of Gaza in the Israel-Hamas conflict, as ways the corps is preparing to respond anywhere it’s needed.


If you abandon a mission, another force will pick it up.

From my chair it appears that the USMC has given up on being a global response force AND amphibious assault AND combined arms operations AND scaling up and down the force continuum to fit the needs of the combatant commander.

What are they doing instead?

Tying themselves to the navy in its "naval task force" construct.

That alone means fewer missions, less utility to the nation and becoming a non-starter for combatant commanders.

Who can blame the Army for doing what the Marine Corps has decided not to?

Wednesday, July 31, 2024

CENTCOM is about to be busy. 1st MARDIV better start dusting off those desert cammies---fuck FD2030, its back to the future...

So Israel decided its gonna engage in a two front war with Hezbollah & Hamas? Correction. Add Iran to that mix. 1st MARDIV better get its act together. US involvement in some fashion seems certain. I bet JSOC is popping corks right now. They're going back to their happy hunting grounds.

I'm late to the party but RUGBY is fucking awesome...


Tuesday, July 30, 2024

Late Open Comment Post 30 July 24


Still waiting to see what the notional loadout is for a Force Design 2030 MEU looks like...

We still don't know what the notional loadout for a Force Design 2030 MEU looks like.

Has anyone seen it?


Should be alot lighter.  I mean they were talking about using well decks for everything but the Ground Combat Element so I'm expecting a whole bunch of side by sides.

Sunday, July 28, 2024

Mali’s Azawad forces now say they’re ready to hand over captured Russian Wagner PMC mercenaries to Ukraine

Oh and supposedly the commander of the operation and a guy who led a big fight in Ukraine has been killed too. Wagner took a big hit in this op.

WTF is going on in Bangladesh?

We need to dial down on what a "protester" actually is. You have rioters, criminals, deviants and others that participate in "protests" and cause all types of mayhem and in some countries carry out acts of violence (including the USA). To call everyone that shows up at events protestors is just wrong.

More bureaucracy...the US military increases its BLOAT but not its combat power in the Pacific

The US military has a problem. It has a general officer issue. We have so much bloat, so little accountability and so little commonsense that I wonder how we even carry out daily functions. From my chair it looks like this. Imagine a local convience store. You have one checkout person and one person stocking shelves. You have 10 managers supervising the activity with all 10 being paid quite generously and reporting up the line. How does the owner save money? In the US military it would be to cut the person stocking shelves and make the guy at the check out stock and handle customers. Everyone else knows that you could knock out 9 of the managers. The US military is just a modern day welfare society for flag officers.

Vid of the aftermath of the ambush on Wagner

Its kinda obvious that someone penetrated their comms/planning and set this whole thing up. When they woke up that morning they were already dead, they just didn't know it. Only thing left to wonder is who provided the intel. Gotta be a Western country and my guess is either the US or French. We have better comm intel, the French have folks on the ground. Human or signal really doesn't matter. Wagner has a problem they need to solve. If they're smart they'll take a knee and get their shit together before launching any more ops.

Peru's Naval Infantry’s LAV-II armored personnel carriers

French VBMR-L Serval in Africa...

Hungary's new Leopard 2A7HU via John Hawke's X Page

SIGMA 155m wheeled howitzer