Saturday, August 24, 2024

Open Comment Post. 24 Aug 24

Wish I would have had the forethought to have done this myself.....I would have framed it

Getting misty. Wish I had done this before my mom passed away. It would be framed and lighted....

Philly cyclist that was gunned down in broad daylight? Just another gang banger...

I saw the above video and had troubling making it make sense. Four people gunning down what appears to be a random cyclist? Just didn't sing. I waited to post on it because it OBVIOUSLY had to be more to the story. Well guess what. Dude was just another gang banger. Now it makes sense. Note one other thing. Crime is hard living. Dude is 25 and looks anywhere from 35 to 45. Normally my heart would go out but you reap what you sow.

Friday, August 23, 2024

Why is Houthi "at sea" criminality a US Navy problem and not one requiring a UN solution?

I hate this shit. This is what the UN is for right? Everyone always searches for a US solution to international problems instead of the institutions that are supposedly designed to take care of those issues. Why pay all that money to the UN if we have to just do it ourselves while the rest of the world just bitches and moans? Fuck that. Time for the rest to get involved. The US has problems of its own.

This is effective Ukrainian propaganda. Much better than the drone kill vids...

Some weapon malfunctions suck more than others...

Islamic convicts take control of Russian prison....kill guards and take others hostage....

Open Comment Post. 23 Aug 24

Is this what the Kursk offensive about?

Thursday, August 22, 2024

Is this true? Ukrainian forces don't return their dead so that they're listed as MIA instead???

Schützenpanzer Puma Version S1


Convair Model 48 Seaplane


Marines with 3/5 conduct urban raid attacks at Range 220 during AFX

A U.S. Marine Corps amphibious combat vehicle with 3rd Assault Amphibian Battalion, 1st Marine Division, provides suppressive fire during an Adversary Force Exercise as a part of Service-Level Training Exercise 5-24 at Range 220, Marine Corps Air-Ground Combat Center, Twentynine Palms, California, Aug. 6, 2024. SLTE 5-24 is purpose built to train, develop, and validate the Infantry Battalion Experiment as part of a larger Marine Air-Ground Task Force operation as a Stand-in Force across a contested multi-domain distributed environment. (U.S. Marine Corps photo by Cpl. Hunter Wagner)

The Giant of Kandahar story will just not die...

Open Comment Post. 22 Aug 24

Obama can't save the Dems in the black community...we're about to see a shatter event that changes things....

Wednesday, August 21, 2024

If this is true (IF) then its a troubling development in the Ukraine vs Russia war...

Tuesday, August 20, 2024

Nuclear war against one nation is boring....lets get ready for three!

I'm being nasty in the title but to be honest I had assumed that we already had this lined out. Well with Russia and China at least. I wonder what the real deal is with N. Korea and their program. I just don't see them committing that type of national suicide that would destroy that nation for generations.

Why is the IDF saying "hostages" when we all know its a body recovery mission?

This is one of things that irk the hell outta me in this war. The IDF keeps talking about recovering hostages. They're not. Its an easy assumption to believe that anyone still with the Hamas terrorist (Palestinians) is dead. Full stop. If it was about getting their people back alive then the war would have been delayed and that part of things would have been negotiated. They chose to go immediately to war and once the first bomb dropped the fate of those taken was sealed. I hate the word play that Defense Depts/Ministries engage in these days.

Open Comment Post. 20 Aug 24