Sunday, August 25, 2024

Iran's Jaish al-Adl group executed the head of intelligence in Kesh City, Hossein Piri, in Balochistan.....How is Israeli Intel Agencies able to get this close, Iran is totally penetrated


via USMC Reddit...The Argument For & Against Tanks....

The argument for tanks.
byu/TJkiwi inUSMC
byu/TJkiwi from discussion
I continue to marvel how ONE MAN's "great white whale" (Berger and his personal hyperfocus on China and China alone) was allowed to twist, alter and destroy a great organization. What's even more troubling is how so many Marine Officers fell in line without thought or reason. These are the people that will lead future Marines into combat? They will fill body bags. Critical thinkers they are not!

Saturday, August 24, 2024

Snake Island is back in the news. The Russians hit it and supposedly NATO Special Ops was part of the force there...


US Army Rangers are a fire & forget send them in to solve a problem and then you forget about the problem cause its about to be NOT a problem....

The United States Marine Corps was about that shit. 


They want to be the sense and make sense outfit....fucking human that the real shooters can do work...sad fucking shit...these Force Design zealots are fucked beyond recognition.

These are our future warfighters....we are so fucked

We are so fucked. I wouldn't trust them in a fucking fist fight much less bullets flying. I repeat. WE ARE FUCKED.

Marine Light Attack Helicopter Squadron 267, Marine Aircraft Group 39, 3rd Marine Aircraft Wing, during deck landing qualifications off the coast of San by Lance Cpl. Logan Courtright

Open Comment Post. 24 Aug 24

Wish I would have had the forethought to have done this myself.....I would have framed it

Getting misty. Wish I had done this before my mom passed away. It would be framed and lighted....

Philly cyclist that was gunned down in broad daylight? Just another gang banger...

I saw the above video and had troubling making it make sense. Four people gunning down what appears to be a random cyclist? Just didn't sing. I waited to post on it because it OBVIOUSLY had to be more to the story. Well guess what. Dude was just another gang banger. Now it makes sense. Note one other thing. Crime is hard living. Dude is 25 and looks anywhere from 35 to 45. Normally my heart would go out but you reap what you sow.

Friday, August 23, 2024

Why is Houthi "at sea" criminality a US Navy problem and not one requiring a UN solution?

I hate this shit. This is what the UN is for right? Everyone always searches for a US solution to international problems instead of the institutions that are supposedly designed to take care of those issues. Why pay all that money to the UN if we have to just do it ourselves while the rest of the world just bitches and moans? Fuck that. Time for the rest to get involved. The US has problems of its own.

This is effective Ukrainian propaganda. Much better than the drone kill vids...

Some weapon malfunctions suck more than others...

Islamic convicts take control of Russian prison....kill guards and take others hostage....

Open Comment Post. 23 Aug 24