Friday, August 30, 2024

The caption is right. This is 0 to 100 in 2.5 seconds (no gun play on camera so still a "friendly" stop)


Amphibious Combat Vehicle Route Lance Cpl. Kendrick Jackson

 Note.  The Commandant says that tanks are no longer viable.  Ok. Then how are APCs viable if more heavily armored vehicles are not. He talks about needing more missile artillery but cuts cannon.  How does that make sense if we're being informed by the Ukraine conflict where tanks & cannon artillery is viable (in the case of cannon artillery extremely important).  Continuing with the ACV in light of Smith & Berger's new Marine Corps makes no sense.

USMC Infantry will not survive the pacing threat.  Anytime the Chinese face US Marines they'll close with & destroy Marine formations with shock, maneuver and firepower....US Army armored units will stand a chance but will be too busy fighting for their own survival to bail out the Marines.

Damn! The Commandant basically said that the Marine Corps is for "China only"...other theaters are low priority for the Marine Corps!

 The Commandant's Planning Guidance is here.  Read it all.  

I HAVE NEVER HEARD OF A COMMANDANT CALLING "OTHER THEATERS LOW PRIORITY" and that due to the planning guidance, everything must be redone to deal with China and only China.

He also used the term "we're on the righteous path" with Force Design.

That's damn near religious dogma.  This fucker is a true believer in Force Design 2030.

I said it would take a generation to unfuck the Corps.  Add another 20 years to that.  The enemy is inside the wire and somehow they were put in charge.

Thursday, August 29, 2024

This is a part of the Trump Arlington story that isn't being told...


Amphibious Combat Vehicle Route Reconnaissance Day 2....Video by Cpl. Noah Masog

Amphibious Combat Vehicle Route Reconnaissance Day 1....Video by Cpl. Noah Masog


Pokrovsk front is in collapse

 Thanks to NOBLE for the link!

via Reddit

At this stage, I would say its safe to say the Pokrovsk front is in collapse. All reports point to Ukrainian command in this area being in complete disarray, unable to properly plan the defence nor respond to the rapidly changing situation. Ukrainian units are understrength, underarmed, and having to man an increasingly large stretch of front line, when they were already having issues holding when the front here was much smaller, and they were in strong defensive positions. Individual units are retreating, surrendering or being cut off without communicating to one another, leading to numerous gaps in the front line, and soldiers being wiped out (killed, wounded or captured) by the quickly moving Russian force, who are leveraging the chaos to make great progress.

Ukraine is losing multiple settlements every week, including towns that should have been able to hold for months. Their Vovcha River defence line, a heavily fortified line which I have spoken about at length this year, is being rapidly undone, with Ukrainian forces unable to handle Russian assaults coming from behind it. With this line falling, Ukraine is losing its best defensive position in central Donetsk Oblast, and has few defences set up further west to fall back to.

3 critically important cities are either already being assaulted, or under imminent threat of assault, which will result in a severe degradation, or outright cutoff, of supplies to a huge proportion of the frontline in Donetsk. There are tens of thousands of Ukrainian soldiers whose supplies run through those areas, who will be forced to retreat if/when those cities fall, if they are not killed or captured before they can.


This is a stunning read.

I wondered why the Russians haven't launched a vicious counter attack against Ukrainian forces but now I know.

The assault in Russia will be dealt with in due time.

Seizing even more Ukrainian territory is on the menu right now. They can simply hold on their own land and when the time is right destroy those units in total.

Additionally Russia continues to attack Ukrainian power generation plants.

Winter is coming and its gonna hurt.

Zelensky to present peace plan to Biden, Harris, Trump

 via The Hill

“Second direction is Ukraine’s strategic place in the security infrastructure of the world,” Zelensky said, according to CNN. “Third direction is the powerful package of forcing Russia to end the war in a diplomatic way, and the fourth direction is economical.”

Ukraine’s leader said he plans to attend the United Nations General Assembly in New York in September. While there, he plans to meet with Biden and will present the plan. Due to the uncertainty of who is going to win the 2024 election, Zelensky said he planned to share the plan with both Trump, the GOP nominee, and Harris, the newly-minted Democratic nominee. 


Make no mistake about it.  Zelensky is preparing for his exit from the stage and HOPEFULLY a long life after the disaster he's led in Ukraine.

I called for peace talks long ago.

All the Anti-Russia zealots shouted it down.


Now the leader of Ukraine is hoping for it.  Makes ya wonder huh?

So reading between the lines of this weak ass attempt at diplomatic speak what is he asking for?

Long term economic assistance.

Ukraine is now a third world nation at best.  If peace came tonight it would take 50 years for them to catch up to Europe assuming that Europe was willing to foot the bill.  Any economic shock or if the Europeans decide to turn inward and you can add additional years to the rebuilding of Ukraine's economy.

Long term security assistance.

Besides money, Zelensky is wanting Europe to rebuild his army.  Should be cheap cause he's sent all the fighting age men in that nation to their deaths already but the future Ukrainian armed forces will have more weapons than people.  After seeing how quickly war stocks are depleted that might be a good thing but it will take much effort.

Long term security guarantees.

Basically what Zelensky wants is NATO membership.  If you have a repeat of 2014 and Russia reacts they want NATO to come riding to the rescue.  That alone will make this a non-starter.

Long story short?

The globalist want this off the front page.  Zelensky needs to do something (too late now) cause he was already the walking dead.

This war doesn't have much longer.  Ukraine will sue for peace but even if he does its gonna be a terrible winter for Ukraine.

The 101st is working with the Mobile Brigade Combat Team concept

 via Army Times

Sylvia said the division command elements of the Fort Campbell brigade performed mobile strike missions requiring 76 aircraft to haul more than 2,000 soldiers and 252 pieces of equipment across more than 500 miles on two avenues of approach. That maneuver necessitated at least two refueling points before troops hit the ground at 14 different landing zones.

Another 700 soldiers were needed to manage the forward area refueling points along the route from Fort Campbell to Fort Johnson, he said.

The 500-mile mark is key, Sylvia added. If the Army can strike from that distance, they can strike nearly any important feature of Russia, China, Iran or North Korea from regional installations.


Will this work?

Don't know.

Is it encouraging to see the Army working the problem and developing its force to be capable of credible "strike & hold" operations?

You bet your ass.

This was once Marine Corps territory.  The Pentagon abhors a vacuum and the Army is stepping into the breach.

One Marine Corps leader decided that he had all the answers, could see only one region and one foe and pushed his chips all in with the support of a few well placed zealots while GOOD MEN DID NOTHING!

If we're lucky the Army will stand in the breach while it takes a generation of Marines to UNFUCK the Corps.