Saturday, August 31, 2024

What was this Royal Navy Sub doing? If the tiles on boats is the same on planes then this thing was running fast and deep....rode hard as hell!

I thought our stuff came back looking rough. This boat looks like its seen the bad side of hell and has a story to tell. How do the tiles on boats work? Is it like planes and they wear off due to high speed/deep stuff or is it normal wear and tear?

I stand by it. Lightning is more effective than pepper spray

I stand by it. Lightning is more effective than pepper spray and gives a better life lesson. Been pepper sprayed? Yep. 30-45 min of pain and clear ass sinuses. Been tased? Yep. Pain and locked the fuck up, then two weeks of muscle soreness. If you have to take your pick of getting hit by one pick pepper spray. You can fight thru that. If lightning works on ya (nothing is 100%) then you're food on a plate.

We're gonna witness one of these streamers getting killed real soon...

How does the Littoral Regiment deter this type of Chinese behavior???

IF FUCKING DOESN'T. THE SEA BATTLE IS AN AIR & NAVAL FIGHT. GROUND FORCES ARE SPECTATORS UNLESS A LANDING IS ATTEMPTED OR REPULSED! WAKE THE FUCK UP HQMC!!! Berger and his bitch boy Smith should have fucked with the Wing. The ground side is the wrong tool for the job they have in mind.

Open Comment Post. 31 Aug 24

Friday, August 30, 2024

The caption is right. This is 0 to 100 in 2.5 seconds (no gun play on camera so still a "friendly" stop)


Amphibious Combat Vehicle Route Lance Cpl. Kendrick Jackson

 Note.  The Commandant says that tanks are no longer viable.  Ok. Then how are APCs viable if more heavily armored vehicles are not. He talks about needing more missile artillery but cuts cannon.  How does that make sense if we're being informed by the Ukraine conflict where tanks & cannon artillery is viable (in the case of cannon artillery extremely important).  Continuing with the ACV in light of Smith & Berger's new Marine Corps makes no sense.

USMC Infantry will not survive the pacing threat.  Anytime the Chinese face US Marines they'll close with & destroy Marine formations with shock, maneuver and firepower....US Army armored units will stand a chance but will be too busy fighting for their own survival to bail out the Marines.

Damn! The Commandant basically said that the Marine Corps is for "China only"...other theaters are low priority for the Marine Corps!

 The Commandant's Planning Guidance is here.  Read it all.  

I HAVE NEVER HEARD OF A COMMANDANT CALLING "OTHER THEATERS LOW PRIORITY" and that due to the planning guidance, everything must be redone to deal with China and only China.

He also used the term "we're on the righteous path" with Force Design.

That's damn near religious dogma.  This fucker is a true believer in Force Design 2030.

I said it would take a generation to unfuck the Corps.  Add another 20 years to that.  The enemy is inside the wire and somehow they were put in charge.

Thursday, August 29, 2024

This is a part of the Trump Arlington story that isn't being told...