Sunday, October 06, 2024

Has anyone noticed that the Red Cross isn't seen in NC? FEMA is ineffective yet volunteers are harassed?

Has anyone noticed that the Red Cross isn't seen in NC?

That's another NGO that was helping immigrants get into the US but when a disaster hits citizens is nowhere to be seen.

FEMA is undoubtedly ineffective and just plain in the way.  The 82nd and 101st are in the area but guess what.  The Blackhawks are too big and all those smaller helos bought for the national guard aren't there!

I complained about Marine Air and what's left of Marine Engineers are nowhere to be seen but its obvious that the Marine Corps is no longer America's force in readiness.

Long story short?

We are seeing ANOTHER failure of our national govt.  At this point the only thing they seem to be good at is money collection from taxpayers and distributors to others.  

If that is the role then cool but their powers need to be rolled back DRAMATICALLY and the states plussed up to handle shit like this.

Open Comment Post. 6 Oct 24

Friday, October 04, 2024

This account from the disaster zone is hard to hear...but you should hear it...

So proud of these boys! The Cajun Wing is in NC doing God's work!


Tim Kennedy verifies reports that FEMA is hindering relief operations!!!



When the govt says we're here to help watch your ASS!!!!!

Thanks to Cogitans for the link! Can you believe this shit! FEMA is stopping aid from getting to people. Sometimes I wonder who the real enemy of the American people is!

Open Comment Post. 4 Oct 24

War crimes galore and the fools on both sides of the Russia/Ukraine conflict are video taping themselves doing it...


I hate censorship. I believe the public needs to know the good, bad and especially ugly. But the snuff vids that both sides are putting out is past old. So why post this one. To highlight the fact that we keep seeing fools on both sides posting vids of war crimes. Not of combat but of fucking war crimes. Everyone knows I want this war turned off. Part of the negotiations should be to deal with the individuals that participated in these acts.

Thursday, October 03, 2024

Small gripe. The staff types showed up and flexed the rule book during a disaster....

 I was bitching about the response to the Asheville disaster (regional disaster) happening as we speak.

We're seeing the usual from local officials (the lust of power and the ability to fuck with people remains long after covid went away...covid = common cold by the way), and just like Katrina we're seeing the same state emergency officials frozen in a state of inaction due to idiotic analysis instead of LEANING into the problem.

That's my gripe.

The staff types (never knew I had so many on these pages...thought it was just knuckle draggers) told me how its supposed to be done.  What the law requires yada yada yada.

I get that.

The law is the law.

But its supposed to be backed up by common sense, compassion and a bias to find ways to help your fellow man, not quote the rules when they're YOUR fellow countrymen trying to survive a natural disaster.

What I can't figure is if this is just politics at play (defending the Biden Admin and helping Kamala) OR an actual slowness to act because they live in an environment of pushing papers.

The US Army has sent 1000 Airborne Troops.  Freaking awesome.  BUT WE HAVE A COMBATANT COMMANDER FOR NORTH AMERICA!!!!

That fuck can draw troops just like everyone else.

When we saw the first reports of this thing everyone was monitoring it.  I'm sure they were doing the same at least in the intel shops at Bragg and Lejeune.  They should have been doing the same at Ft Dix, Ft Campbell AND at Ft Benning (I think that covers most of the big bases in the region although Dix is outside the zone but still belongs to the 18th Airborne Corps...I think).

If I was the Commanding General of those forces I would have my shops draw up contingency plans to assist.  I would have sent a message up to Northern Command letting them know what Engineer, Military Police, Infantry...FUCK EVEN MOTOR T available to assist.

Long story short?

Even if the locals said kiss my ass we got it, it would have been one helluva snap exercise to test unit readiness.

But they did need the help and 1k Airborne ain't shit considering the massiveness of the disaster.

Another point of order.

I'm really sick and tired of having the most powerful, highest priced and technologically advanced military able to get shit done for ass wipes on the other side of the planet but when shit kicks off here they sit on their hands and when I bitch about it some staff types show up to tell me how wrong and ignorant I am (can't argue the last).

So yeah.  We SHOULD follow the law but we should be biased to ACT when it comes to helping our fellow citizens.


It irks the hell out of me that I don't see any Marines involved in this effort.  For Christ's sake send the wing with some Hueys and 53s to help. I know our engineers are shit shape with Force Design 2030 but we SHOULD be apart of this effort.

Iran is not ready for war with Israel???


They bang the war drums so hard!

They're right but wrong.  Iran is not ready for war with Israel.  They will be destroyed but Israel will be crippled too.  Probably for a generation.

But the war (proposed and pushed by globalists) isn't what will be the big bad for Israel.

It will be an entire population that is growing massively and a bunch of brain washed young men hopped up on religious fervor that will doom the state.

Oct 7th?  Terrible day.  Imagine a week of that.  A month.

Retaliation for the strikes is necessary.  Damn near essential.  The neighborhood is rough and few follow the "rules".

But like I said.  Gaza was the good, necessary fight.  Lebanon? I remain unconvinced. We can't forget that Netanyahu was about to face charges when this whole thing kicked off and once the war is over they'll be back to finish that business.

The IDF is a pure defensive force.  It is not capable of sustained expeditionary operations.

My recommendation.

Israel should save its strength.  It should rebuild its forces, develop overmatch capabilities across the board and make the Iranians wait for the counterstrike.

In about a year when all is in order then aim to destroy their nuclear facilities, attempt to decapitate Iran's leadership, destroy its air and ballistic missile force in detail and turn its oil production capability into toxic waste that will have Greenpeace screaming for a decade.

But not now.  Now is NOT the time.

We're all focused on North Carolina & the IDF action in Lebanon. Meanwhile Russia is making huge gains in Ukraine...

Ugledar is destroyed. 71% of Donetsk region is occupied, 22% of Ukraine. Russian losses amount to 0.4% of the population, and the military budget exceeds the Ukrainian one by 6 times. They have no reason to stop. Europe either helps Ukraine or prepares for battle itself.
byu/Swimming-Beyond378 inLoveForUkraine
If China is the enemy then they must be laughing their asses off. The idea that the US especially but the West in general is depleting its war stocks for wars elsewhere is simply amazing. I would bet body parts that we don't have enough missiles, bombs, fight ONE major regional war much less two. If Iran does China's bidding and launches a major fight against Israel OR Israel does the same to Iran then our attention will be focused like a laser beam to that region. Add in the spike in oil that will arrive, outrage from the public, and economies in the West being pushed into recession all during a presidential election in America and China will have their window to strike.

We should have demanded negotiations sooner.  Our window for that has closed and all we're left with is two bad wars with probably two bad matter how we try and spin them both into victories.

This Chief ceremony (I guess) is an absolute MIND FUCK!


Aint no way lol
byu/V3NOMous__ inUSMC
Forget there being more rolls than a bakery shop. Did that fucker actually do that? MIND FUCKED!

Monday, September 30, 2024

Ashville, NC. A terrible look for the Biden Admin, and US Military (especially NorthCom)


Do you see this clown?

He's NorthCom Commander.  The horrible situation in NC is his chance to shine.

Instead he along with the entire Joint Chiefs are failing the American people badly.

Think about this.  Do you know the units we have in NC?  You have the 2nd Marine Division.  You have the 82nd Airborne.  Alongside the 82nd you have a MAJOR USAF base housing maybe hundreds of cargo aircraft.

Have they been activated to assist?

Do you see US Marines or Airborne Soldiers assisting their fellow citizens?

Are the skies filled with USMC, US Army and USAF aircraft of all types assisting in search and rescue?


Apparently we only do that in foreign locals.

You want prior service folks to start recommending military service again?  How about a massive show of military might to help our own?

You all about DEI?  Send those same forces to the same communities ravaged!

It would be nothing but a win all around.

But what do we have?  We have the US military sitting on their fucking asses looking stupid.

They can all eat shit and die.  Or better yet get the fuck up and do some fucking work!

Saturday, September 28, 2024

What Would A Far Cheaper Next Generation Air Dominance Fighter Actually Look Like? via WARZONE

Read the article, then come back here.

You back?

Did you see what the Air Force Chief is saying what he wants?  That's alot of capabilities to stuff into a manned fighter ain't it.  More to the point he doesn't want a manned fighter (well he does but it doesn't add up when you mix in what he's saying) what he actually wants is a control platform.

He's talking about numbers.  He's talking about having the right numbers of fighters, both manned and unmanned.

But he's caught on the horns of a dilemma.  

Getting and keeping the number of pilots that he wants is seemingly impossible in this day and age.  Additionally he's fighting against the technological revolution.

What he needs is a long range, long duration control bird.  He can build tons of loyal wingmen but the manned portion of the plan is where he gets in trouble.

But that's also his solution.

He needs the G650 to act as the control platform for the loyal wingmen.  The plane can fly at Mach .925.  It has a range of just over 8K miles.  It has room for a number of operators so the control aspect won't be saddled on one person trying to control a squadron of drones.

The fighter mafia is messing with the future because they want asses in seats instead of going where the tech is leading.

Open Comment Post. 28 Sep 24


America’s Airshow 2024: MAGTF Demo...Photos by Lance Cpl. Jennifer Sanchez


A comment made me pause and then brought this to mind ( about religion)

 A reader made a comment about how Shia Islam views things and by extension gave their view of the killing of the Hezbollah leader.

Unfortunately you miss a major point, the whole Shia Islam is around the concept of Martyrdom.

Are you happy in your coach thinking about your next holiday or next meeting at work ?

Well, those guys are looking for martyrdom, because that would please God and assure their place on heaven.

On the contrary of Christian, who just read about the Apocalypse, they (=Muslim) see Satan in action bombing their cities.

think about that, are you kind of Christian? If four raiders would literally appear, would you care about your mortgage or about giving God a sign of how good you are?

It is a serious question. Please answer.

For them it is pretty much the second option.

do you think that killing their leader will stop them?

You are gravely mistaken.

On one thing we agree.  The killing of Hezbollah's leader won't stop them.  I pretty much stated the same by remarking that the second in command is usually much more radical and will dial things up to 12.  What that will lead to in this fight is beyond me but this thing could have been turned off but the IDF and Hezbollah both seem to want the fight.

But ignoring all that for a second.  I want to address his view on Christianity.


Unfortunately those that have a BASIC reading of the bible focus only on the "peace and love" but there are several passages that says that if you call yourself a Christian you're not to go gently into that night.

 Blessed be the LORD, my rock, who trains my hands for war, and my fingers for battle; he is my steadfast love and my fortress, my stronghold and my deliverer, my shield and he in whom I take refuge, who subdues peoples under me. Psalm 144:1-2

Where did I get that from?  Not from the black church I attended.  Not from my grandma or grandpa or mom or dad.  Not from some elder in the church that served in the military.


I got that from my batshit crazy senior Drill Instructor.  Never asked but the dude his views on things but he wore a camo cross around his neck that you could sometimes see pop out from under his t-shirt when we were involved in some type of vigorous training.

He had us saying the portion in red like a fucking mantra.  Don't care who was around.  Colonel pop down to watch us do our thing?  Before we hook and jab we'd say that shit.  Capt walking around monitoring shit?  We'd say that shit.

It was a MUCH different time.  Much different Marine Corps.  But it got across to me that doing God's work sometimes involves violence.

My reader at the start of this talked about how we view the end times.

Jesus himself talks about coming back as a lion, not as a lamb. Hell the bible itself talks about a massive war between good and evil.

Christianity has been bastardized, made weak and feeble and made to have no standards of behavior or consequences for evil doers.

Long story short?

If you're a true believer then you believe in fighting for what's right.

My only quibble with this killing is the unintended consequences of the action, the inevitable knock on deaths caused by continued fighting.

Won't cover it but the endless wars are of the devil himself.  That we should rail against.  Not the just fight but the prolonged fight for profit. 

Friday, September 27, 2024

The IDF went after the Hezbollah leader. Looks like they tagged him and things are heating up.

Netanyahu was scheduled to leave for Israel tomorrow, but now he's leaving early.

Bomb shelters in Israel are being opened up.

Hezbollah has already started a missile barrage into Israel.

The US rushed forces into the area.  We know about the air and especially the naval forces but the movement of ground troops especially SOCOM (Rangers, SF, SEALs & Raiders) along with probably the 82nd is less known.

Don't know if many have been following it but CENTCOM has been planning for the evacuation of civilians from Lebanon for weeks now.

Unintended or badly planned, the consequences of this thing might spiral and once again the US COULD be pulled back into fighting in the Middle East.

Sidenote.  Why is hitting leadership such a thing now?  When will we learn that the next guy up is ALWAYS more radical than the fool we're currently dealing with!