The Joint Force mafia has a dream of the services losing all identity and going purple. The thinking is that the competition between the services is destructive and wasteful.
I believe that they're the same crowd that gives out medals to everyone at athletic events. Kinda taints the desire to be the best don't it.
But I digress.
One area where they've made the greatest strides to achieve this joint force utopia is SOCOM.
In my mind its not a matter of when but rather of how long it takes for SOCOM to become its own unique, service irrelevant force.
I don't know whether that will be a good or bad thing...What happens when there are no more SEALs, Green Berets, Rangers, USAF Special Ops or Marine Special Forces? Just simply US Special Ops.
I'm really unsure. What I believe will happen is that you will see the services simply re-invent these same units to perform those missions for the Combatant Commander. Remember SOCOM is also pushing to operate outside the sphere of influence of the CC's..the SOCOM Chief of Staff or whatever they call him will be conducting wars world wide.
Will they get a seat on the Joint Chiefs of Staff? Or will they fall under the Director of the CIA? Or even the State Dept? Or will they report directly to the President?
Will they fall under intelligence or law enforcement? Intelligence will give them greater lattitude in mission sets but law enforcement will perhaps open the door to more countries. Will they perhaps be split in two...a dark and light side. It boggles the mind.
I can't wait to see it.